Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1722

Yu Fang has never played according to the rules. She can't think of Yu Fang's mind at all.

Take Gu Tianlei as an example. After she gave birth to her baby, the baby disappeared. She went to Yu Fang. Yu Fang could tell lies with her eyes open, and kept Gu Tianlei as her son.

Until I saw Tianlei growing up on the screen, I suddenly realized that the child was her son.

She does not know whether Yu Fang's appearance this time will be another game.

A completely invisible situation made her uneasy.

She knows that Yu Fang's secret from Gu Tianlei is to keep her child alive. She is grateful to Yu Fang.

Whether it's her sisterhood with Yu Fang or her kindness in helping her raise her son, she doesn't want Yu Fang to get involved in their vortex again.

Therefore, she said Yu Fang is useless and should be eliminated.

But her eyes to Gu QingChu, she knew that she was seen through by him. If she persisted, it would be self defeating.

"What shall we do now?"

"What's the situation over there?" Gu QingChu did not answer the rhetorical question.

"The other party arranges for Yu Ning to walk outside as Shen Lang's girlfriend, but Yu Ning is fooling around with Nava. She seldom gets together with Shen Lang's" boyfriend "and doesn't know what ghost she is."

"She should have found out that Shen Lang is one of us, but she can't find any evidence to spend it so displeasantly."

"Isn't that a dangerous situation?"

"Shen Lang is very clever. It's not easy for her to find evidence of Shen Lang. She couldn't find the evidence and didn't dare report it to the police. "

"In that case, she can't get our people in."

"No, she will definitely turn around Yu Fang and stare at her."


"If there's nothing else, you can go."

"Yes." Bai Mei got up, went to the door, opened the door, and then looked back at the man with his back to her.

It is said that men also have love.

But nineteen years, even if it is stone heart, also should cover hot, and she still can't stir up a little spray in his heart.

She remembered what Yu Fang had said. Yu Fang said: "I was with him since I was a child. I lived and died for him, but no matter how many years passed, I could only be his shadow Nothing else... "

She once asked Yu Fang, "it's said that when men and women get along for a long time, they will have feelings. Why don't you fight for it? Are you afraid of the rules of the organization? "

Yu Fang said: "it's not afraid of regulations. It's afraid that even the shadow can't be made after fighting for them."

She once asked Yu Fang, "does he love Miao Junlan?"

After thinking for a long time, Yu Fang finally shook her head and said, "I don't know..."

At that time, she did not believe Yu Fang's words, but Miao Junlan had been there for 19 years. No one would believe that he loved Miao Junlan.

Bai Mei took a deep breath, took back her sight, went out of the room and took the door with her.

Gu QingChu said, "come out."

A man came out from behind the window, a black leather windbreaker and a pair of Black Slim jeans. His face was slightly black and thin, but it was carved out as delicate as a knife. His nose was very high, his lips were thin and sexy, his eyes were deep and cold, like a leopard in the dark.

"I was found by the teacher!" Han Lang smiles at Gu QingChu, with a childlike innocence in his eyes.

Gu QingChu looked at the student and also laughed. Leng Jun's line smile on his face softened a little.

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