Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1721

He looked at Gu Tianlei's face, which was very similar to his own, and gave a bitter smile.

Hate it, anyway, she hated him countless, do not care about this one more.

Not long after Gu Tianlei's debut, he found that the boy jumping up and down on the screen was very similar to him.

It's not surprising that there are similar people in this world, but when he saw Gu Tianlei, he had an indescribable taste.

He went to check the little heavenly king and found that the little heavenly king was looking for his mother, who was actually Yu Fang

When he saw the word "Yu Fang", he realized that the child was his son.

Yu Fang can't have the same child as him.

Master APA said that he didn't die in the cup, but a woman gave him poison.

He can already think of who the child's mother is.

When he was very early, he found that Bai Mei was always looking for someone behind his back. After confirming Gu Tianlei's identity, he knew who Bai Mei had been looking for.

However, he chose to pretend to know nothing.

Because only do not know, Gu Tianlei and he did not have any relationship.

Gu Tianlei will be safe only if he has nothing to do with him.

He cancelled the pause. Gu Tianlei's voice is very good and he sings very well. Nothing is different from him.

A turn of the camera, is a video, Gu Tianlei holding Gu Xiaoran's shoulder, walking in the street, Tian Lei tall and handsome, full of youth, and Gu Xiaoran clever.

Gu QingChu looks at a pair of children on the screen and smiles.

Yu Fang has brought up her children very well. The children are excellent. No matter which parents are proud of their children's growing up like this, he hopes that his children will be more ordinary and simply live among the people.

Not very rich, but can live in peace.

It's a pity that none of his three sons and daughters can fulfill his wish.

Someone knocked at the door and he turned off the TV.

"Come in."

The double door was pushed open. Bai Mei, who was also in military uniform, came to Gu QingChu and looked up at the man Leng Jun's face in front of her. She had a complicated look in her eyes, but it was only a moment before she regained her usual calm.

"You're here because of Yu Fang?"

Gu QingChu just nodded his head, which was a response.

Bai Mei said: "Yu Fang disappeared for so many years, suddenly appeared, but lost memory, making the situation more complicated."

"She doesn't lose her memory, and she won't show up."

"But now that she's like this, it's of no use to us."

"Bai Mei, in your mind, is a person's value useful or useless?"

"General..." Bai Mei was stunned. "Don't we live like this when we grow up? If it is useful, it will be used; if it is not, it will be eliminated. "

"Have you ever thought about something outside the rules?"


Gu QingChu looks at Bai Mei and doesn't expose her.

She gave him poison, he can understand that she is his shadow, must want him to live, but she pregnant with a child, do not deal with, but secretly born.

Such behavior, where did she put the rules?

Under the light, the man looked at her colder than the night pool.

Bai Mei knows that this man is more ruthless and shrewd than anyone else. She plays games with him and tries to die.

She lowered her head to avoid Gu QingChu's sight.

His original shadow is Yu Fang.

She and Yu Fang are in the same camp. They are best friends and know how excellent Yu Fang is.

In order to save him, Yu Fang's lungs were crushed by the pressure of the sea water, and then she quit the organization. He needed a partner, and she just managed to fill Yu Fang's vacancy.

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