Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 849

(two chapters in one)

"Bruce Lee, kill them!"

Looking at the guy with four heads, half man and half beast, Yang Tianwei narrowed his eyes and said faintly.

The little green dragon had long been eager to try. As soon as Yang Tian\'s voice fell, it jumped up from Yang Tian\'s shoulder and flew into the air, incarnating into a golden dragon more than 20 meters long.

"Ow ~"

In the tens of meters of air, the transformed little green dragon looked down at the four monsters below and gave a low roar.

Even if he doesn\'t know the language, the four monsters can feel Xiaoqinglong\'s contempt for him.

He looked up at the little green dragon. One of the monsters also opened his mouth and roared. A pair of meat wings suddenly grew behind it.

These four animals, like crocodiles, can still produce wings

"Hoo ~"

The monster vibrated its wings, bounced its legs and rushed straight towards the little green dragon in the sky.

This guy is so fast that he looks like a flash of lightning.

The little green dragon\'s eyes twinkled with a fierce light. Looking at the flying monster, he patted it with a claw.

"Peng ~"

The flying monster was photographed by the little green dragon and fell from the sky faster than the falling stone. It just fell into the boiling pot, smashing the heavy metal pot into pieces, and the soup meat flew disorderly.

Looking at this scene, Yang Tiandao was a little surprised.

These four beasts are not very powerful! It was photographed by little green dragon.

"Hoo ~"

Suddenly, another wind sounded.

Seeing that Yang Tian was distracted, the other monster moved and rushed towards Yang Tian. In this process, a pair of blackened claws kept waving, forming a residual shadow.

"Peng ~"

Yang Tian lifted the blue knife and blocked the monster\'s claws.

When the knife in his hand contacted the two claws of the beast, in this moment, the powerful impact force was uploaded from the blade to Yang Tian\'s arms, which made Yang Tian\'s arms numb.

Yang Tian was surprised that the monster\'s power was stronger than he estimated.

It seems that Xiaoqinglong\'s strength has increased a lot.

Before, Xiaoqinglong swallowed the dragon ball of Huanglong. Although it lost a lot because it crashed into Zhaoji hall, the rest of its strength increased a lot.

At this time, the little green dragon is only one step away from the wandering realm.

As soon as the monster knocked down by the little green dragon climbed out of the pit on the ground, the little green dragon fell down, and the huge dragon claws pressed down. With a "bang", the monster was pressed into the ground. Several blood pillars were sprayed out against the little green dragon\'s claws, and the monster under the claws had been crushed by it.

Yang Tian collided with one of the monsters and soon separated. When Xiaoqinglong killed a monster, Yang Tian also cut the monster attacking him in half.

Yang Tian didn\'t do his best just now.

In a few breaths, two monsters were killed by Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong.

"Ow ~"

Seeing that two companions were killed in an instant, one of the monsters quickly transformed into a beast about ten meters long, with a body shape like a crocodile and a pair of meat wings, and raised his head to give a long roar.

The other monster rushed towards Hui echan.

"Poof" sounded. Yang Tian appeared in front of Hui echan in time and cut the monster in two.

The rest of the beast knew that it was invincible, flapped its wings and flew towards the center of the town.

The little green dragon couldn\'t let him escape. A strong current bombarded him from his two corners. The beast who wanted to escape was hit by a strong current. His body instantly became blackened and fell from the air with smoke, smashing a stone house to pieces.

This battle, the movement, naturally attracted a large number of ORC onlookers.

After the battle, Yang Tian glanced around, near the roadway and at the top of the house. There were many orcs, who opened their eyes and stared at them.

"Chan Chan, let\'s get out of here right away."

Yang Tian immediately took Hui echan and left the tunnel. The orcs in the tunnel made way one after another.

Xiaoqinglong immediately changed back into a mini dragon and landed on Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

The little green turtle, knowing that he could not fight, had long become a little turtle lying in Hui echan\'s arms with a pleasant look.

Back on the main road of the town, Yang Tiancai breathed a sigh of relief when he mingled with the human group that the orcs had become. Just came here, I killed four monsters. In this world dominated by monsters, I don\'t know if it will cause big trouble.

In fact, don\'t think about it. Yang Tian knows the result.

However, he didn\'t expect that because of this matter, things would become more and more intense

He walked along the main road in the town until Yang stopped more than an hour later.

Because he heard a familiar language.

The voice is not clear, mixed with the loud noise of the orcs, it seems intermittent.

Yang Tian stopped and looked around. He saw a huge memorial archway. Under the memorial archway was a road more than ten meters wide. Many orcs came in and out, and a stream of air blew out, bringing a strong smell of blood.

What is this place?

Curious, Yang Tian took Hui echan inside.

When he got inside, the more he moved forward, the more bloody the smell became. Yang Tian also saw a big man carrying half a corpse of an alien beast and coming out happily.

At this time, Yang Tian finally understood what this place was. It was likely that this was a slaughterhouse.

After more than 30 meters, the strong smell has made Hui echan cover her nose.

When walking through a stone gate, the situation inside finally appeared in Yang Tian\'s eyes.

This is a wide site with an area of 100 mu. In the middle, there are huge black cages made of barbed fences, which hold all kinds of exotic animals.

The cage was placed very disorderly. Many orcs surrounded the outside of the cage and pointed at the animals inside.

Around this site, wide ditches are built. The liquid flowing inside is dark red. I don\'t know whether it is water mixed with blood or all blood.

Yang Tian glanced and saw a strange animal the size of a cow with double horns and full of cyan scales pulled out of the cage.

This is a wounded beast with holes the size of a fist. The tips of both horns are broken and are in a state of dying. After the two big men dragged the beast out of the cage, they didn\'t stop and dragged it to the ditch. One of the big men took out a black axe and cut off the beast\'s head. The bright red blood gushed out of the beast\'s broken neck and flowed into the ditch three meters wide.

Then, the two men dissected skillfully, which made Yang Tian and Hui echan feel disgusted that the two men actually ate raw animal meat while dissecting animal corpses.

This is really a slaughterhouse. Yang Tian frowned. After watching a strange animal being slaughtered, he took Hui echan and walked towards the cage in front.

Yang Tian came here because he heard human voice, language, or Hui echan\'s "hometown dialect".

The venue is wide. Although there are many orcs, it doesn\'t seem crowded. Yang Tian walks through cages and hopes to hear his familiar words again.

"You brutes, one day, my people will come to your territory and kill you all. All of you will be skinned and made into dried meat..."

After walking through dozens of cages, Yang Tian was disappointed. Suddenly, there was a curse among the orcs in front.

Yang Tian immediately quickened his pace and walked towards a small group of animals.

Most of the people turned into beasts are very tall. In the eyes of Yang Tian and Hui echan, the crowd of beasts is like a city wall. Yang Tian didn\'t have time to change his body shape. His powerful spiritual power was released and knocked away the tall orcs.

When the last ORC was pushed away by Yang Tian, Yang Tian finally saw a man dressed in beast waves and with messy hair. This man is being held by the neck of a tall Orc and moved around in the air. It seems that this man is being displayed by the ORC.

This is a real human. The structure of his body is purer than Yang Tian\'s blood. However, because of this, he is the most delicious meat in the eyes of the orcs.

Maybe in addition to the good taste, the spirit of the orc will also be enjoyed when eating people.

The onlookers, seeing the human being being being carried, drooled in their mouths. They were really salivating!

When Yang Tian brought Hui echan, many animals soon focused their eyes on Yang Tian and Hui echan.

Hui echan\'s smell and white and tender skin seem to taste better.


The guy who was carried by the orcs cursed in a language that Yang Tian understood. He was not satisfied. He soon cursed in another language, causing the orcs around to laugh.

Listen to the voice, this man should be a young man.

Soon, the bidding began.

The onlookers took out a kind of black crystal stone, put it in their open palm and stretched it forward.

Yang Tian doesn\'t know what kind of material the black spar used by these orcs is. This is the second time he saw it after he came here. It is probably a common currency of hunji island.

The crystal stone taken out by the orcs has no regular shape, ranging from large to small. It seems that the larger it is, the stronger its purchasing power will be.

The orc carrying the young man glanced around and finally walked towards an orc holding a black spar the size of a fist.

As he walked, he kept talking. Listening to the tone, he probably complained that the price was too low and no one gave him a satisfactory price.

At this time, Yang Tian raised his right hand, spread out his palm, and a colored animal core appeared in his hand.

Yang Tian wants to save this man not only because he can speak a language he understands and can be used as a translator, but also because he is a human.

No matter where or in what kind of environment, as long as Yang Tian has the ability, he will never allow the same kind to be used as food by the orcs!

This animal core was obtained on Xueyu last time. Its value must be greater than the black stone the size of a fist.

Xinghai monsters with colored animal nuclei in their bodies are extremely powerful. Yang Tian knows from the beast control family that not all Xinghai monsters have colored animal nuclei in their bodies. It is not only a powerful beast that can turn into a human.

As soon as the colored animal core in Yang Tian\'s palm came out, it attracted the attention of all orcs.

This is the energy crystal in an alien body, which is much stronger than the animal core in their body.

They felt the energy fluctuation from the beast\'s core, and they also knew that it was the crystallization of a wild beast.

The so-called brute is an extremely powerful beast with slow intellectual evolution and unwilling to turn into human form.

Such a small animal core can exchange a basket of black spars.

Yang Tian hooked his finger to the orc carrying the young man. The guy saw him at home and was stunned, but he soon reacted and came towards Yang Tian with an excited look.

At this time, the young man carried by the orc noticed Yang Tian and Hui echan, and immediately, a lot of chirping sounds gushed out of his mouth.

Yang Tian didn\'t understand the guy\'s language, so he didn\'t say a word.

The orc carrying the man came to Yang Tian in a few steps, grabbed the colored animal core in Yang Tian\'s hand, then threw the young man in front of Yang Tian, squeezed away the orc group like running away and left.

"Ah ~"

At this time, Hui echan beside Yang Tian screamed.

Originally, an orc nearby couldn\'t help touching Hui echan.

"Come with us!"

Yang Tian immediately realized that he could not stay here for a long time. He said a word to the young man lying on the ground, took Hui echan and turned away.

"Wait for me!"

The young man lying on the ground understood Yang Tian\'s words. There was a surprise in his eyes. He got up from the ground and said loudly.


More than an hour later.

Yang Tian lay in a steaming pool and sighed.

At this time, little green dragon was also swimming around in the pool.

In a small pool adjacent to Yang Tian, the young man has washed the dirt on his body and turned a blue hair into a bald head. The water in his pool is muddy.

Fortunately, the water is flowing. Soon, the water becomes clear.

"Unexpectedly, there is a bathhouse in this barbaric place!"

Glancing at the bald man, Yang Tian sighed.

If this guy hadn\'t led the way, I don\'t know how long it would take for him to get familiar with here.

The young man, named Beiya, said that he was born under the northern cliff of his hometown, so his mother named him.

Hearing Yang Tian\'s sigh, Beiya turned around and said with a bitter smile, "don\'t underestimate the orcs. Compared with us humans, they are not stupid. In the Starry Sea, we humans are just the most delicious meat in their eyes!"

With that, Beiya asked curiously, "Yang Tian, what are you doing in Xinghai instead of staying on the continent where you can live and work in peace and contentment?"

Yang Tian took out a wine pot, took a pleasant drink and said faintly, "I\'m going to two places, Shenyu and Longyu."