Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 790

The situation of Kuo Xing\'s transformation is very terrible. Originally, his skin has been rotten, but now, in these rotten skin, countless fishy red tentacles stretch out.

Each tentacle is thick with a finger. After it is born from the body surface, it extends until it is several meters long.

In a moment, the broad star became a sphere wrapped in countless soft flesh whiskers.

Yang Tian and Cheng Wu looked at all this and their eyes were dull. This change is really... Amazing.

At this time, the change of the broad star was not completed. The fishy red meat whiskers wrapped together began to change slowly to the gray color.

Yang Tian certainly won\'t let Kuo Xing complete his transformation so smoothly. What he can imagine is that Kuo Xing will certainly have stronger combat power after transformation!

Otherwise, Kuo Xing won\'t do it again.

Holding a knife in both hands, Yang Tian chopped at the broad star that had become a strange ball again. At this time, even Cheng Wuxing Yang took action, took out a silver bow from his storage bracelet, stretched the bow and arrow, and shot at Kuo Xing.

However, in the face of their attack, they have become the broad star of the black ball and have no response at all.

The silver sharp arrow shot by Chengwu Xingyang was bounced off as soon as it touched it. The knife Qi cut by Yang Tian left only shallow scratches on it.

However, the energy that can damage the spirit body, which is unique to the 15th century, has penetrated into it. I don\'t know if it can cause damage to the broad star.

The change of the broad star did not last long.

"Peng ~"

Suddenly, with a loud noise, the black sphere exploded, and a red shadow rushed out of it.

The power of the black ball explosion is several times stronger than the energy impact generated by the explosion of its own energy.

The red shadow rushed out of the black ball successfully broke through the bondage and fell outside the force field generated by the twelve black holes.

At this time, the green insects in the cave have been absorbed by Yang Tian\'s twelve black holes, and the light in the cave becomes as bright as before.

This red shadow is obviously Kuo Xing. After he broke away from Yang Tian\'s bondage, he didn\'t attack Yang Tian immediately, but fell to the ground and stood there quietly.

At this time, Kuxing\'s head was shorter than before, his head became smaller, his arms became longer, and when he hung down, he crossed his shorter legs.

On a wrinkled face, the two eyes were weird blue, occupying one-third of the area of the face.


Seeing Kuo Xing\'s appearance at this time, these three words came out of Yang Tian\'s mind. Before walking out of the earth, Yang Tian imagined an alien like appearance, which is similar to the current wide star.

To Yang Tian\'s surprise, the energy fluctuation emitted by the changed broad star is much weaker than before.

Getting weaker and weaker?

Obviously impossible!

Kuo Xing kept looking at Yang Tian with two big blue eyes.

Kuo Xing, who broke through the shackles, gave Yang Tian great psychological pressure no matter what he became.

It\'s better to start first!

Yang Tian\'s mind moved, and the twelve black holes suddenly disappeared. After shrinking to the size of his fist, they appeared around Yang Tian. They were less than a foot away from Yang Tian. Their arrangement position was different from that before. The generated force field protected Yang Tian in the center.

In this way, if the wide star wants to attack him, it must break through the defense generated by the twelve black holes.

This is another use of Yang Tian\'s black hole chain.

Sharp weapons can attack the enemy and naturally defend themselves.

However, this defense is much weaker than the attack.

After making these preparations, Yang Tian kicked on the ground and rushed towards the transformed Kuo star.

This is a tentative attack. Yang Tian\'s impact speed does not reach his fastest speed, so he can get out and retreat at any time.

In the process of impact, Yang Tian chopped at Kuo Xing again and again, and dozens of red knife Qi shrouded Kuo Xing from all angles.

At the same time, several wisps of spiritual power released by Yang Tian also wound towards the broad star along the air flow.

Yang Tian\'s movements are extremely fast. Defense and attack, combined with spiritual detection, are almost completed at one go.

Facing Yang Tian\'s dozens of Dao Qi, Kuo Xing finally moved. His red body just shook and disappeared in the original pass.

Yang Tian was surprised because Kuo Xing, whose breath weakened after his transformation, was at least 50% faster than before, which failed to capture Yang Tian\'s spiritual power.

Kuo Xing\'s strength is stronger than Yang Tian\'s. no matter how fast it is, this combat power is terrible for Yang Tian.

"Boom ~"

Before Yang Tian could react, Kuo Xing appeared behind him and beat Yang Tian with a long arm.

The twelve black holes running around Yang Tian generate strong defensive energy. When the attack of Kuo Xing hits it, it is a roar.

The violent impact made Yang Tiantian\'s body fly to one side. Yang Tian, protected by the power of a black hole, crashed and destroyed more than a dozen huge rubble before he stopped.

At the moment, although Yang Tian was not injured, the powerful energy impact made him dizzy and confused for a while.

In this short confusion, the broad star came again, fell from the sky, stepped on Yang Tian with his short legs.

"Boom ~"

There was another loud noise.

Under the protection of twelve black hole force fields, Yang Tian, who is undertaking the giant force, was directly blasted into the ground by the broad star. Centered on Yang Tian, a large pit with a diameter of more than 20 meters appeared.

This time, the collision of energy was more intense, but Yang Tian woke up immediately.

At this time, Kuo Xing is like a different person than before. He not only becomes stronger, but also extremely calm. It gives people the feeling that he is like a combat machine.

"Ow ~"

Kuo Xing attacked Yang Tian twice in a row. The time was very short. Xiao Qinglong finally reacted, gave a roar and rushed over quickly.

Before Xiaoqinglong approached, Kuo Xing\'s figure flashed and suddenly appeared above Xiaoqinglong\'s head. Just like bombarding Yang Tian before, his feet stepped on Xiaoqinglong\'s head fiercely.

"Boom ~"

The little green dragon\'s head hit the ground fiercely. The huge faucet was deeply sunk into the hard rock ground.

Kuo Xing did not let it go. He stepped on Xiaoqinglong\'s head and injured a dragon\'s claw. Xiaoqinglong exhausted his strength and couldn\'t break free.

"Wheezing ~ boom ~"

In desperation, a flash of lightning appeared between the Dragon horns of the little green dragon and accurately bombarded Kuo Xing.

But this powerful current failed to break through even Kuo Xing\'s defense force.

It\'s impossible to bombard with electric current. The Golden Dragon flame lit up again on the little green dragon.

As soon as the Dragon flame came out, the surrounding temperature also increased rapidly.

All the rocks that come into contact with the Dragon flame soften and melt at a very fast speed, emitting bursts of black smoke.

In such a high temperature, Kuo Xing didn\'t move. His body moved again. With a "bang" under his feet, little Qinglong\'s huge head sank deeper.

Just now, if Xiaoqinglong hadn\'t appeared in time, his twelve black hole defenses would have been smashed by Kuo Xing.

At that time, he really had to wait to die.

Although he was hit twice, Yang Tian was not hurt. He relied on the defense power of the twelve black holes.

Seeing such a situation, Yang Tianmu wanted to crack his canthus. Kuo Xing actually abused Xiaoqinglong in front of him!

Yang Tian, extremely angry, moved his mind and the black hole chain in the energy world ran at high speed again.

In an instant, the rotation speed of each black hole constituting the black hole chain was increased to the fastest, completely out of the control of Yang Tian\'s idea.

The course of the battle, to this extent, has completely exceeded Yang Tian\'s expectations. He thought that with the power of the black hole chain, he could trap the wide star, and then kill the wide star with 15 special energy.

Unexpectedly, Kuo Xing also has special means. Unexpectedly, he suddenly changed and has more powerful power and faster speed.

In the face of such an opponent, if he doesn\'t work hard, he and Xiaoqinglong will die in the hands of Kuo Xing.

After the twelve black holes constituting the black hole chain lost control, Yang Tian ignored it and turned most of his attention to the flesh.

The high-speed operation of the black hole chain makes Yang Tian\'s strength stronger and stronger.

At this moment, we can know from the smell emanating from Yang Tian.

Cheng Wu Xingyang, hiding behind a huge stone, looked at Yang Tian and suddenly opened his eyes wide.

Because Yang Tian\'s breath soon broke through the realm of understanding life and rose to the realm of all changes!

At this time, I still didn\'t stop. From the changeable initial environment, I soon reached the middle and late stage

This is not to say that Yang Tian\'s realm has been improved, but that Yang Tian has great power.

The power of a practitioner is matched with the realm, and the body is like a container.

The energy contained in the energy world can not be compared with the practitioners in the changeable realm.

In addition to the amount of energy contained, there is also the output, which is very different in this regard.

When Yang Tian\'s energy fluctuation reached the middle stage of changes, his skin began to exude bright red blood.

If he ascends again, his body will be inflated by powerful energy.

Seeing the changes in Yang Tian, Kuo Xing\'s two big blue eyes showed a look of interest.

At this moment, he can let go of Xiaoqinglong and attack Yang Tian again while Yang Tian has not completed the process of improving his combat effectiveness.

But he didn\'t move.

Because as soon as the idea appeared in my mind, I suddenly had a strong sense of crisis at the bottom of my heart.

It seems that Yang Tian also has the means to deal with him in the process of change.

Now, Kuo Xing has learned Yang Tian\'s precise computing power.

When the current body can\'t bear more powerful energy, Yang Tian also changed.

Yang Tian\'s transformation process is much better than Kuo Xing\'s transformation process. First, scales grew all over the body, and then both hands and feet became dragon claws, and then the trunk and head

Yang Tian changed from a man to a dragon two meters long at a very fast speed.

(I\'m late. I owe 3000 words. I\'ll make it up tomorrow. Starting tomorrow, I\'ll keep the minimum two times. The update will be put before 10:30 p.m.)