Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1720

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The man came out of the shadow, his face as tough as an axe, and emerged in the dark. The facial features are very quiet and handsome, which is similar to the ancient Roman sculpture.

The military uniform of fit is tall and straight.

He looked at the old servant, his eyes were quiet and sharp, just a light one, but gave people a strong sense of oppression for no reason.

The old servant bowed his head respectfully.

The man went to the chair and looked down at the sleeping Miao Junlan.

Originally has no emotion's Mou Guang, gradually becomes soft.

After looking at her for a long time, he reached out and picked her up from the chair and put her on the bed next to him.

The old servant retreated in silence.

The man shakes open the quilt, gently covers Miao Junlan's body, tucks in the corner of the quilt, and then slowly sits down beside the bed, reaching out and gently caressing her pale face.

Her face is small, just like before.

Twenty years, this face is still not old, just a little less childish, but a little more mature woman charm - she is still so beautiful!

After looking at her for a long time, he took back his hand, opened the censer on the tea table beside him, and added a pinch of spices to the burning censer.

After 19 years of confinement, it's hard for her to fall asleep. When she really needs a rest, she will light a hypnotic incense for herself. Before the incense goes out, she won't wake up.

And this pinch of incense he added can make her sleep a little longer.

Cover the censer, get up and leave.

The old servant was waiting at the door. Seeing him coming down, he went up and said, "general!"

"Take good care of her." His voice was low and hoarse, with some coolness.


The man opened the door.


"Anything else?" The man stopped to open the door and turned to look at the old servant.

"Madame hates you to the bone."

"Let her hate it."

"Why don't you erase her memory when she's so miserable?"

The man's eyes darkened. He didn't answer. He opened the door, lowered his head to avoid the door frame, and went out of the old house.

The door closed behind him, and he looked back at the old house.

At that time, he played a bitter trick for her here, taking her first time.

She came back here to remember her hatred for him.

She hated him. Although she was in pain, at least she could live.

Without memory and hatred, she could not survive the 19 years of imprisonment.

Now the situation is very complicated. It's time for her not to come out. But now that she has come out, she can only go step by step.

A military vehicle stopped in front of him.

He pulled the door open and got on.

The car went away quietly in the silent night, leaving only the fallen leaves at the door, as if he had never appeared.

Temporary residence for senior officers of the military region.

Gu QingChu is still in a neat uniform. He sits on the sofa and looks at the picture on the TV screen.

On the screen is a young and handsome face, not the pop pop pop pop dress, hair is very spiritual, and that face, clear-cut, as if he was twenty years ago.

He checked Gu Tianlei's information, all hospitals have no record of his birth, his birth time is on the account of the time to make up..

If he guesses well, Gu Tianlei was delivered by Yu Fang and has never left a record anywhere.

But judging from Gu Tianlei's age, he already knows how the child came from.

Miao Junlan doesn't know how the child came from. He will hate him even more because of this child.

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