Sweep the World

Chapter 1088

When the Han Army to rescue Peshawar approached within ten miles, DOS pars Canaanite Dinah was no longer willing to gather the army attacking Peshawar.

It\'s just less than two days to Peshawar, dospars Canaan Dina urgently counted the number of troops. Originally, there were more than 70000 people. In less than two days, there were nearly 20000.

The war against Peshawar looked very tragic. The loss on sassanne\'s side was only four or five thousand people. The key was dospars Canaan Dina sent out chariot troops and cavalry troops to block the Han army.

Within ten miles, it can also be roughly identified by the naked eye. The number of teams chased and fled on that side will not exceed 5000, that is to say, there will be no more than 13000 people with chariots and cavalry in just a half day!

When the cavalry fight, one party really doesn\'t want to fight, then the progress of the war will be very slow.

But! If the cavalry forces of both sides want to fight, the process of fighting will be very short, and the results will be much faster than infantry fighting.

After all, the cavalry\'s speed is there, and it doesn\'t want to fight. The infantry needs all the front team to be killed or scattered, and the people behind can fight with the enemy.

The cavalry\'s fighting method is to cross each other, and almost everyone will have the chance to fight the enemy at least once soon. When there are many fights, casualties can not be avoided, and then the reduction of personnel is very fast.

"Never mind Peshawar!" DOS pars Canaan Dina turned his head and looked at Peshawar caught in a piece of smoke and looked north again: "we rely on the city wall and focus on defending the north. Don\'t relax on the other two sides!"

DOS pars Canaan Dina has always been very vigilant about the emergence of the Han Army, but he really didn\'t expect the Han Army to come so soon.

It didn\'t take long for this Sassanian army to arrange the camp. It can even be said that at the beginning, it really didn\'t spend much time on the camp. It was to speed up the time to build siege equipment and think of conquering Peshawar before the Han army arrived.

They are really crazy about whether to consolidate the camp today, or whether to make a strong attack on Peshawar while drawing out manpower to build fortifications and arrange obstacles.

The camp is not so easy to consolidate, especially for the obstacles of cavalry.

The Sassanian army is stepping up the manufacture of horse resistance. As for the time to dig trenches, it is too late. It can even be said that the number of horse resistance is seriously insufficient.

"Don\'t be afraid, we are waiting for the Han Army!" DOS pars Canaan Dina was full of confidence and a happy smile that the Han Army had been caught: "this time is to attract a Han Army and destroy them here! We have reinforcements. As long as we can persist for five days, the Han army will be destroyed here!"

It\'s not just DOS pars Canaan Dinah was shouting. In fact, he sent many people to announce such a message in the camp.

The Sassanian soldiers who had learned that the Han Army had arrived, because Peshawar finally did not conquer, but ushered in a Han Army and had a panic state of self doubt.

As soon as they heard that the original attack on Peshawar was to attract the Han Army to rescue, our side had set a trap to eat the Han army who came to rescue Peshawar. They calmed down, whether they believe it or not.

"General..." nilbu Dogaro lowered his voice: "there is such a plan, but the reinforcements will take seven days as soon as possible. If the Han Army in jilongpo sends troops to intercept..."

"Shut up!" DOS pars Canaan Dina expected too many wrong things. He was very clear that even one mistake in directing the war would be fatal. Moreover, he made so many mistakes and said angrily, "if you shake the heart of the army again, this general will cut you!"

Neil Dogaro blinked or chose to shut up.

They didn\'t know about the attack of the Yulin army. If they knew, they wouldn\'t expect any reinforcements.

Now the situation is that we must believe that reinforcements will come, not just small soldiers, but also DOS pars All generals and officers, including Canadians, must believe in it, otherwise there would be no need to fight this war at all.

The Sassanian army, whose morale was slightly boosted, prepared to deal with the coming Han Army at a faster speed. Not only did it quickly not only resist obstacles such as horses, but also some long-range attack equipment originally built to deal with Peshawar stepped up the time to turn around.

How long does ten miles take for cavalry? Hurry up, about an hour?

The sun in the sky has reached the center. The sun sprinkles on the earth to provide light and heat for the living creatures, but part of the sun cannot penetrate the dense smoke and continue to shine.

Black oil is unrefined oil. Once it burns and spreads to other combustibles, it is not so easy to destroy it.

Did the Peshawar garrison use water to put out the fire? This kind of behavior is actually silly. It doesn\'t mean that oil will burn more fiercely when it meets a fire. It\'s that unless there is the water impulse of modern fire engines, it\'s not easy to kill it.

At present, it is not modern. There are no modern fire engines. Peshawar\'s military and civilian fire fighting only relies on buckets or smaller things to hold water. A bucket of water has no great effect. Even if the fire in that place is slightly reduced, it is soon no different from other burning areas.

Under the current conditions, the best way to extinguish the fire of black oil combustion is to cover it with sand.

There are not many wars between jidoro and Sasan. Sasan may not have used black oil on jidoro once. Many people in Peshawar army and people have relevant experience, but it is difficult to pass on the correct fire extinguishing method in a chaotic state.

From the outside, Peshawar is like a burning city, filled with smoke.

However, from the internal point of view, it is only the peripheral residential areas that are burning the fire. In some places, the fire spread and did not reach the inner city. It was the barrier belt cleared by life that played a role, so that the fire did not spread more.

However, some urban areas were on fire. It was not the fire that broke out when the fire came in. It was some burning sparks that were blown up by the wind and floated on inflammables. Too many people only focused on the raging fire and didn\'t pay more attention to other places. As a result, the small fire turned into a fire and the fire spread again.

Fortunately, although many people died in Peshawar, the population base in the city is still.

In addition, in the case of non black oil combustion, the effect of using water to extinguish the fire is great. Where there is a fire, a group of people flock to it. In order to survive, no one is afraid of hardship and fatigue to get water. More people dig and sprinkle soil towards the fire, or slow down and finally extinguish the fire.

On the side of the palace fortress, it has become a foggy area. The line of sight has been shortened to less than 50 meters. Even if you can see further, it is also the fire scene of fire yellow.

"The Persians retreated!" Luhmaru After Jiduo completely relaxed, he felt weak and forced to cheer up to find Ma Bin. He said gratefully, "it must be the heavenly soldier of the big man."

"If you are willing to follow a big man, a big man will never stand idly by when his country is in trouble." Ma Bin didn\'t lie. That\'s the reputation maintained by the first Han Dynasty for hundreds of years. The premise is that the country is really obedient: "the Lord of the country should also step up the fire fighting, do a good job in sending troops and prepare to destroy the enemy outside the city at one fell swoop."

"Nature! Nature! Xiao Wang has urged many times." Luhmaru Jiduo\'s attitude towards Ma Bin changed again and again. From the reserved at the beginning to the undisguised kneeling and licking now, he promised: "we must put out the fire quickly and go out of the city to watch the majestic posture of the Great Han heavenly soldiers, which is effective for the strength of cattle and horses."

It\'s that kind of statement. I didn\'t even mention it as a friendly assistant. Obviously, I don\'t dare to put both sides on an equal position. I don\'t really want to watch.

The war in Peshawar was stopped, and the trumpets outside the city were sounded again and again, but the crisp drums stopped; There was still a lot of noise in the city, shouting to help fight the fire and save people. Sasan\'s army no longer attacked and cried when they had time to mourn the death of their relatives.

One and a half days plus one night, Peshawar indeed showed extraordinary courage and determination to resist the siege of Sassanian army, but the casualties were really heavy.

The Peshawar garrison, as a regular army, stopped the attack when 10000 people came to Sasan, leaving less than 6000 effective combat effectiveness. The number of casualties was about 3000, and nearly 1000 people were seriously injured.

The citizens of Peshawar, who were called to resist the invaders, took part in the war in large numbers only after the war began in the city. When they took the initiative to launch a counterattack, nearly 10000 people were injured, the number of sacrifices accounted for 6000 or 7000, and the rest were wounded.

Those above are Peshawar casualty data in combat.

Later, the Sassanian army began to set fire. Many Peshawar soldiers and civilians gathered in the peripheral urban areas were swallowed up by the fire without reaction. About 6000 or 7000 people did not play their role. They first became firemen and then burned into coke.

In some local street battles between the enemy and ourselves, in fact, no one of the Sassanian troops who attacked them ran back. They killed more than 4000 Peshawar soldiers and civilians at the cost of about 1000 people, and the largest number of women.

Ma Bin and Zhou Fen, who have been staying at the height of the palace and watching the war with binoculars, gathered their own information and made a rough judgment. Peshawar lost about 18000 people in two days and one night and did not laugh, which gave birth to a great attitude of admiration.

How many people are there in Peshawar? Including the garrison and civilians, there will never be more than 60000, but with a base of 60000, 20000 or 30000 people were killed and injured in the fierce defensive war, and more than 10000 died.

That\'s a third of the death and injury data! How tenacious the nation should be to survive. Ma Bin also heard that Peshawar was not the first time to encounter such a tragic situation. When it was even worse, more than half of the people in the city were killed and injured, but he still persisted.

Zhou Bian cited several examples. In Zhuxia, there were examples of resistance to invaders in the whole city, but only a few times in thousands of years.

How long did Xiaoyue\'s talents come to this land and how many non-native populations were integrated. It is really amazing that they can have that kind of centripetal force and unity in this state.

Ma Bin has been thinking about how to report to Xie an about jidoro. He has only one core opinion. If jidoro does not really surrender to the big man, the country is still the best choice.

Ma Bin is even willing to add a paragraph. Even if jidoro shows great obedience to the big man, the big man should soft suppress it and don\'t give it any chance to be big.

A nation that can enlist and fight well has nothing. Unless it can fight all the time, it will rise quickly and decline quickly.

What really deserves vigilance is a united and tenacious nation. Even if such a nation is weak for a while, it will gradually become strong over a long period of time, and then become a hegemon.

Ma Bin\'s evaluation is quite correct, and the Persians have the same view. If history does not change, the later Persians spent a long time, especially against jidoro. Under the dual repression of military and diplomacy, jidoro has not been able to develop. The later Persians united with a nomadic tribe in the north to destroy jidoro.

Of course, the soldiers and civilians in Peshawar are eager to put out the fire, but no matter how hard they try, the fire will not be completely extinguished in a moment and a half.

When Li Tan led his troops to Peshawar within seven miles, he could clearly see the dense smoke of Peshawar and wondered whether Peshawar was over.

The remnants of the Han Army\'s pursuit of sashan cavalry did not give up until about seven miles. At this distance, the leading cavalry of the Han army began to change horses.

The cavalry of the Han army who completed the change of horses changed their direction in the sound of strong trumpets, circuitous from the northeast to the West.

The Han Army approaching from behind is also changing horses. About 5000 Han cavalry continue to advance at a speed of about 30 miles.

The arrival of the Han Army has enabled the Persians to observe it relatively clearly with their naked eyes.

When the Sassanian army found that the number of Han troops was more than 40000, the confidence raised before was hit again, and the expression on his face was changed into fear.

That\'s 40000 Han troops. They all look like cavalry.

The Sassanian army failed to conquer Peshawar, and the layout of the camp was idle and hasty. They didn\'t have much confidence to block the impact of the Han cavalry with the hastily arranged defense line.

Countless Persians prayed that the Han army would not attack as soon as they came, so that they would have more time to arrange their barracks, but also more time for the reinforcements to go.

"Woo woo - woo woo!"

The Han Army sounded a strong horn.

In an instant, a battle horn of "Han Army\'s power" sounded in the wilderness.

Not only the Sassanian army but also the soldiers and civilians in Peshawar heard the battle horn of the Han army.

They showed completely different looks. The Persians\' hearts shrank suddenly because of the war horn, but the soldiers and people of Peshawar burst into warm cheers.