Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3062

They searched for five or six hours, but they couldn't find anyone. She actually hid in the mountains and gave birth to the baby.

The mountain was open and echoed heavily. The cry echoed in the mountain, and it was clear where it came from.

But anyway, the man was on the mountain, and the head of the armed forces immediately ordered, "look, follow the voice of the child."

The head of the armed forces looked around.

The cry of the child was in the valley. Their people searched the valley for many times. Even the ants were almost trampled to death. How could a person of that size not see?

There must be places to hide out of sight.

Caves, there must be caves.

This discovery, let his whole person hit chicken blood, "search the mountain wall, see if there is a hole that can hide people."


aunt Yang knew that the baby had to cry, but when she heard the loud voice, she still held the baby and was in a panic.

Anyin, who had almost lost his life, sat up without knowing where the strength came from.

Touch the baby's delicate mouth with your fingers.

The baby seemed to feel her mother, and immediately stopped crying. She shrunk her nose and smelled her mother.

Aunt Yang was relieved and sat on the ground, hoping that the sound would not attract the attention of the animals outside.

Anyin carefully took the baby from Aunt Yang's arms and wrapped it in her own clothes.

Looking at the child who didn't cry any more, aunt Yang couldn't help saying, "I haven't seen such a beautiful child yet."

An Yin smile, silently coax the little man in the arms.

The child's body is full of blood, but the small face is very beautiful. Anyin thought of Qin Jian's saying that she wanted her to give birth to him. For a while, she didn't know whether it was sweet or astringent.

Would he be happy if he knew they had a son?

But can the child still have a chance to see Qin?

The child seemed to feel her mother's silent sigh, opened her eyes and looked straight at her.

At this moment, anyin's body froze.

Aunt Yang also gave a low exclamation: "he His eyes. "

The newly born child's face is delicate and harmless, and his eyes are bright and moist. However bright his eyes are, they are not as black as his mother's, but as if they are enchanting and enchanting to the extreme, and the red is full of gold, which is a magnificent color never seen by Aunt Yang.

An Yin a Leng, looking at the child's eyes but more gentle, "like father."

"So do the eyes of the father of the child?" Aunt Yang opened her eyes in amazement.

"Well." An Yin takes a deep breath and suddenly feels relieved. She used to think that Qin Jian's eyes turned red because of her illness. Now she knows it's not

"How does the father see people Such a pair of eyes walking in the street, but not as a monster?

"It will turn black." An Yin gently caresses the child's small face with blood. Is Qin Jian born like this? I just don't know how to make my eyes black.

When she gave birth to her baby, an yintuo thought that she was going to die. However, she was still very tired and weak, but she had more strength than before.

All of a sudden, a voice came from outside. There was humanity: "the boss said, look at all the places where there are many vines. Maybe there are holes or people hiding there."

An Yin and aunt Yang's faces changed at the same time.

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