Sweep the World

Chapter 1087

At this moment, the outer city of Peshawar is already burning!

The Sassanian army attacking the city is very ferocious. Not only are various long-range instruments constantly throwing or shooting pots and pans, but some Sassanian soldiers who killed them have come to a suicide attack, which is the reason why the fire can spread so quickly.

Because many places are already in the midst of raging fires, those places are naturally no longer suitable for fighting. One side is still throwing black oil and pots into the fire, while the other side is madly getting water to put out the fire.

Not all places are burning fires. The soldiers of Sasan and the soldiers and civilians of Peshawar are still fighting bloody battles in these places where there is no fire, and people are falling down all the time.

In some areas where the fighting was extremely fierce, the alley was simply blocked by piles of corpses, but the soldiers on both sides did not give up. They stepped on the corpses and attacked and fought back, contributing to the height of the corpses under their feet.

There is too much blood flowing from the human body. The red blood flows along the lower terrain. Once it can\'t flow, it will gather into a pile and become a blood depression.

People\'s blood is extremely fishy. For some insects who like the smell... Such as flies, it is an irresistible temptation.

I don\'t know if all the flies in the city are attracted. They don\'t care if so many people are killing each other with their ferocious faces. They just "hum" and stop on the blood. If you zoom in, you can see that the mouthpiece is constantly sucking blood into the stomach, and the two forelimbs are constantly rubbing happily.

If you can understand the expression of flies, you will certainly see that every fly is smiling and satisfied.

Blood can not only make them drink, but also become a nest for laying eggs. In a few days, every pair of flies should have thousands of offspring.

How many flies are there? How intoxicated are they to drink blood? It\'s the people from both sides of the war. They can always step on some flies with their big feet, and splash viscous red blood. It\'s like "creaking" step by step.

"Come on, come on!"

"This way!"

Sassanian soldiers are really unfamiliar with the traffic in Peshawar. After entering the residential area, they feel uncomfortable. It seems that they don\'t say it when they enter the maze. When they are in a narrow alley, stones will fall off their heads anytime and anywhere. What\'s more, there will be long guns stabbed out of the walls.

A group of about 20 Sassanian soldiers were chasing seven Peshawar soldiers and civilians just now. They just turned two corners and were lost.

The Sassanian soldier running in the front saw an open yard door in front and could pass through the buildings in the yard and go straight through another alley opposite. Even if it was not for continuing to pursue the former Peshawar soldiers and civilians, they must go now when they see the road. If they were trapped in a winding alley.

"Be careful!"

Don\'t remind me too much. The Sassanian soldiers who have entered the city and haven\'t died are cautious people, because the careless ones are basically dead.

The urban area of Peshawar is really too chaotic. There is no straight passage of more than 30 meters. It is difficult to find an alley with a width of more than two meters. The narrowest alley is only 40 centimeters wide, and people have to cross their bodies.

What makes Sassanian soldiers speechless most is that some alleys are simply blocked, or they need to pass through a building to go to another or not so good alley.

"People inside, we found you! If you don\'t come out, I\'ll set fire directly!"

A Sassanian soldier was just a bluff. Unexpectedly, more than ten soldiers and civilians in Peshawar poured out. As a result, another bloody fight was launched in the alley about one meter wide.

In this kind of alley, the difference between the number of people is only which side can afford to die. Otherwise, the most people in front of each fight are only two people, and the rest can only roar and watch the play when they are blocked.

In the alley one meter two wide, two groups of people from different camps howled and rushed up to each other. In a moment, the sound of weapons and bumps sounded. From time to time, there was a sound of sharp blades entering the flesh and the attendant scream or stuffy hum.

Fighting is when the people in front fall down, and the people behind do not hesitate to continue to fight. Because they have no escape space at all, they just hit hard. They even have no chance to surrender. If they kill the enemy, they continue to move forward. If they want to retreat, they are crowded by the people behind them and have to move forward.

"If you don\'t nurse your children well at home, you can learn what battlefield to go to!"

The fighting in the alley was won by the Sassanian soldiers. They fell seven people. One soldier cut down the last Peshawar woman. The outcome of this battle was the most.

The Peshawar woman who was cut to death by a machete had a blood mark cut from her left shoulder to her right chest. Naturally, her clothes were also cut open. The side without the wound * * could see the swelling during lactation.

Although it is a hostile state, unless it is true indifference or metamorphosis, no one will feel happy to kill a lactating woman, but there will be no guilt.

On the battlefield, either you kill me or I kill you. When you go to the battlefield with weapons, no one will be innocent.

There were only 16 Sassanian soldiers left in this team. They gasped and had to start again. They didn\'t take a few steps forward on the blood and corpses, but they threw many stones on their heads. New Peshawar soldiers and civilians also appeared in the front yard.

On the premise of metal helmet and shoulder armor, if a small stone is hit, it actually means that the head will ring. If the stone is larger, there will be a risk of breaking the neck.

The key is that this group of Sassanian soldiers not only did not have metal helmets, but also did not wear armor. They were hurt by small stones, and their heads were broken and bleeding. They had no way to take the enemy on their heads, but only the soldiers who did not fall roared forward.

Of the twelve people who appeared in the yard, eight were women or little girls, and only four were men. They had various weapons or no weapons at all. They faced the charge of Sassanian soldiers with a desperate expression.

Up to now, the time-consuming of this city attack and defense war is not long, especially for the city attack and defense war that is always going on for a year or two or more, it is only the next day.

However, the fire spread everywhere in the city, the piles of corpses and blood pools everywhere show that the attack and defense of the city is very cruel and bloody.

Men in the outer city of Peshawar died almost in several counter attacks, and then their mothers, sisters, wives and daughters had to resist under double coercion.

They had seen the Persians set fire to the city, their men died in the hands of the Persians, and national hatred was entangled.

They were also forced by all kinds of people on their side. If they did not resist, they would either die under the raging fire of the enemy or be burned by their own people.

Maybe they have another way to survive and be sold by the old men to the Han Empire as slaves?

In the peripheral residential areas of Peshawar, scenes of tragedy or cruelty continue to appear, or under the dense smoke.

In fact, the thicker smoke can also kill people. The enemy and we don\'t have to work so hard anymore. Damn residents will choke to death by the smoke.

Then, with the fire spreading, what if the Sassanian soldiers were killed? Waiting for the fire to spread completely, there will be no follow-up troops. They will also die in the city.

However, there is no reason for war. The red eyed sides are blindly moving or waiting until they choke on smoke or encounter the enemy\'s death.

Standing on the edge of a balcony in the palace fortress, Ma Bin saw places ranging from 200 meters to 500 meters deep in the west wall, and flames were burning on each side.

"They have no confidence in breaking the city." Zhou argued with a smile: "the Persians are burning too eagerly. In fact, as long as they attack hard for a small half of a day, Peshawar doesn\'t insist enough."

After all, the regular garrison in Peshawar only looks like about 10000, but it needs to defend four walls, and the troops in each direction are insufficient.

If sashan\'s commander was really smart, he would devote all his absolute superior forces to attack from the beginning. With the height of Peshawar\'s wall and the building speed of sashan\'s siege equipment, he would kill or hurt 10000 or 20000 people, which would force Peshawar\'s garrison to retreat to the urban area, not to defend the wall all the time.

"In fact, there is almost no difference." Ma Bin looked at the foggy residential area and said, "the environment of this city is terrible. It will be a nightmare for any army that has been attacking."

Ma Bin\'s subtext is that even if the Han army comes, it will be the same.

"How can we go to one alley after another and compete with one building after another?" Zhou Bian touched his chin and said, "of course, it was demolished violently and razed to the ground!"

The Han army can really do this, and the efficiency will not be too low, that is, it will take a long time to build equipment in advance, or it will use gunpowder crazily.

The city where the fire is burning is still very far from the palace. Even if it spreads again and again, it will take at least a day or so to burn to the edge of the palace fortress.

Peshawar is not watching. They know how to clean up the spacing belt quickly. I don\'t know how many people are tearing down houses with their lives.

In fact, the Sassanian troops who attacked the city did not go deep enough to set fire, which really lost confidence in the progress of the war. Such arson will have an effect, but the effect is to arouse the desperate resistance of the army and people throughout Peshawar. It\'s really hard to gain anything else.

Fires are burning in the surrounding urban areas, and the thick smoke obscures the line of sight outside the city. Otherwise, the height of the palace fortress can actually be seen through a telescope for about 20 miles.

Fifteen or six miles northeast of Peshawar, the battle between the Han Army and the Sassanian Resistance Army has entered the final stage.

The Han Army, which was powerful in its own combat power, was also in an advantageous position in terms of number. Less than an hour and a half after the war, most of the inconvenient Sassanian chariot troops had been eliminated and entered the process of chasing the fleeing Sassanian cavalry.

Li Tan was quite satisfied with the battle, especially after getting the approximate data of casualties on both sides, his bright smile never stopped.

There were 32000 cavalry against 3000 chariots and 12000 cavalry. The Han army killed more than 3000 people, destroyed 3000 chariots and more than 6000 cavalry.

Compared with the number of casualties, the number of soldiers killed on the spot by the Han army was about 1600, but on the other side of Sasan, it reached more than 13000.

Sassanne has two chariots, one for two people and the other for three or four people. This branch of the army took a large proportion of the number of Sassanian casualties.

The Han Army chasing all the way met small groups of sashan cavalry on the way. It was basically the reinforcement of sashan\'s main camp or nothing. It was rolled over with the momentum after the victory.

The battlefield after the war was widely distributed. In terms of longitudinal width and length, the width must exceed 5000 meters, and the length is still increasing. There are corpses or injuries of people and horses after the war, and other sundries are everywhere.

The 32000 cavalry are not all the troops in Li Tan\'s hand. There is a infantry cavalry with more than 18000 people in the rear.

All the Han cavalry units that have entered the combat state continue to move towards Peshawar, and the battlefield will be handed over to the rest who follow.

In fact, not everyone has died in the battlefield after the war. The immediate mortality rate of riding war will be higher, but there will be casualties who are not dead.

However, even if the fallen horse survives in the riding battle, most of the limbs will have problems, some of which are broken, and some of which are sprains and bruises. It is difficult to be counted as combat effectiveness in a short time.

The closer we get to Peshawar, the simpler the terrain becomes. It is difficult to see patches of trees, and most plants are harvested.

The trees and plants were cut down and harvested by the Sassanian army. Otherwise, where did the siege equipment come from, and what should they take for cooking and boiling water.

The only constant is that there will still be small earth slopes that fluctuate with each other, and even small mountains of one or two hundred meters, that is, the route is not stopped by small mountains, and it is generally flat terrain.

Li Tan in galloping is looking at the Peshawar with thick smoke in the distance and thinking constantly.

Dospars in the main camp Canaan Dina didn\'t have to wait for the battle report ahead. He saw the black line on the distant horizon with his eyes.

DOS pars Canaan Dina did not let his own troops to block the Han army retreat. There will be a large number of troops approaching. Either his own troops have fled or the Han Army has been killed. There is no difference at all.

Now DOS pars What Canaan Dina needs to consider is what to do with their demoralized army when Peshawar did not fight down and the Han army killed again.