Sweep the World

Chapter 393

There is no doubt that the heart of belonging is very important, but what we really strive for is those who master knowledge and talents above the poor family. This kind of people may not be able to win over their interests alone. They have their own capital. It is not difficult to win over big interests. Paying too much interests will harm the country and do more harm than good. Fame can play a key role at this time.

The common people don\'t use the name of righteousness to fight for it. They just need to give practical benefits. For example, the tiller has his own land and don\'t harm it from time to time. The common people are like who rules, and they don\'t have to pay taxes and taxes. The ruler who has hope tends to the one who has hope. He only sees small profits at present but can\'t see the long-term. That\'s why the people are easy to fool. However, not all rulers are willing to "fool" the people in this way.

There are only a handful of people who govern the world, whether in the era of non popularization or popularization of knowledge, and there will only be one person in the highest power. What the supreme power wants to control is a small group of officials as "tentacles". In fact, they can\'t control all the people under governance. It\'s very critical to promote and use talents.

Liu Yan likes talented people very much. Even if they are robbed or kidnapped, they should try their best to get them. Huanwen, Yuan Qiao, Xie an and others are such manifestations.

Xie AI is undoubtedly a talented person, but his talent has not been brought into play. What he does most in Zhang\'s Liangguo is who he assists as a deputy. His military talent has no chance to play because he has no qualification to lead the army. He is only recruited because he is famous among the people.

Because what happened before and after was too strange, Liu Yan had good reasons to suspect Xie AI\'s purpose was impure, but suspicion could not be expressed. This has nothing to do with the king\'s demeanor, and it doesn\'t matter whether it will damage the reputation of sparing no effort. Liu Yan really needs to know what Xie AI wants to do, or take precautions against it. Maybe he will cut down the roots and eliminate the harm?

The existence of Ran\'s Qin State may be good for the Han state, and ran min may have repeated after annexation, but Xie AI, a non Han official and a person of any status, should not speak. Xie AI is at least a scholar and can be appointed as an envoy. There\'s no reason not to know!

When Xie AI was sent away, Liu Yan ordered Ji Chang and Cai you to come, together with tiaoyou, who had been staying in the Han Dynasty.

Naturally, inviting people is not like a series. I just said please. At the next moment, no matter how far away the invited person is, it will appear immediately.

In fact, Ji Chang didn\'t arrive until noon the next day, while Cai you arrived in the afternoon. However, tiaoyou followed the king chariot at the beginning.

When the people who wanted to see Qi, Liu Yan briefly said what had happened without concealment, but did not mention his guess and asked, "what do you think?"

"You have something to say." TIAOYU is not Sikong now. He has no official identity at all. He insists that there is ran min\'s trilogy. His face was almost iron blue, and he said, "my Lord has sent my family to the Han territory, and my family has also come to the Han territory. The firmness of the king can learn from the sun and the moon. Xie AI\'s words about my king are probably estrangement... No! Not afraid, it\'s estrangement at all!"

According to the common truth, Liu Yan, as a king, even if he doubts something in his heart, at most he talks to his confidants in private. No king will directly talk to the party mentioned. Xie AI didn\'t know Liu Yan. He never expected this to happen.

"We\'ll talk about this later." Instead of appeasing tiaoyou, Liu Yan looked at Ji Chang and Cai you respectively and asked, "what\'s your opinion?"

"Liang state naturally hopes for the existence of Qin state." Ji Chang was not taboo. In front of tiaoyou, he said, "Liang Guo said that it was good to think carefully or because of need. It was really with their support that there was the state of Qin. Liang Guo\'s intention to let the state of Qin act as a barrier has never been concealed. The king of Qin wants to take the earth and lead the guests to the king. Liang Wang should be anxious."

TIAOYU knew that he could not speak more, but could only nod and echo Ji Chang\'s analysis.

"The state of Qin is that the king of Qin removes the country name by himself, not out of anyone\'s criticism. The king\'s acceptance is out of benevolence and righteousness. No one can say a bad word. It\'s impossible to take advantage of people\'s danger." Ji Chang said loudly and forcefully, "the king is the Lord of the Great Han. It is not difficult to help who, to reconcile with who, to crusade against whom, and to others in other countries?"

Tiaoyou was immediately excited. It wasn\'t because of the domineering side leakage mentioned by Ji Chang, but because Ji Chang obviously stood on their side.

"My Lord." Cai you asked calmly or blandly, "what Xie AI said is too messy and miscellaneous. There is no intention to serve the king."

Isn\'t that why Liu Yan feels weird inside? Xie Aizhen wants to come and run. It\'s hard to say, even if he doesn\'t give any good recipe for governing the country. It\'s always possible to say something about the purpose of Zhang\'s cool country. But Xie AI didn\'t do that. The object of the operation was ran min, and Xie AI absolutely knew that the Han country had reached a conclusion about ran min.

"No matter what Xie AI is playing tricks..." Ji Chang sneered a few times and said, "let\'s go our own way."

Liu Yan thought about it. It\'s strange that he was so eager for talents and confused himself.

Seemingly big things are solved in a few words, that is, the benefit that someone can discuss. Since they all came, Ji Chang and Cai you simply began to tell about the recent office process. After listening to a short meeting, you let them go.

"My Lord." Ji Chang looked at TIAOYU\'s back and said slowly, "the king of Qin will soon know about it."

Tiaoyou was present to let ran min know what happened here.

If ran Min has a firm heart of attachment, everything is all right. If he knows what\'s going on here, he must ask for confirmation. What action can he take to explore. Again, it is likely to force ran min to plan the action of paying in advance.

Don\'t blame Liu Yan for setting such a situation. It\'s not easy to be a king. The dead in an accident are light. It\'s great to destroy the country.

Liu Yan just nodded, exposed the matter and asked them to continue to report.

Jizhou\'s local resettlement, including appointments to officials and registered residence, is not done in a short time. Ji Chang is the first to take the lead, mainly dealing with local families and tyrannical powers.

Cai you, who is in charge of tax revenue and expenditure, first stops in Jizhou. After a rough entry, he will go to Yuzhou, and even Xuzhou, Yanzhou and Liaodong will follow Liu Yan.

After the report, Ji Chang and Cai you left without much talk.

Liu Yan was supposed to go to the front to learn about the confrontation with Shi bin and murongge. During the preparation, Wang Meng reported that Xie AI asked for an interview.

Ji Chang, Cai you and tiaoyou were summoned and did not act secretly. Liu Yan knew that Xie AI would ask for a meeting, but he didn\'t expect it to be so urgent.

Liu Yan, who had finished wearing, thought for a moment and said, "he set a seat in the king\'s chariot and let Xie AI go with the widows."

If you don\'t know what\'s going on, be polite and high-profile. Otherwise, Wang Nian is not a foreign minister. You can go up casually, let alone sit together all the way.

Liu Yan just wants to show Zhang Zuo, observe his reaction, and perhaps show more interested people that Xie AI can really come to the state of Han in the end, which can be regarded as leaving a beautiful talk similar to "thousands of gold buying horse bones".

The king\'s travel will not be simple. Even for the sake of defense, there is no bicycle. It must be a mighty army and iron horse.

The king\'s chariot was very large. In addition to the necessary furnishings, it was equipped with a table similar to a bed, leaving a space for furnishings or meeting someone.

Such a large king chariot naturally needs many horses to pull, not to mention ventilation on all sides. It should be tightly closed, but Liu Yan asked to open the windows on the left and right sides.

Xie AI didn\'t say a word since he got on the bus, but he didn\'t panic. He could only say that he was very calm. He knelt down to observe the king\'s chariot, saw the accompanying Zhang Zuo\'s car through the window, and finally opened his mouth after a long silence: "king, why do you want to see AI?"

"Few people love talent." In fact, Liu Yan has been waiting for a while, but he heard an opening speech like a very second rate romance. It\'s absolutely true to say that his patience will be wasted almost. He said very seriously, "I really love talent, but I don\'t like to be fooled."

"Who likes to be fooled?" Xie AI was still calm, his hands were always on his thighs, and his body sat tall and straight: "Ai knew that he would be doubted and suspected of villains, but what he said was the truth."

Liu Yan\'s patience has actually run out, but he is still a bit of a king. He doesn\'t scold on the spot, and even treats Xie AI courteously. That is, whatever Xie AI says will be ignored. Next, it\'s time to completely ignore Xie AI.

"The king should have doubts. AI was quite surprised that he didn\'t capture and kill AI. Now he lost all his patience, but he still treated AI politely, which made AI see the dignity of a king." Xie AI\'s hand finally moved. Regardless of Zhang Zuo\'s surprised expression in the distance, he bowed deeply and said, "when talented people recommend themselves, they should show off their knowledge or make amazing words. Everything is to attract the king\'s attention. What AI said before is now."

Liu Yan quietly looked at Xie AI, who bowed down, without making a sound.

"The Han state has sufficient national strength to support wars everywhere, and there is a strong army to ensure the expedition in all directions. However, when we see the confusion of national policies, AI has a word to say to the king." Xie AI said that he had stood up again, looked at Liu Yan and said, "Meng Liang, he Jin, Yu Dai, attack Zhao and Yu Yan."

Liu Yan was not impressed by what he heard, but he was a little interested.

Xie AI didn\'t go on, but just looked at Liu Yan quietly.

"I\'ll send a letter to Liang Wang and pick up Mingda\'s family to Han." Liu Yan looked at Xie AI with bright eyes and asked, "are you willing?"

Liu Yan felt that it was absolutely right to take some risks. If Xie AI\'s family came, it would be more appropriate.

... split... Cut... Line

The title of the chapter is what Xie AI has done in history. He is one of the few Confucian generals who really did great things in the period of five random Chinese.