Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1723

"I'm sorry, teacher."

"You mean kidnapping Xiao Pian?"


"They won't believe you if you don't play this game. I can trust your martial brother's skill, otherwise I won't let you do it. A Lang, you have worked hard all these years. "

"Students are willing to work for teachers." Han Lang smiles shyly, "how long will the teacher stay in Seoul this time?"

"It's not clear yet. Let's see how things go."

"Don't you see my younger martial brother when you come back this time? He's getting more and more powerful. I've hit him several times. "

"The network around him is too complicated. It's good to disappear for the time being. Have you found what I asked you to help me find? "

"Found it." Han Lang took out a bamboo tube and handed it to Gu QingChu with both hands. "All the secret sentry positions have been marked. Younger martial brother also went to scout. He should also find out the deployment of fubihai villa. "

"Hard work." Gu QingChu opened the bamboo tube and took out a map. This is a detailed distribution map of Bihai villa.

"However, I found that there was another world under Bihai villa, but I couldn't get down."

"What's down there?"

"Black bellied snake."

"Black bellied snake?" Gu QingChu had some accidents.

"Yes, I only found one entrance. The poisonous gas was so strong that I couldn't get down. I could see that there were countless snakes under it. Raising so many snakes requires a lot of food. I've inquired about it. There's not a lot of meat in it, so... "

"So, it should be people feeding snakes."

"Yes, Han Jinbiao is crazy."

"Why do you think these snakes belong to Han Jinbiao, not to the Rothschild family?"

"At the beginning, I suspected that it was raised by the Rothschild family, but when I reconnoitered, I found that in the first house of Bihai villa, there was a sewer that was not welded to death. If the bait that the black bellied snake liked was scattered on the sewer, the black bellied snake could be lured out. It is impossible for the people of the Rothschild family to leave such a great danger in their own residence. So I'm sure the snakes are not from the Rothschild family

Han Lang, a Miao nationality, knows the habits of snakes and insects very well.

Gu QingChu's eyes narrowed slightly. Han Jinbiao was suspicious and hid in Bihai villa, but he was afraid that the Rothschild family would be bad for him, so he raised these snakes underground.

Once the Rothschild family members are found to have different intentions, they will release these snakes and use them to kill each other.

Han Lang took out a list of bank records.

"The teacher guessed right. The money of Bihai villa developers comes from Shengtang, and the foreign businessmen who buy houses are all arranged by Han Jinbiao. Blue sea villa was specially built for the Rothschild family. The students just don't understand how Han Jinbiao, He De, can be called a member of the Rothschild family. "

"It's just interests. The Rothschild family also needs a useful dog. Han Jinbiao is just such a dog. If the Rothschild family keeps the dog, they will keep their own interests. King, have you found any underground vipers

"Yes, I saw him open the door. He couldn't stand snake venom and didn't go down, but he was so clever that he must know it was snake venom. In addition, after he found the hole, he went to check several sewer outlets. "

"That's good."

"The students can't understand why the Gu Zhengrong family, ungrateful and helpful, didn't let the students clean them up."

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