Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 850

(two chapters in one)

"I don\'t know about the divine realm, but my family knows some news about the Dragon realm." Beiya pointed to the small green dragon swimming like a small fish in the pool.

"Pa ~"

Hearing this, the little green dragon patted the water with the dragon\'s tail, jumped up and stared at the North cliff.

Seeing Xiaoqinglong\'s excited appearance, Beiya looked at Xiaoqinglong and said with a smile, "although I have not been to the Dragon region, I have seen a dragon like you. When I was young, one day, a wounded white dragon landed on the island where our family lives and stayed for three days and nights before leaving.

During this process, our elders ordered the people to go up and disturb us. They also sent the family doctors to treat the dragon. After the white dragon left, the patriarch and elders tightly blocked the news and did not let the people talk privately. Yang Tian, if you can take me back, you will have a chance to know some information about the dragon and the dragon. "


Seeing that Beiya didn\'t look like lying, Yang Tian nodded and agreed immediately.

Next, Beiya and Yang Tian talked about why they were caught by the orcs and trafficked here.

The island on Beiya is called Yuandao. Yuandao is in the shape of eight characters. All the people living on it are human practitioners, with a number of almost tens of millions.

Because the source island is not rich in resources, only 10 million people can survive. Therefore, anyone who reaches the age of 20 must leave the source island and travel in the star sea for at least 10000 days and nights, except under special circumstances, before he can return to the source island.

Yang Tian doesn\'t know how long it takes 10000 days and nights on Yuandao, but it should be 10 to 30 years.

In fact, this is a way to reduce the population on the source island. Young people are allowed to experience outside. If they die, they will no longer consume the resources on the source island.

Those who can survive in the sea of stars for ten to thirty years and successfully return to Yuandao not only become strong, but also have accumulated rich survival experience in the outside area. It\'s not too much to say that they are elites. Such people will soon be reused.

Beiya has left Yuandao for more than 10000 days and nights. If he can return to the island alive, as a man, he has the right to choose dozens of beautiful women to accompany him. He will also get a farm and the island immunity of two children under his name.

In other words, after Beiya returns, two of his children can go to the dangerous sea of stars without leaving the island.

There are at least hundreds of brothers and sisters in Beiya. They must have added a lot after going out for such a long time

Beiya said about Yuandao and his family, and told Yang Tian how he survived in Xinghai after leaving Yuandao.

A weak human, the delicious meat in the mouth of many orcs, is very difficult to survive in the star sea.

Fortunately, Beiya knew from an early age that when she grew up, she would leave the island and travel in the sea of stars. So she worked very hard and learned many skills, such as refining metal, making weapons, building houses, sewing clothes, making daily necessities, etc. she also learned a variety of languages.

Beiya and many young people of the same generation were put on an island called "Xingyan" by their elders. At the beginning, they were hunted and killed by the orcs. Beiya was not the most powerful among those young people, but survived.

Because the orcs who caught him, called the "three color ear" family, took a fancy to the various skills he learned.

Beiya spent a long time in the sanse\'er nationality. With his increasing contribution to the sanse\'er nationality, he was promoted from a slave like status at the beginning to an elder of the sanse\'er nationality in the end.

This is extremely rare among orcs.

Beiya had intended to survive in this Orc tribe. Unfortunately, suddenly, the Sanse Island, where the sanse\'er tribe survived and multiplied, was attacked by the "thorn tail tribe". The sanse\'er tribe was defeated and Beiya was captured alive. Then, with his own skills, he survived in the thorn tail tribe.

In the thorn tail clan, life on Beiya is not so easy. They not only have to contribute their skills to the barbaric thorn tail clan, but also are often whipped.

Therefore, Beiya escaped from the harsh tribe and began to live in exile. Later, he encountered countless crises. Finally, he was caught by a stray Orc and sold in the slaughterhouse as food.

If Yang Tian hadn\'t arrived in time, Beiya would have been slaughtered and become the food of the beast family.

"Your luck is really good!"

When the North cliff finished, Hui echan\'s voice came from the green cloth surrounding the curtain.

Beiya smiled bitterly, "isn\'t it? At first, thousands of us came out together. I don\'t know if there were ten who went back alive."

"Didn\'t you look for other islands you could move to?" Yang Tian asked.

Beiya said, "of course, and I haven\'t stopped. Unfortunately, although the Xinghai is large and there are many islands, they are occupied by powerful orcs. It\'s OK to defend the island with the strength of our family. If we want to capture other islands, the strength is still much worse!"

"You are not the only Terran in the Starry Sea! Why not unite?" Yang Tian asked again.

Beiya knew that Yang Tian was a "rookie" in the star sea, and seriously explained, "you\'re right! There are many Terrans in the star sea. If you unite, it\'s easy to carve out a vast space and establish a country in the star sea.

However, they are too far away from each other. It is inconvenient to contact and communicate with each other. At the same time, there are orcs watching, so they can\'t do their best. Even if they are really united, there will be all kinds of contradictions between all races in the process of war! "

"That\'s right!" Yang Tian nodded helplessly.

How he wished to see a strong and prosperous human country when he came to the sea of stars! Especially when you see humans being used as food by the orcs.

After taking a bath, Yang Tian gave a set of clothes to Beiya. The three cleaned up neatly and went out of the bathhouse.

The bathhouse covers a large area, next to a low mountain and outside a dense stone house, it looks very remote.

All the things made by the orcs look rough. The architectural style of this bathhouse is similar to that of the slaughterhouse Yang Tian saw before. It is surrounded by stone walls, and then small pools of more than ten square meters are dug out where the geothermal water comes out. Over the pools, stone columns are supported and animal skins are the top.

Out of the door of the bathhouse, the three had not gone far before they were surrounded by a group of orcs.

The costumes and smells of these people are the same as those of the four orcs killed by Yang Tian.

It seems that the enemy came to the door.

After wandering in Xinghai for a long time, Beiya has a good understanding of the common orcs. Even if these orcs don\'t change and smell the smell from them, he knows which Orc they are.

"We call them sawtooth orcs." Beiya glanced at the surrounding orcs and whispered in Yang Tian\'s ear: "sawtooth clan is one of the orcs. It is famous for its good food and difficult to deal with. As long as you kill one of them and are known by their peers, you will always chase you until they kill you or they are afraid of being killed."

Yang Tian said with a smile, "the sawtooth clan is worthy of its name. They are very much like a beast named crocodile there."

Although there are dozens of sawtooth beasts, Yang Tian doesn\'t pay attention to these sawtooth beasts. Under absolute power, the number can\'t play a big role. Not to mention dozens, even hundreds, Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong are sure to kill them all.

Dozens of human shaped sawtooth beasts surrounded Yang Tian and his eyes radiated ferocious and greedy desires.

In the eyes of these sawtooth beasts, Yang Tian and the three of them are not only enemies, but also delicious meat.

Yang Tian took out the blue knife and thought a little. The giant god war armor was draped over him.

Little green dragon glanced coldly at dozens of jagged beasts, flew into the air and turned into a giant dragon more than 20 meters long.

Although Beiya\'s combat power is not strong, he spits out a black ring from his mouth and wears it on his finger. A heavy red machete appears in his hand.

This time, there were many enemies. Hui echan also took out a pair of silver short knives and was ready to fight at any time.

A battle is about to take place.

"Hoo ~"

Suddenly, a huge "red horse" fell from the sky. After landing, it quickly turned into a big man wearing red armor and holding a black axe.

Beiya said to Yang Tian, "this is the soldier of the Jilu clan."

After turning into human form, the Julu warrior raised his black axe, pointed to dozens of sawtooth clan and Yang Tian, and said it for a while.

Beiya said, "this soldier of the Jilu clan doesn\'t let us fight here. We have to fight. Go to the open field in the distance."

As soon as the voice of Beiya fell, several more wind sounded. Eight huge "red horses" flew over and flew in the sky, facing the little green dragon in the sky.

The appearance of the silent deer beast is somewhat similar to that of a flying horse. It is covered in armor and has a pair of meat wings on its back. It is hairless but covered with red scales.

The breath of this silent deer beast coming is much stronger than that of the sawtooth beast.

Seeing another eight dead deer beasts coming, Beiya said bitterly, "this is trouble!"

"Why?" Yang Tian asked.

Beiya said, "the rule here is that if the Jilu clan mediates a battle, we must distinguish the final victory and defeat. There are only three of us and Bruce Lee, but the sawtooth clan has a lot of similar people on hunji island. If we fight, they will appear one after another... In this process, if we want to escape, we will be the enemy of the Jilu clan."

When Beiya finished, Yang Tian frowned and said angrily, "what kind of bird rule is this? We have few people. People use cars to fight, which also killed us."

Beiya reluctantly said, "there\'s no way. Who calls the Jilu clan strong? In other people\'s territory, you have to abide by other people\'s rules."

Yang Tian snorted discontentedly and said coldly, "then kill it! I haven\'t relaxed my muscles and bones for a long time. It depends on whether the sawtooth clan is enough for us to kill."

With that, Yang Tian turned and ran to an open space not far away.

More than ten minutes later, Yang Tian and them stopped in an open field and looked around. There was no building at the extreme of their eyes.

This is a good place to fight.

Yang Tian, who stopped, was soon surrounded by the sawtooth clan.

Seeing that Yang Tian was honest, the nine soldiers of the Jilu family retreated to the distance, all turned into human shapes and looked at them quietly.

Because of this provision, although hunji island has many orcs, there are few large-scale battles.

"Yang Tian, you killed four before. It must have been known by the Jilu clan. This battle was also deliberately arranged by them. The Jilu clan is a belligerent race..."

Before Beilu finished speaking, the sawtooth clan moved. More than ten sawtooth beasts turned into half human and half beast and rushed towards Yang Tian and them.

The others gave birth to wings and flew into the air, ready to besiege the little green dragon.

The sawtooth clan rarely uses weapons, claws and teeth, which are their most powerful weapons.

Seeing the jagged beasts rushing around at the same time, Yang Tian waved the blue knife in his hand. A circle of invisible knife Qi, like the ripples on the water, rushed around.

The attack range of this knife is very large and does not condense. The impact on the sawtooth beasts only makes their movements stop for a moment.

Beiya also moved and threw out the red machete in his hand.

In the process of flying, this heavy machete was actually divided into two and four. Finally, it turned into sixteen, forming a knife wall, and cut off the five sawtooth beasts in front.

"Poof ~"

A dull noise.

A jagged beast running fast was cut in half by the knife of Beiya.

At this time, Yang Tiancai found that only one of the knife shadows formed by the knife on the North cliff is real, and the others are knife shadows, which are used to confuse the enemy\'s line of sight and have no attack power.

This knife also let Yang Tian see the combat effectiveness of Beiya. If Beiya has no hidden strength, his combat effectiveness is at best similar to that of the three sawtooth beasts. No wonder he gets caught.

Because the combat effectiveness is not strong, and I have not seen the real combat effectiveness of Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong, Beiya is actually worried.

In the North cliff, Hui echan snorted coldly and drank softly, "Little Turtle!"

Seeing the sawtooth beast devouring the same kind, Hui echan\'s heart was extremely disgusted with the beast family. At this time, she also took out the most powerful combat skills.

The little green turtle had been lying on the ground for a long time. His head and limbs were shrunk in his shell. He looked like an oval bluestone with a diameter of three meters.

Before Hui echan called, the little green turtle who was in touch with Hui echan stretched out his head and saw that Hui echan crossed the two short knives in his hand. He opened his mouth, ejected a green spirit and landed on the two silver short knives.

At this time, Hui echan points the two knives and gives birth to a large cyan net formed by energy, which covers the two sawtooth beasts rushing forward.

Unfortunately, although the attack method of this net is strange, its power is not strong. It is easily broken by two serrated beasts.

Hui echan was surprised and soon looked discouraged in her eyes. At this time, she felt that she was Yang Tian\'s burden and couldn\'t help Yang Tian.

The little green turtle opened his mouth and swallowed the discouraged Hui echan into his stomach. Immediately, his head and limbs retracted into the turtle shell.

In this way, Yang Tian doesn\'t have to be distracted to take care of Hui echan. He can concentrate on fighting.