Sweep the World

Chapter 392

From the end of the Warring States period when the emperor unified the world to the western and Eastern Han Dynasties, which maintained the integrity of more than 400 years, it should be the thinking of "great unification", which is basically implanted in the minds of the elites of previous dynasties.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the world collapsed and fell into a division of more than 100 years. I don\'t know how many capable people and people with lofty ideals want to rely on their own assistance to the king to reunite the world. Finally, a family that is good at intrigues sat in the world.

Sima\'s acquisition of the world was supported by the aristocratic family and powerful. At the beginning, Sima really had a large number of capable people, but because there were too many capable people, they led the Hu people to the south. Previously, the Hu people used to supplement labor as slaves, but they began to arm the Hu people to fight for themselves during the Yongjia rebellion.

Sima\'s madness can be seen from his family background, but it is also because of their madness that the Hu people become the masters of the Central Plains.

Since the Central Plains fell into the hands of the Hu people, Sima Rui of Sima family moved south and established the imperial court again with nothing but fame and share. Because the imperial court has the final say that it was established by the family and the strong and powerful, and because Sima had no capital in name but not in Sima\'s name. What he really dealt with is not Sima\'s, but Sima\'s role as a signboard is the door and the family.

In general, the door valve and aristocratic family govern the country, and the emperor has become a signboard. Is this very much like constitutional monarchy? However, this "advanced" system did not make the imperial court strong again. It ignored the repeated struggle for power and profit and internal strife in the fall of the Central Plains.

The small ~ Dynasty ~ court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty who moved to the south of the Yangtze River still did not know to repent, and there was no sign of recovering the Central Plains. Some people who wanted to make jin\'ou complete again continued to explore and pursue. If Liu Yan had not risen, they would not have had a good choice, but Liu Yan was born.

Since the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, capable people have formed a consensus that "the king chooses the minister, and the minister also chooses the king". This has become a rule for the intelligent class.

Capable people will have a reserve even if they are not proud. Of course, they are more willing to serve wise and powerful kings. In the process of expanding their families, they can also leave a lot of marks in the history.

It is precisely the thinking of "the king chooses the minister, and the minister also chooses the king". Those people in the south of the Yangtze River do not have to be loyal to the royal family, but can be loyal to the door valve or the head of the aristocratic family; Some people in the central plains are happy, maybe hope Ai Ai. Anyway, they are loyal to the Hu monarch.

The state policy of the Han state was chaotic, and there was no clear goal, which could be seen at a glance. If the state policy is chaotic and there is no clear goal, what if the state policy is stable and there is a clear goal?

The more capable people are, the more ambitious they are. They always want to help someone by themselves, and the assisted object will certainly soar. And the "someone" should have the value of assistance, not like the mud of Sima royal family.

In fact, Liu Yan solicited Xie AI more than once, not only Xie AI, but anyone who looks like a person who can do things will communicate according to different courtesies, and even solicit directly.

Xie AI asked Liu Yanzhi about his previous experience of being obscured or clearly solicited, and then expressed his willingness to work. There is really no surprise.

After Liu Yan was stunned, he naturally showed great joy. He had to say "who has so and so, who you are mine", and then some close physical expressions. The most popular is to run over without even having time to wear shoes.

"AI is unable to serve the king recently." Xie AI must also be very moved, and then explain the reason: "wait for AI to finish the job for my king, bid farewell to my king and come under the command of the king again."

"Should, should..." Liu Yan was alert. Zhang Zuo behaved very abnormally when he met Zhang Liangguo\'s diplomatic mission. Xie AI, who had no previous expression of solicitation, suddenly showed up again. He asked, "now that you are about to become a king and minister, if there are few people who can help, you can come all the way."

Xie AI hesitated for a while, but still said, "my king\'s heart is not in the east when he opens up the western regions. Fu Hong\'s entry into Longxi has been threatened, and his re-entry into the north is even more serious. My king sent small officials to come, first for the sake of the state of Qin, and second for Fu Hong."

Liu Yan\'s vigilance is higher, and he has hesitated in his heart. He often says that "if he treats him with a national scholar, he will repay him with the ability of a national scholar", so he has to hesitate to let Xie AI do the job well to prove that the attention he said earlier is not a lie.

"The state of Qin was established with the support of our king. It was originally intended to serve as a barrier to the east when our King opened up the western regions. Therefore, he was not stingy with assistance." Xie AI was reasonable on his face. After a pause, he said, "now the king of Qin goes to the national title and wants the whole country to be incorporated into you. I Wang Mingyan that you will not touch Guanzhong in the near future. It is almost visible that Fu Hong in Longxi has recaptured Guanzhong."

The military strength of Zhang Liangguo in the East is really small. The main military town is Jincheng.

Longxi is a very broad name. The West and Northwest were occupied and controlled by the Zhang family earlier. From here, they also supported Zu ti\'s Northern Expedition.

Fu Hong entered western Gansu. At present, he is only active in the East and south of western Gansu. However, seeing that he sent troops to the north, there is no reason to let go of the north and west of western Gansu. In particular, there are not many troops stationed in those places by Zhang Liangguo.

"My king can\'t draw out his troops to the East. I\'m afraid Longxi can\'t keep the newly occupied part of the north." Xie AI stopped, looked at the strange Liu Yan on his face, smiled first, and then said, "if my king wants to maintain the existence of the state of Qin, he will reinforce a large number of ordnance and food. He doesn\'t hesitate to go to Guanzhong to meet the king of Qin in person. It can be seen how determined my king is. But I don\'t know whether the king of Qin\'s determination to belong to you is heavy?"

There is no doubt that the state of Han has some common interests with the state of Zhang Liang, but the two countries are too far apart. The former is separated by the state of Ran Qin, and the interaction is how to help the state of Ran Qin.

How determined was ran min to return to the state of Han? Seeing that he moved himself and all the civil and military families to the Han territory, it should be said that he was still very determined. In particular, he had done the work of migrating people from Guanzhong for nearly a month.

Zhang Jun doesn\'t know what ran min did, or he won\'t be so eager. He estimated that it was a breakthrough in persuading ran min to give up hope and seek second place, that is, he formally reached an alliance with the Han country and cooperated with Fu Hong one east and one west.

"You should do your best." Liu Yan, who figured out some things, looked at Xie AI with a smile and said, "I said I would definitely help if I could help you. Don\'t say those words."

Xie AI, who wanted to play more, was stunned, took a deep breath and said, "maintaining the existence of Qin is beneficial to Liang state and Han state.", He looked at Liu Yan seriously and asked with a salute: "I think... I think you accept the whole country of Qin. I\'m afraid... The harm is greater than the advantage."

Liu Yan still smiled and said, "say the point."

"The king of Qin is by no means a person willing to give orders to others, especially if he had the experience of ordering the whole country." Xie AI seemed to be out of his mind. He simply understood and said: "maintaining the existence of the state of Qin is more beneficial to the state of Liang than the state of Han. But you can accept ran min and his subordinates. No matter how he is resettled, I\'m afraid it will be impossible to avoid civil strife in the future."

"Oh." Liu Yan had to ask, "are you considering it from the standpoint of a few people?"

Xie AI nodded heavily, Spread out: "Ran min did his best when he worked for Shijie, but he didn\'t hesitate. He may have the common ideal of recovering the Han family with you, but he didn\'t kill fewer Han Miao people. He was too complex and did things too casually. Did he go to you when he had no choice, or did he go with his people. You must have figured out how to settle him. He may bear it at first, whether you like him What kind treatment? Before the loss of power, I can\'t help feeling angry over time... "

These things Liu Yan and a group of civil and military have had exchanges for a long time. In fact, the discussion is similar to Xie AI\'s conclusion. Therefore, in addition to Ji Chang, who has no integrity at all, regardless of what Liu Yan does, he chooses to follow and support, and the dissenters account for the majority.

Liu Yan didn\'t ask for anything else, but asked, "what you want me to do is to maintain the existence of the state of Qin and do your best for King liang?"

Xie AI shook his head and said, "Liang state\'s contribution can be a good horse in the western regions or wealth. Please send troops to attack Fu Hong. Again, whether you answer or not, my king will swear an alliance with you, that\'s all."

"Oath alliance?" Liu Yan knows what this means, that is, the alliance of equal status. He also had to ask, "so Liang Wang sent envoys to the small ~ court?"

"Yes... Confirm whether the incense in the ancestral temple (Yanhuang Temple) is as rumored... Extinguished and lit by yourself." Xie AI looked at Liu Yan strangely and said, "you also establish a place of sacrifice, but the incense is lit by yourself. If the Jin room is the same..."

Liu yanlike refuted: "nonsense, the incense on my side is drawn from Guanzhong all the way!"

Xie AI quickly confessed, but his eyes were full of doubt. In addition to doubt, he was cautious.

Maybe it\'s just incense in the eyes of modern people. It doesn\'t matter whether it\'s true or false, but people now don\'t think so. They attach importance to this to the point where they can lose their lives.

Liu Yan\'s eyes didn\'t blink, his face was full of justice, but the words spit out in his mouth were not like what a king could say: "which bastards spread rumors and said that the incense in Mount Tai Yanhuang temple was lit by themselves."

"It\'s... From the south." Xie AI\'s expression had to be strange. He said, "the South also said that the incense was not broken. It\'s your side..."

There is no doubt that we are not fighting for the new moon. The war did not fight. Public opinion went first, regardless of whether it was true or false. Anyway, we should first decide whether it was true. It\'s all to win the hearts of some people.

... split... Cut... Line

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