Sweep the World

Chapter 1086

People were shouting and killing the enemy, and the war horses hissed from time to time.

There are cavalry crossing or colliding in the wilderness, and people throw their blood on this battlefield every minute of the time.

The first two cavalry of the enemy and ourselves to meet each other had no room for detour at all. They just bumped into each other.

Commander sashan found that the Han army appeared from the flank. He was a little flustered and chose to send troops to meet him.

On this battlefield, sashan\'s troops are no more than the Han army. They only occupy a little geographical advantage. However, as the Han Army in all directions moves forward, their geographical advantage will soon be lost.

In fact, the light cavalry should not fight in such a relatively narrow terrain, but should break out in a broad space, use their short-distance speed, constantly look for opportunities in cruising and detours, bite the enemy\'s effective strength bit by bit, and accumulate enough results with each small killing, so as to slowly make the enemy lose their fighting spirit and defeat the enemy, Annihilate the enemy in the pursuit.

However, it is difficult for the army to fight in a battlefield suitable for itself every time. More generally, it will fight in a terrain unfavorable to itself. Whether it can overcome the maladjustment is a crucial moment to test the army.

The light cavalry of both sides who constantly attack each other are like ice and fire meeting in an instant. The ice is melting by the fire. At the same time, the fire is extinguished because of the ice. The life of the border informant who collides is disappearing, and the blood is scattered all over the earth.

Generally speaking, the Han Army representing the fire red was advancing, but it was not fast, but it could steadily push the front forward.

Sassanian light cavalry whose color will be gray and yellow. They go up for a moment, and people disappear on horseback. Most of the time, people and horses are planted to the ground together, and then become meat mud when trampled by the hoofs of both the enemy and ourselves.

Zuo Si was fighting with a lance before. An enemy cavalry crossed before he came back, and his weapon turned into a sword.

In such a battlefield with high-speed interleaving between each other, as long as the blade is sharp enough, in fact, it doesn\'t need to make much effort to chop. The speed will make the blade bring great lethality when sweeping the human body. Even if it is only wiped, it will pull out a long blood cut. If it can sweep the middle belly, it must be a state in which the belly is cut.

At that time, if a person\'s limbs touch the blade of a weapon, and the person holding the weapon makes a little effort to chop, the person\'s arm will be broken in an instant.

In fact, the most vulnerable part of cavalry fighting is not the upper body. Knights usually pay great attention to protecting their upper body and block with shields or weapons. The really vulnerable part is actually below the lumbar disc, that is, the position of the thigh.

The knight\'s line of sight on the horse\'s back is generally looking forward, and his line of sight will not move forward and down, so the position of his thighs will be greatly ignored.

Some cavalry bumped on their horses. Most of the time, their weapons were hanging down. Maybe they would deliberately lift the weapons in their hands when the enemy and I were about to cross. However, due to the time difference, they only raised them until half. The cross has occurred. The weapons inadvertently contacted the enemy cavalry below the waist plate during the cross.

Why do cavalry have one more skirt armor than infantry? Such a design is definitely not meaningless. On the contrary, it is a special design according to the needs of cavalry engagement.

Look at the Sassanian cavalry and Han cavalry on the battlefield. They are not dead, but their thighs are dripping with blood. Most of them must be Sassanian cavalry. On the contrary, the Han cavalry will only be damaged because of the protection of skirt armor.

In special circumstances, people will ignore that they are injured, especially in the extremely noisy battlefield. Unless the main trunk is seriously injured, it is a very common situation that they will not find themselves injured for a while and a half.

They usually find that their breathing is getting more and more urgent, wonder how the physical consumption is so much faster than usual, and people are inexplicably becoming weaker and weaker. In fact, if someone is injured somewhere, the blood in his body is constantly flowing out, and more and more people will naturally become weak.

In the real battlefield, the cavalry of both the enemy and our sides will not give up and only focus on the cavalry on the horse. On the contrary, the first killing target of a qualified cavalry will be the horse under the enemy\'s crotch.

Cavalry is small in size and has a much greater response to danger than animals. When encountering danger, they must avoid or block.

Although the war horse is also intelligent and can avoid danger, it is large and controlled by the reins. Most of the time, it wants to avoid because it can\'t avoid being controlled and is attacked.

Of course, the horse\'s physique also determines that if it is not killed instantly, its anti Strike ability is definitely much better than people. It really won\'t die because of an arrow or a record.

It is very realistic that the war horses are in a state of intense movement. Once they are injured, the bleeding speed will be very fast. While the speed will slowly decrease, accidents of falling and falling may occur anytime and anywhere.

Zuo Si found that the speed of the war horse under his crotch was losing. He didn\'t dare to look left and right on the battlefield. He used the corner of his eyes to observe where his deputy horse was. His heart was sinking when he didn\'t find it.

As the Sassanian cavalry stationed in the battlefield, they left their auxiliary horses or auxiliary horses beside the large army before charging. They launched the attack only by riding alone.

The Han army came from a long distance and had the opportunity to drive the Deputy war horses and auxiliary horses away from the brigade, but did not do so.

As the Han Army to support Peshawar, what they want is a momentum of indomitable. They don\'t plan to fight for too long after victory. Once the Deputy horse and auxiliary horse are driven away from their team, they don\'t know how long it will take to find them.

Coerce the auxiliary horse and auxiliary horse to launch an attack, in fact, it can also create a larger scene. The auxiliary horse and auxiliary horse that no one rides will also kill the enemy because of their own collision power.

For the Han Empire, which already had no shortage of war horses, it was not a problem to sacrifice some horses. It would be more cost-effective in any way to sacrifice two or three war horses to keep a soldier.

Zuo Si\'s speed of the horse under his crotch is decreasing. He is surrounded by paoze riding again and again. He is charging forward. He has the Kung Fu to slightly lean over and pull a vice horse who doesn\'t know who. He finds an opportunity to transfer. His eyes look at his horse. There is an arrow in his chest, and his ass is cut several times by one or more guys who should get a thousand knives.

Because he was not at the front of the whole charge formation, Zuo Si had time to explore whether he was injured. Fortunately, although the leather armor on his body was damaged in many places, the injury was only skin and flesh, not to the point of breaking muscles and bones.

After Zuo Si checked himself, he began to observe the battlefield. Behind him were a large number of bodies of people and horses. Some scattered enemies and us were chasing and running away.

"I don\'t know if my brother can survive..." Zuo Si\'s brother Zuo Wei is also in this vanguard army, but he doesn\'t know that Zuo Wei was selected as the \'election front\': "after this war, my brother should be a public rider."

As the vanguard of the Han Army, not everyone was killed. About 200 of the 500 or so people waited until their follow-up troops joined the battlefield. Some of them controlled the horses to slow down and became the rear team, while others still charged in the front line.

In fact, on their side, they have chiseled through the charging line composed of 4000 Sassanian light cavalry. The cavalry charging in the front see the enemy\'s own array, that is, the enemy\'s own array is too thin.

Sassanian\'s own formation has been divided again and again, with only less than 1000 chariot troops and about 2000 cavalry of various colors left. There seems to be a mounted cavalry of about 500?

In other parts, there are Han cavalry fighting with sashan chariot soldiers and cavalry on the left and right sides, and the number gap between the two sides is not large.

The most important thing is that not all the troops of the Han Army have been fully invested in the battlefield, and there are two Han cavalry units with a combined number of about 13000, which detour on the edge of the battlefield.

The Han Army, which had pierced the 4000 Sassanian light cavalry troops, continued to gallop directly towards the Sassanian formation without any pause. When they rushed to about 700 meters away from the Sassanian formation, a battle horn was roared out in unison again: "the Han army is powerful!"

It has only been nearly 15 minutes since the battle. Not all the 4000 light cavalry that Sassanian went out to fight are finished. It should be that there are about 2000 left to be hunted by about 1000 Han cavalry.

It is the hunting in the real sense. The morale of the Han cavalry is like a rainbow, but the sashan cavalry is terrified. The mentality determines the trend of fighting, which leads to the fact that the number of sashan cavalry is more than that of the Han Army, but the sashan cavalry is in the role of being chased and killed.

The Han troops who rushed to the Sassanian array shouted the battle number first, and the Han troops in the other directions shouted back. This seems to be a new signal. The two Han cavalry that have been cruising and circuitous on the periphery add up to about 13000. They changed their direction and surrounded Sasan\'s own array.

"How long has it been..." salbas Gallo was standing on the body of the chariot, his face pale: "in the time of the Han people, less than 20 minutes?"

In salbas In Gallo\'s understanding of cavalry warfare, shouldn\'t cavalry warfare have to fight for a few days and nights to distinguish the obvious advantages and disadvantages of the enemy and ourselves? Twenty minutes makes the battle show an obvious trend of victory and defeat. Isn\'t it too fast!

They came not only cavalry, but also chariot soldiers, just chariot soldiers... How can it look worse than cavalry?

It can be seen that the Han cavalry did not have close contact with the Sassanian chariot soldiers at all. It was the Han cavalry who threw their lances at the wheels of the Sassanian chariot while galloping.

Of course, many cavalry guns were thrown empty, but if they hit the wheels, most of them will be bounced off by the high-speed rotating wheels. If a cavalry gun is inserted, it will inevitably cause the Sasan chariot to roll over.

The wheels are not all-round solid wood, but have a large gap. When they rotate at high speed, they look elastic, but hard objects are inserted into the support rod. It is not that the support rod of metal structure will break. Even if it is constantly cracked, there will be an instantaneous braking effect. Then, because of the sudden setback force, the chariot that is already speeding at high speed will have a huge movement.

Zhuxia hasn\'t seen a real chariot for a long time. Even if there are chariots, they are just used as military vehicles. They are usually used to take soldiers and transport materials.

When the Han army fought in mainland a\'san, they met with chariots. At the beginning, it was a hard way to deal with it. It should be said that the war damage was slightly worse than the fight.

Later, the army and other departments carried out research. Throwing a lance at the wheels of the chariot is only one of the ways to deal with it. It is also the most convenient way for cavalry to deal with the chariot. When necessary, Lien Chan can throw a knife. If not, it can only drive the chariot to hit it directly.

Sasan\'s chariot is still the type without axles and brakes, that is, it can\'t turn or stop neatly, and there is almost no so-called flexibility.

The use of chariots does not mean that they are backward. In fact, chariots can really run rampant in some plain terrain. There is no lack of plain terrain in Sasan. Even the countries around Sasan are dominated by plains, which is one of the reasons why the Persians have not given up the arms of chariots for so many years.

The Persians themselves have done relevant experiments. Once they fight on flat terrain, the cavalry can\'t beat the chariot soldiers in front. Cruising consumes the physical strength of the horses and has little effect on the chariot soldiers. If they want to defeat the chariot soldiers, they can only fight hard.

Even though he knew that the chariot soldiers of Gupta Empire still couldn\'t win against the Han Army, sassanne still didn\'t give up the idea of chariot soldiers. Some of their senior leaders even put the hope of defeating the Han Army on the chariot soldiers. The reason is that they knew that the Han army fought very hard against the chariots of the Gupta Empire, and felt that the chariots of their own country were better than those of the Gupta empire.

The chariot soldiers of the Gupta empire can make the Han army fight hard, so the sashan chariot soldiers with stronger combat power than the Gupta empire will not be a problem to win the Han army?

Now, the first large-scale battle between sashan chariot soldiers and Han cavalry is already going on. Persians are looking forward to the confrontation with great enthusiasm. The more they look at the facial muscles, the stiffer they will be, and individuals can\'t help crying.

"They are all cowards. They only dare to throw things at me from a distance. They don\'t look like a warrior at all!"

"But it works..."

The confrontation scene between sashan chariot soldiers and Han cavalry is actually some terrible. Usually, as long as the Han cavalry can avoid being shot by sashan chariot soldiers, the Han cavalry will definitely have a way to solve sashan\'s chariot.

The Han cavalry threw their lance at the wheels of the chariot at a distance, and threw something like a lasso rope at a distance.

It is a kind of short rope sleeve with heavy objects tied at both ends of the rope. It is very useful for dealing with people or horses. The rope sleeve will bind people in rotation, which is as effective as dealing with the wheels of chariots!