Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3061

She has delivered two children with the women.

The conditions in the tribe are not good, but no matter how bad it is, we can't even have a basin of hot water.

Aunt Yang felt sad when she thought about it.

An Yin endure a severe pain, while listening to the movement of the mountain, but has not been able to hear the sound of the car leaving.

Aunt Yang looked at the sky outside the cave. "In a few hours, it's dark. I don't believe it. They don't go when it's dark. Anyin, hold on until it's dark... "

Anyin has been too painful to speak. She also wants to hold on, but the child in her stomach is like an impatient drill out.

She is the first child, so she should not be too relaxed. However, she has been wandering around with the tribe for more than half a year. In order to survive, she has to help everyone herd cattle and sheep. She has been busy, but her body is not as expensive as the city people. After two hours, the child was born.

Children's loud and clear cry directly out of the cave, cut through the valley.


with his telescope, Qin Jian saw the vehicles parked at the foot of the mountain from a distance, and there were people searching the mountain everywhere.

According to this situation, the other party has not caught an Yin.

Although the current situation is not optimistic, it is at least not the worst.

The front is open. If you drive the car directly, you will be seen by the other party. Then you can only fight hard.

The number of the other party is much more than them, and an Yin's whereabouts are unknown, so it's not a good way to fight hard.

Qin Jian stands up and the motorcade stops.

From the number of vehicles on the other side, we can estimate the number of people on the other side.

Qin Jian took off his arms and made a gesture.

One man was left in one car, and the other five were unarmed and turned into wolves.

The rest picked up their gear and waited.

Qin Jian takes the lead, flies into the nearby bush, takes the cover of the Bush, and quickly approaches the car parked at the foot of the mountain.

Qin Jian and others leaned over the bushes. They stood in a good position, one person and one car.

The people in the car felt something was wrong. They looked around and didn't see anything.

With a gesture, Qin Jian took the lead and rushed to the front car, while the others followed closely.

The people on the bus reacted, but they only saw the wolf coming to them. They were bitten by the wolf without a chance to cry.

When the people on the bus died, the wolves jumped out of the car.

People waiting for the back, quickly forward, Qin Jian they re equipped, each scattered to the mountain to dive.

They are few, mainly ambush, secretly kill each other, weaken the strength of the other side, while looking for an Yin's whereabouts.

At this time, Qin Jian heard a cry from the mountain.

Qin Jian was stunned.


The baby is born!

Qin Jian looked at the direction of the mountain stupidly. He was in a mess and couldn't tell whether he was happy or sad.

Jin Peng ran down, "brother, was the child crying just now?"

Hearing Jin Peng's voice, Qin Jian suddenly regained consciousness, and his whole body's blood gushed to his head.

They can hear the baby crying, the other party can also hear, an Yin's situation will be more dangerous, must rush to find her in front of each other.

"Yes, it's the baby crying. We have to find her as soon as possible."

Without further delay, Qin ran up the mountain.

While Qin Jian heard the cry of the child, the armed forces also heard it.

The head of the armed forces was stunned for a moment, and then he reflected that the woman had given birth to the child in this place.

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