Sweep the World

Chapter 391

Sometimes Liu Yan will wonder if tuobaxiu is not close to his family. Occasionally, he accidentally sees some letters, but he knows it\'s not like that.

It is often said that "there is no need for a husband to have such a wife". Having a virtuous wife can help a man immeasurably. If the mother-in-law is the kind of woman who needs three days to fight or will go to the beam and uncover the tiles, it will take too much effort to deal with family affairs alone. There is really no need to mention development. Therefore, whether a wife is virtuous or not will really determine the rise and fall of a family, especially for the country. Similarly, men are too fucking to mention anything, not just someone in the family.

Liu Yan is often emotional. It is just that Tuoba Xiu never considers for his mother\'s family. As a husband, he has a nature to protect his wife. No matter in face or what, as long as he has spare energy, he will always take care of his mother\'s family for his wife. Liu Yan\'s help to Tuoba Shi Yijian in the early stage is the product of this psychology.

Before long, Cui Wan came with Jiejiu soup. She wanted to quietly put the Jiejiu soup in the external account. There was a light in the account and someone\'s reflection. After tuobaxiu found it, she called it into the internal account.

"My Lord." Cui Wan saluted seriously, looked at Tuoba show with some regret, and whispered, "I have wine and soup."

Today is the day to entertain people from Tuoba\'s generation. If you know how to advance and retreat, you should let Tuoba show become the protagonist. It\'s the same for Cui\'s family. This is related to the hidden rules of the palace. Everyone has the same treatment. If you really want to forcibly intervene, you have to make enemies without hatred.

Tuobaxiu asked Cui wan to stay and serve Liu Yan, but Cui Wan smiled and muttered something in tuobaxiu\'s ear before leaving. In the process, Liu Yan just looked at it with a smile, without superfluous eyes and words.

"What sister Cui said, in fact, my concubine didn\'t understand..." tuobaxiu was not shy and said carelessly: "the king is a strong man. It\'s nothing for two people to serve the king together."

Her name is tuobaxiu. She is educated and knows the etiquette of the Han family. She also has the unique boldness and enthusiasm of grassland women. She is such a person.

Liu Yan\'s attention to the palace is very limited. He probably knows that it is harmonious to take Cui Wan and tuobaxiu as the leading ladies, and the rest of the beauties, lovers, eight sons, seven sons, long envoys and few envoys are also safe.

As a king, there are many women, which is related to the continuation of the country. There is such a big name. It is said that the king\'s debauchery is actually caused by the following officials themselves. They throw the black pot on the king\'s head, or whoever revolts casually takes a reason.

The reality is that even if it is not a king, as long as there are conditions, it is basically inseparable from having more than one woman. It is an advantage in resources, which has little to do with what era. The difference is whether it is legal or illegal.

One night the spring was boundless. When Liu Yan woke up the next day, he didn\'t accidentally find that tuobaxiu had to wrap himself firmly like an octopus.

It seems that I have read a little in some books. Whether husband and wife love themselves or not can be found from their sleeping position. No matter how far away or what position they are before going to bed, they will make some subconscious behaviors after falling asleep, eliminate the proximity to each other because of cold, and the degree of love can be found from the distance between each other when they wake up.

If so explained, Liu Yan would be pleased to find that not only tuobaxiu likes to pester himself, but also the other women are basically the same, that is, they don\'t know what their "love" is from.

There was no dog blood lying quietly watching his lover for a long time. It was something that people who had nothing to do were qualified to do. Liu Yan patted a few times. When he broke free, tuobaxiu woke up immediately.

"I\'ll sleep again." Tuobaxiu didn\'t claim to be a concubine at this time. He vaguely didn\'t know what words he whispered, and soon fell asleep again.

For Cui Wan, no matter how sleepy he is, he will get up and serve Liu Yan to put on his clothes. Whether Liu Yan continues to sleep or do something after he leaves depends on his mood.

Liu Yan dressed well under the service of the palace maid. It\'s not that he learned to open his mouth and stretch out his clothes. It\'s just that he pays attention to some clothes these days. A person really can\'t wear them. Even the simplest uniform needs help when wearing armor. If it doesn\'t look ugly, it\'s better not to wear armor.

But I don\'t know when I saw the sky shrouded by whatever.

We knew it was going to rain before. Although there are no professional meteorological instruments this year, some professionals can roughly judge the weather conditions according to the wind direction and some details. People who know how to judge the weather are generally either generals (counselors) or warlocks. Their skills are not spread out. It is a special means for them to make a living.

Liu Yan finished reading the papers he had to read today while eating breakfast. After that, he didn\'t wander around. He stayed in the front account to meet local officials and listen to reports on big and small things.

At present, there are few sources of local officials in the Han Dynasty. Most of them are the family background of those who took refuge in the early stage. That is determined by the level of knowledge coverage, not out of any favoritism.

Some aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River and a large number of poor families moved into the Han territory, which is similar to the practice of honoring filial piety and integrity. After serious assessment, they were engraved with appointments.

When an official goes out, another official comes in. This way of reporting alone makes them very excited. It may be because of witnessing Tianyan or feeling treated with special courtesy. In short, that\'s the case.

Liu Yan has heard more than once who exaggerates to attract his own attention. Fortunately, no one jumps out of his mouth a sentence like "a big man is afraid of great disaster, and I have a good remedy here". Those exaggerations are peddling his ideas, and he will take a look at the records in the back.

At noon, it is customary to invite Tuoba Dai state to have dinner with the principal and Deputy envoys of Zhang Liang state. People with sufficient status in the Han state should also accompany them.

I don\'t know what happened. The originally sensible Zhang Liangguo came to something special. Regardless of the etiquette of "sleeping, eating and speaking", Zhang Zuo and Xie AI often winked at each other at the beginning, and Zhang Zuo couldn\'t help it in the middle.

"King Han." Zhang Zuo raised the wine Baron to the bottom first, then stood up and saluted Liu Yan, saying, "but I don\'t know whether the king of Han knew that Fu Hong had led troops into Longxi, and some partial teachers went to the north to gather the di and Qiang people?"

Liu Yan really doesn\'t know about it.

"Did the king of Qin recall the troops to the west line at the behest of the king of Han?" Regardless of Xie AI\'s anxious wink, Zhang Zuo went on to say, "Fu Hong\'s entry into Longxi is like a dragon into the sea. Gathering the Hu people in the North may be harmful to the cool country, but it is even more harmful to the Great Han?"

It seems that something must have happened to Zhang Liangguo. Otherwise, Zhang Zuo wouldn\'t have the courage to talk to Liu Yan like this.

Liu Yan didn\'t know what had happened, but Yu Li and Yu Qing didn\'t allow anyone to threaten the Han state. He stared at Zhang Zuo calmly, and then looked at Xie AI. When he saw Xie AI, he almost didn\'t understand the exit. He asked: Zhang Zuo, a young man, is not sensible. You don\'t care.

"King Han, forgive me." Xie AI was stared at and had to say a word. He also stood up, saluted and said apologetically: "my king\'s important minister Geng visited the death, so..."

Geng Fang is one of Zhang Jun\'s capable ministers. He works in Dunhuang most of the time and is occasionally sent out as an envoy. He has been sent to the small ~ court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty more than once.

Wang Meng, who had been standing next to Liu Yan, reminded him that Liu Yan was stunned in his heart. Only when he reacted did he say discontentedly, "Geng\'s visit was in Longxi?"

In Longxi customs clearance, you can also go to Hanzhong, and Hanzhong can go to Jin.

Geng Zhan died in Longxi. It seems that he didn\'t lead the army to fight Fu Hong, but was killed by Fu Hong on the way to the small ~ Dynasty ~ court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

In addition, I have to mention that in fact, Zhang Liangguo also controls some areas of western Gansu. Fu Hong took the remnant to western Gansu, which is really not a good thing for Zhang Liangguo, not to mention Fu Hong began to intervene in the north.

"When your envoy arrives, I will treat each other with courtesy, which has never been lacking." Liu Yangen didn\'t hide his dissatisfaction: "I have the way to treat guests, and guests should look like guests."

What misfortune happened in Zhang\'s Liangguo, in the final analysis, is related to what happened in the Han country. Not to mention that the situation faced by Zhang Liangguo is either written by Liu Yan or deliberately done by Liu Yan, it can not be said on the table. It is even more unreasonable to express anger or dissatisfaction.

Xie AI had hurriedly pulled Zhang Zuo back to his position and sat down. Then he said to Liu Yan with embarrassment: "misunderstanding, everything is misunderstanding."

"Geng Fang is going to be an envoy to the small ~ Dynasty ~ court. I can\'t manage it here." Liu Yan really can\'t control that Zhang Liangguo wants to step on two boats. After all, the two sides only have some consistent positions. Although he appreciates that Zhang Liangguo\'s westward entry does not involve the destruction of the Central Plains, it doesn\'t mean that he has the responsibility to take care of: "I don\'t care what choices you have to make on both sides of the big Han and the small ~ court. Do you know what consequences will be caused if you are angry with me?"

Zhang Zuo estimated that he had been holding it for a long time. After venting, he knew he was afraid. In an instant, he was sweating.

Then the atmosphere was awkward. Liu Yan stopped talking to Zhang Zuo or Xie AI at all. He just entertained Tuoba Gu and Xu Qian politely. After eating, he left respectively.

Waiting for outsiders to leave, Liu Yan did not leave. He knew that Xie AI would ask for an interview later.

It was almost time to clean up. Wang Meng came to report and said thank you for seeing me.

There was no embarrassment when Xie AI came, After the ceremony, he said frankly, "naturally, my king would not think that Fu Hong\'s entry into Longxi was deliberately done by the king of Han Dynasty. It was also his family\'s business to send envoys to the south, as the king of Han said. AI, as an envoy, had to serve my king. Excluding the identity of envoys, there was a word that wanted to ask the king of Han Dynasty. Do you really want to restore the old land of Han family and reunite the world?"

Liu Yan wondered today. Zhang Zuo just made such a mistake, and now Xie AI made it again. Why is it strange everywhere?

Xie Ai saw that Liu Yan only stared at himself without opening his mouth. He took a deep breath, full of solemnity: "if you intend to unify the world, please allow AI to follow."

Liu Yan: "