Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 791

It has been a long time since he incarnated Jackie Chan, but Yang Tian is still very familiar with this body. He feels that the dragon body is no different from the human body and can be manipulated freely.

After completing the change, Yang Tian\'s dragon body continued to grow, and soon changed into a dragon more than ten meters long.

Kuo Xing has become even smaller in Yang Tian\'s eyes.

After the change of Jackie Chan\'s body, the strength of Yang Tian\'s body has more than doubled. Because of this change, the structure of cells has changed.

Powerful body, able to withstand stronger energy impact.

In almost a few breaths, the energy fluctuation generated from Yang Tian\'s dragon body surpassed the changeable state and reached the wandering state.

When Chengwu Xingyang brigade smacked his tongue and Kuo Xing was surprised, Yang Tian\'s breath was still getting stronger after he reached the wandering realm!

Yang Tian doesn\'t want to! In fact, at this time, his changed dragon body was about to be unable to withstand the energy output by the black hole chain, and the energy in the original world was about to be evacuated. In the energy world, a large number of planets composed of stars are broken into the purest energy and absorbed by the black hole chain.

If the black hole chain keeps strengthening like this, Yang Tian\'s original boundary will soon collapse.

At this time, Yang Tian needs a way to vent, so that the energy output by the black hole chain can quickly find the vent.

In this way, the pressure on his body will be reduced, and then find a way to slow down the rotation of the twelve black holes that make up the black hole chain

Seeing that Yang Tian\'s realm was about to surpass himself, Kuo Xing finally couldn\'t stand it. He let go of the little green dragon. His body flashed into a red light and rushed towards Yang Tian.

At the moment, the powerful energy impact makes Yang Tian\'s body very uncomfortable, but at the same time, his feeling has been raised to a new level.

Before that, his vision, not to mention seeing the broad stars, even Bai xingxuan\'s actions, he could not see clearly. He had to rely on spiritual strength to offset Bai xingxuan\'s speed advantage.

But now it\'s different. After the power has been raised to the level of wandering, the situation of the broad star rushing towards him clearly appears in his eyes.

This is still vision. After the nerve reaction speed has increased dozens of times, Yang Tian suddenly found that his mastery of spiritual power is more exquisite.

At this time, for Yang Tian and Kuo Xing, the passage of time seems to be dozens of times slower.

Kuo Xing wanted to deal with Yang Tian by dealing with little green dragon. He appeared above Yang Tian\'s head like lightning and fell quickly.

Kuo Xing, who has rich combat experience, naturally sees that flying creatures like dragons have blind spots and weaknesses on their backs.

Facing Kuo Xing\'s attack, Yang Tian swung the dragon\'s tail and rushed obliquely in front, just avoiding Kuo Xing\'s attack.

"Boom ~"

Kuo Xing\'s body hit the ground like a shell. The hard rock layer was rushed out of a big pit more than ten meters deep by him.

Before Kuo Xing rushed out of the pit, Yang Tianlong\'s tail swung and bombarded the hole. With a roar, Kuo Xing was directly buried in the pit by gravel.

These crushed stones, naturally, could not hurt Kuo Xing. With a sound of "Peng", Kuo Xing broke through the crushed stones that buried him, and his body spun rapidly in the air.

With the rotation of the broad star, thousands of red lights were emitted from him and shrouded towards Yang Tian by the power generated by the rotation.

These red lights came so suddenly and very fast that Yang Tian couldn\'t avoid them.

Fortunately, although he became Jackie Chan, Yang Tian did not recover the twelve black holes around him. The powerful force field generated by them still protected Yang Tian\'s body.

"Puff, puff..."

The red light is full of strength, constantly hitting the force field generated by the black hole, making a \'poop\' sound as dense as raindrops.

During the collision, Yang Tian also saw clearly that these red lights were Kuo Xing\'s blood. In the process of rapid rotation, Kuxing\'s body forces part of its own blood to condense into blood beads with strong energy.

It is estimated that these blood beads thrown out by Kuo Xing can break through even the rocks several meters thick. The strong collision force makes the twelve black holes guarding Yang Tian tremble.

Kuo Xing\'s body kept rotating in the air, and countless blood beads kept coming out of him and continued.

Kuo Xing understands that Yang Tian has this powerful energy because he uses a special way to release the huge energy quickly in a short time. In fact, he can\'t last long.

At this time, Kuo Xing was not sure to kill Yang Tian in a short time, so he used this way of consumption to make Yang Tian passive defense. He believed that Yang Tian couldn\'t hold on until the blood in his body ran out.

In the process of fighting with Kuo Xing, Yang Tian\'s energy is still rising. At this time, most of the planets in the original world have been smashed into energy and absorbed by the black hole chain. The energy in the original world began to slowly lose its balance.

We can\'t wait any longer. We must kill Kuo Xing in a short time. Otherwise, even if Kuo Xing doesn\'t do it, he will be dead!

In the face of Kuo Xing\'s unique attack, Yang Tian\'s pair of longans showed a decisive look.

Immediately, Yang Tian\'s mind moved. The black holes around his twelve fists suddenly became several times larger, and the powerful force field centered on him spread around.

"Buzzing ~"

The powerful force field makes the invisible space vibrate, producing bursts of strange dull noise.

Under this powerful force field, Yang Tian\'s dragon body suddenly stretched straight and disappeared in place like lightning. When it appeared at the next moment, it had come to Kuo Xing and closed its two claws.

Yang Tian used the powerful force field generated by the twelve black holes to eject himself. This speed did not even react to the wide star behind him.

When Kuo Xing realized that Yang Tian was close, he wanted to get away, but suddenly found that he had fallen between Yang Tian\'s two dragon claws.

Kuo Xing was surprised. The powerful power in his body broke out again and wanted to break free. Unexpectedly, Yang Tian\'s two dragon claws seemed to have infinite power. No matter how powerful he broke out, he couldn\'t break free.

Not only that, the power of Yang Tian\'s double claws is still increasing.

In the process, Kuo Xing also heard a strange "cluck" sound from the two huge dragon claws wrapped around him.

This is Yang Tian\'s flesh body now. He can\'t bear the reaction of strength.

However, even if the body is about to collapse, the time to kill Kuo Xing is enough.

Kuo Xing\'s body is gradually deformed by two dragon claws. If Kuo Xing dies like this, he may become the first practitioner in the world to be "held to death" by an alien beast with two claws.