Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1724

"Not yet. The prosperous Tang Dynasty still needs his support. If the prosperous Tang Dynasty collapses, many clues will be broken. "

"The students understand." Han Lang is not in business and doesn't know much about the prosperous Tang Dynasty. He has always wondered why Mo Qing clearly hates the prosperous Tang Dynasty, but wants to spend so much money to maintain the prosperous Tang Dynasty. After listening to the teacher, he can understand, "what are the students going to do now?"

"Stare at Han Jinbiao."

"Yes. Then I'll go. Take care of yourself, teacher. "

Gu QingChu nodded lightly.

Han Lang walks to the door.

"Ah Lang!" Gu QingChu calls Han Lang who has come to the door.

"Teacher, anything else?"

"Pay attention to safety, no matter what you do, you can put your life away."

"Yes." There was a warm current in Han Lang's heart.

His parents died and he became an orphan.

According to the practice of Han's hometown, children without parents' protection are worse off than dogs. It's common for them to be bullied and abused.

Most of the orphans in the village died of abuse and drug testing.

Once, the village elder used him to test the toxicity of the black bellied snake and threw him into a cage containing more than ten black bellied snakes. He was bitten black and black.

If it wasn't for the family's technique of Puncturing Acupoints to protect the heart, the venom of the black bellied snake would have made him die of heart failure.

happened to find him when he went to South Korea's hometown to investigate secretly.

The teacher opened the cage, killed those black bellied black, and rescued the dying man. In order to save him, the teacher was bitten by a snake and almost lost a leg.

The teacher held him and found Yu Fang, who was hiding nearby, so that he survived.

He was deeply poisoned by snake venom. Although he saved his life, his limbs were paralyzed, but he could not recover for a while.

The teacher had a task and couldn't take him with him all the time, so he sent him to the camp and gave him to Bai Mei, Yu Fang's good friend, to take care of him.

He is from Han's hometown. Han's hometown has a black background. According to the regulations, he can't join the organization.

However, the teacher used his own life as a guarantee, left him in the organization and accepted him as an apprentice. Like his own son, he raised him and taught him skills.

At that time, he made an oath, his life, this life is the teacher's.

As long as he can help the teacher, he will go there without hesitation, whether it's going up the mountain or down the sea of fire.

Yu Fang saved his life, but Bai Mei always took care of his basic necessities.

He was close to Bai Mei. He knew that Bai Mei was in love with her teacher very early. Later, Bai Mei let out poison for her. He decided that Bai Mei was the teacher's woman, his teacher's mother.

Although he felt that the teacher did not love Bai Mei.

Because of this, he loves Baimei more.

He wanted to tell the teacher what Bai Mei had done for the teacher, but Bai Mei stopped him and said, "if her mind is found, she will not even have the chance to stand beside him. She would rather he would never know, just look at him quietly and pour him a cup of hot tea when he is tired

After listening to the words, he felt very uncomfortable, and felt that he was holding back. But he finally agreed to Bai Mei and kept his mouth shut.

Later, he found out that Bai Mei was pregnant with a child.

Normally, Bai Mei should go to the hospital quietly to get rid of it.

However, once, he happened to go to the place where Baimei was stationed to perform a task, so he wanted to take a look at her quietly and bring her some snacks she liked. Unexpectedly, he found that she had a big stomach.

It turned out that she did not kill the child.

He found the secret, in order not to scare Baimei, quietly left, did not let her know that he was here.

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