Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3063

Aunt Yang ran to the entrance of the cave and looked out. It was already dark outside, but she could barely see that the armed forces had already found the figure of the valley below. It seems that it will not be long before it is searched.

Turn back, see an Yin put the child aside, is wearing clothes, wearing a camouflage suit from the box, in which wearing the sanitary pants prepared for the elderly.

Aunt Yang did not care about an Yin, picked up the gun on the ground and whispered, "I'll lead them away."

Anyin grabs aunt Yang's arm.

Aunt Yang turned back, an Yin calmly looked at her, "I'll go."

"No, you've just had a baby. You're very weak."

"I can run faster than you even if I have a baby. I don't fight them hard. I just run. I have a better chance of winning. "

People forced to rush, again empty, can also stimulate the potential that usually can not, before entering 404, Qin Jian in order to stimulate her potential, no less thought.

"No, I'll go. I can't stay in this place. I'll lead them away. You can find a way out..."

"If they see me, the place will stay." The head of the armed forces and his subordinates stood outside the cave for three hours before. From their conversation, they knew that they did not know the existence of aunt Yang. If she went out to show her face, the other party would not continue to search the mountain. "Aunt Yang, if you are lucky enough to escape this robbery and leave the child to my brother or Qin Jian..."

Anyin finished, looked at the child, took a gun, turned around and left.

Aunt Yang tried to stop anyin, but she was pushed aside by an Yin's clever force. When she got up, anyin had reached the hole, uncovered the Kuteng and drilled out. It was too late for her to stop.

Mother, lying on the floor, crying.

Anyin risked her life to go out to save her child.

If the child cries at this time, an Yin's risk will be in vain.

Aunt Yang quickly picked up the child, and saw that the child's ankle was tied with a red rope, which was strung with a lucky bead.

This lucky pearl, an Yin has never been away from her body. Aunt Yang is very sad. Anyin didn't expect to come back alive.

Someone outside the cave called, "where is she?"

Aunt Yang breathed heavily, holding the child in one hand and a gun in the other, ran to the cave entrance and looked out.

I saw that the armed forces searching for people at the bottom of the valley had chased out in the direction of the mountains.

Aunt Yang's eyes are hot. She tries to keep her tears from falling down and coax the child silently. Now she only hopes to have a miracle and let an Yin escape safely.

Although this place is hot in the daytime, it will be cool at night. Moreover, it is on the mountain and the wind is strong at the entrance of the cave.

Aunt Yang was afraid of blowing the child to catch cold, so she returned to the cave and brought some water to the child to drink.

All of a sudden, a few wild animals panted outside the cave.

Aunt Yang looked back, which made her back cold.

A jackal picked up the dead vine of the cave and came in. Then one by one jackal came in and looked at her and her baby in her arms.

The Jackal sniffed at the front, and suddenly revealed his greedy ferocity.

Aunt Yang glanced at the blood on the ground and understood.

It was the blood that led to the jackals.

Aunt Yang held the child in one hand and the gun in the other.

The wolf was so hungry that when he found his prey, he could not wait patiently. He just froze for a moment and rushed to him together.

Yang knew that the gunfire would attract the armed forces, but she had no choice.

PS: Baby wolf is born www.mylovenovel.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!