Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 848

Hunji Island, in the sea of stars, is a special island.

Most of the islands are occupied by the orcs, and foreigners are not allowed to enter, but hunji island is different. No matter which race, you can board the island at any time.

Of course, after you go to the island, you should abide by the rules of the island.

The island is not rich in resources, but because of this, this island is particularly prosperous compared with other islands.

Some islands in the star sea also have transmission arrays, including hunji island. However, to use the transmission array here, the transmission cost is outrageous.

This island is ruled by an animal family called "silent deer". In the star sea, this animal is very famous because it is very powerful.

In the Xinghai, the islands owned by the Jilu clan are not only hunji island.

This island is ten times larger than the yellow island where Yang Tian was before.

The little green turtle, carrying Yang Tian and Hui echan, soon landed on the edge of hunji island. In the process, Yang Tian and they were not obstructed.

The gravity of hunji island is larger than that of the yellow island, but the air density is only one third of that of the yellow island.

Moreover, the temperature on this island is much lower than that on Huangdao. According to Yang Tian\'s estimation, it is about minus 20 degrees.

Such an environment is difficult for ordinary humans to survive, but for powerful orcs and practitioners, the environment is not bad.

The main color of hunji island is black.

Black rocks, black plants, and even the water in the river are set off as black. Fortunately, this is a living world.

When Yang Tian came to the island, in addition to a large black in his eyes, he was an orc human dressed in colorful clothes.

There are many Orc people on the island. Some are Petite "villains" with a height of less than one meter, and some are giants with a height of more than ten meters. There are rough looking men and delicate looking beauties.

Different races and skin colors are also different. Yellow skinned humans like Yang Tian are very rare on hunji island.

The place where Yang Tian landed was the edge of hunji Island, which was full of black stone houses. It looked very crowded.

Most of the people living here are Xinghai vagrants. In other words, they are so poor that they have to live in the worst conditions on the island.

The conditions are extremely poor and the public security situation is not very good.

When Yang Tian came and walked on the road between the black stone houses, many bad eyes focused on them.

Wherever intelligent creatures gather, commercial activities will occur.

The road between the black stone houses is more than ten meters wide, and stalls are filled on both sides of the road.

There are many meat on the stall.

Yang Tian saw that half of the human bodies were hung on one of the stalls. One of the big men, about three meters tall, gave a black spar to the stall owner and bought the bloody body.

Seeing this situation, Yang Tian frowned, disgusted and angry.

Because this is a real human body.

Yang Tian is the first time to see humans being sold as food by Orc humans.

Looking at the man carrying half of the human body, Yang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly and followed up.

The big man walked hundreds of meters along the avenue, turned into a roadway and entered a yard.

The courtyard is not big, about 100 square meters. It is surrounded by a stone wall of less than two meters. There are three stone houses inside.

There are three other big men in the yard, about the same size as the big man carrying half a human body.

It seems that the four are of the same race.

There is a big pot in the yard, and the water has boiled.

The big man who carried the body back into the hospital smiled and looked very happy.

He threw the body against the stone wall on the chopping board made of black stone slab, took out a knife, cut the body into several sections several times, washed it with water a few times, and threw it directly into the pot. Then he took out a fist sized bottle and poured some red powder into it.

The temperature of the water was very high. In less than a minute, there was a smell of boiled meat in the pot.

Yang Tian and Hui echan stood outside the hospital and looked at all this silently.

When she saw one of the big men stirring in the pot with a fork, Hui echan finally couldn\'t help but vomit by the wall.

Yang Tian had long shielded his sense of smell. Seeing Hui echan\'s uncomfortable appearance, he went to Hui echan\'s side and patted her back.

Hui echan is a pure human. It is the first time to see human beings being used as food and cooked by others.

Those four big men are not human, they just turn into human shapes.

Although they are eating people, they turn into human forms, because human forms can make their life activities more convenient.


Hui echan\'s vomiting startled four big men in the hospital. One of them came out, looked at Yang Tian and Hui echan standing by the wall, pointed to them and roared.

In their opinion, Yang Tian and others have invaded their private territory. Of course, they are dissatisfied.

Facing the angry cry of the man, Hui echan wiped her mouth and pointed to the man and said, "you... You eat people!"


Among the four big men, one of them raised his nose a few times, and a surprised look appeared in his eyes. He whispered a few words with his three companions, and immediately the four people laughed.

Yang Tian saw the movements and expressions of the four people and knew that they smelled Hui echan. Undoubtedly, huiechan was regarded as food by them.

Half of the body carried back by the big man was a male body. Compared with Hui echan, it must taste much worse.

They were glad that food was delivered to the door.

The four looked at each other, and their bodies flashed around Yang Tian and them.

Although the four men looked rough, they were extremely flexible. Almost in the blink of an eye, they surrounded Yang Tian and them.

The four had no weapons in their hands. After they surrounded Yang Tian, their bodies began to change.

First, the hands and legs became sharp claws at a very fast speed, and black spikes grew on the arms and legs.

Then there is the head, which first becomes larger, then separates from the middle and extends a head similar to the shape of a crocodile.

In the process of this deformation, their height has also increased a lot, reaching a height of four meters.

They didn\'t change completely. They just turned into a half man and half beast and stopped changing.

After taking shape, the four monsters looked at Hui echan, and a lot of liquid came out of their mouths. They didn\'t know whether they imagined the situation when Hui echan was swallowed by them or smelled the smell of human flesh from the big pot in the hospital.