Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 792

Kuo Xing certainly won\'t just wait to die.

Under the pressure of Yang Tian\'s claws, the inside of his body actually began to "melt".

This is a special way to escape. Kuo Xing takes the body shell as the support to resist the extrusion force, while the inside of the body becomes a liquid form in a fishy red color, flows out of the left ear and escapes Yang Tian\'s claws.

Yang Tian\'s two claws can\'t fit perfectly. The fishy red liquid flows out between his two claws and soon turns into a human shape after falling to the ground.

At this time, Kuxing has returned to its former appearance, no longer an "alien".

"Luo ~ Peng ~"

At this time, Kuo Xing\'s flesh shell between Yang Tian\'s two claws finally broke into meat cakes.

In fact, Kuo Xing doesn\'t have to leave so soon. If he tries his best to keep deadlocked with Yang Tian, maybe Yang Tian can\'t hold on at first.

The reason is that between Yang Tian\'s two claws, there is a power that has a strong destructive power to the flesh cells.

This is Yang Tian\'s force.

From Yang Tian\'s grasp of Kuo Xing to Kuo Xing\'s separation, it was only a little more than a minute.

On one side of Cheng Wu Xingyang, his eyes were full of surprise and excitement.

The battle between Yang Tian and Kuo Xing is undoubtedly the battle of the world\'s top powers. He never imagined that the battle between them was actually this way and process.

During this period, they not only used strong strength, but also made use of the constant changes of the flesh to meet the needs of the battle.


Although Kuo Xing was separated from Yang Tian\'s claws, his combat power was greatly damaged. Now he is less than 50% of his peak.

Even so, the wide star\'s eyes still have a strong sense of war.

From the point of view of his opponent, Kuo Xing had to admire Yang Tian, a practitioner who realized the realm of life. Originally, he could crush one finger to death. Unexpectedly, Yang Tian\'s strange moves, one by one, made him a top strong man who suffered a great loss.

Kuo Xing fled, which was expected by Yang Tian. He didn\'t expect to kill Kuo Xing in this simple way.

Kuo Xing is safe now, but Yang Tian\'s trouble has come.

Don\'t use Kuo Xing this time. Maybe he will be destroyed.

Because Yang Tian has completely lost control of the energy in his body.

"Peng ~"

A bang.

Yang Tian\'s Dragon claws were suddenly blown to pieces and turned into flesh and blood all over the sky. They were thrown around. Cheng Wu Xingyang, not far away, was drenched.

"Peng ~"

Then there was another explosion.

After the two front dragon claws exploded because they couldn\'t bear the force, his two rear claws burst.

At this time, Yang Tian, who was suspended in the air, looked like a python because he lost his four claws.

"Ow ~"

His limbs were blown up, and Yang Tian felt strong pain with his extremely sharp sensory nerves. He couldn\'t help roaring.

It was originally called \'ah ~\', but when the voice came out, it was a dragon pterin.

At this time, Kuo Xing had put on a purple robe and was far away, frowning at what happened to Yang Tian.

For Yang Tian\'s self destruction, there was no happiness in his heart. Instead, he felt pity for his fate.

He believes that this is because Yang Tian changed his body and could not completely control the changed body. Soon, he thought of himself.

A high-level practitioner needs to get the genetic information of other organisms in order to change his body cells.

Imagine the change of body out of thin air. Probably, only those legendary gods can do it!

Kuo Xing\'s transformation before also took advantage of this way. Unlike others, his cells in his body were eroded by divine blood and changed unconsciously.

God\'s blood affects not only his body, but also his character. Sometimes, after Kuo Xing calms down and thinks about what he has done before, he will find that he was like a different person.


In my mind, after a brief sigh, Kuo Xing turned his attention to the changing Jackie Chan\'s Yang Tian.

Whether it is Kuo Xing after calmness or Kuo Xing with another character, Yang Tian is not allowed to leave here alive!

The burst of the four claws seemed to announce the beginning of Yang Tian\'s destruction. His dragon trexate finally woke up the little green dragon climbing on the ground.

Before, Kuo Xing hit him on the head with great power. The spirit of the little green dragon shook and was in a semi coma.

Xiaoqinglong, who woke up, saw the crisis of Yang Tian.

The most important thing is that Yang Tian lost control of the energy in his body, and his changed dragon body can\'t bear the violent energy.

What should I do?

Seeing Yang Tian\'s current appearance, Xiaoqinglong was more anxious than when he was in crisis. He couldn\'t imagine what he would look like in the future without Yang Tian

"Peng ~"

At this time, there was another explosion on Yang Tian, and his dragon tail burst.

The dragon\'s body was greatly damaged, which also hurt Yang Tian\'s spirit, that is, soul.

At this time, Yang Tian didn\'t have no way to protect himself.

If at this time, he let his soul simply break away from his current body and borrow Xiaoqinglong\'s body for temporary storage, as long as Xiaoqinglong escapes here, he will live through Xiaoqinglong\'s blood essence as last time.

However, this is based on the premise that Xiaoqinglong leaves safely. Now Kuo Xing is eyeing him. Doing so can only let Xiaoqinglong be buried with him, because Kuo Xing\'s current combat power can still easily kill Xiaoqinglong.

Therefore, even if he is dead, Yang Tian will make Kuo Xing suffer a heavy blow and even die with him.

"Hoo ~"

When Yang Tianzheng gritted his teeth and insisted, suddenly, a wind sounded in front of him and a purple shadow appeared.

Originally, Kuo Xing shot again.

There are too many miracles that have happened to Yang Tian. Kuo Xing doesn\'t want another miracle to happen to Yang Tian, so he resolutely attacked Yang Tian when he thinks Yang Tian is the weakest.

Kuo Xing is wrong

At this time, Yang Tian looked miserable. In fact, he was not at his weakest.

I was going to work hard to remember Kuo Xing\'s hatred. Unexpectedly, Kuo Xing took the initiative to send it to the door.

With the painful stimulation on his body, Yang Tian moved his mind at the moment when Kuo Xing was close to him, which once again accelerated the rotation speed of the twelve black holes in the energy world.

If the twelve black holes are regarded as a high-speed car, it has been driving very fast, and Yang Tiancha can\'t stop. He can only let it go forward. At this time, Yang Tian uses his mind to accelerate it again, no doubt pushing behind the car to make it run faster.

The speed at which the black hole chain erupts energy has been raised to a higher level again.

In this moment, the first thing to destroy is Yang Tian\'s energy world, the whole original world and the vast cosmic world, which suddenly collapsed into energy and gathered towards the black hole chain at an incredible speed.

The destruction of the energy world bounces Yang Tian\'s consciousness out, otherwise, Yang Tian\'s ideas will be swallowed by the black hole chain.

At this time, the black hole chain becomes a real black hole.

Almost at the moment when the energy world collapsed, the twelve black holes around Yang Tian expanded and merged into a huge black hole.

At this time, Kuo Xing attacked Yang Tian\'s hand and was patting on Yang\'s faucet.

At this time, in fact, Kuo Xing doesn\'t need to do this at all. Yang Tian\'s body will be destroyed immediately.

Now, not only Yang Tian\'s body, but also Kuo Xing, who attacked Yang Tian, will be unlucky.

Seeing the darkness around him, Kuo Xing was shocked and wanted to get away. So he clapped his right palm on Yang Tian\'s faucet and made another effort.

Unexpectedly, Yang Tian\'s body spread like sand.

Kuo Xing not only did not borrow strength, but felt an irresistible force around him, compressing his body towards a small spot in front of him.

Kuo Xing was shocked and knew that the physical body could not be saved. The spirit body immediately separated from the physical body and escaped from the gravitational range of the black hole.

The formation time of the black hole is still short, and the shrouded area is not large. When Kuo Xing leaves the flesh body, he sees Chengwu Xingyang not far away, with his eyes wide open and shocked.

Kuo Xing didn\'t hesitate. The spirit body condensed into a ball, rushed towards Chengwu Xingyang and disappeared into Chengwu Xingyang\'s forehead.

Kuo Xing is the strong one in the realm of wandering, while Chengwu Xingyang is only the realm of fantasy. The strength of spirit body is far from being compared with Kuo Xing.

Kuo Xing did this to borrow Cheng Wu Xing Yang\'s body.


The spirit body of the broad star escaped. Yang Tian\'s consciousness, that is, the spirit body in the world, of course, escaped from the gravitational range of the black hole.

Different from the previous physical destruction, Yang Tian\'s consciousness at this time has completely lost contact with the energy world.

The result was much better than Yang Tian\'s expected result. He finally won Kuo Xing, but it was a disastrous victory.