Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 789

In order to prevent the broad star from breaking away, Yang Tian made the black hole run at the fastest speed he could control.

"Ah ~"

The trapped broad star raised his head and roared.

With this roar, Kuxing burst out his most powerful energy again.

After being bound by Yang Tian once, Kuo Xing will naturally think about what to do if he is bound by Yang Tian again.

"Boom ~"

A loud noise.

After the energy of Kuo Xing was separated from the body, under his urging, it was released violently around like dynamite.

This is the way Kuo Xing thought of.

He wants to use this energy to explode and blow up the power that binds him.

At that moment, Yang Tian\'s eyes were wide open and his mind moved. In the energy world, the twelve black holes constituting the black hole chain accelerated again.

There has been a lesson that almost got out of control. Yang tianben didn\'t want to do so, but at this time, if he didn\'t increase the rotation speed of the twelve black holes to the fastest, Kuxing would certainly escape.

From trapping Kuo Xing to now, the time is very short. Yang Tian doesn\'t have time to give Kuo Xing a few cruel blows with 15.

As soon as the speed of the twelve black holes is accelerated, the speed of absorbing energy is also much faster. More than half of the energy emitted by the wide star is absorbed by the black hole.

But a small part resists the attraction of the twelve black holes.

Taking this opportunity, Kuo Xing kicked his feet on the ground with a loud bang. Kuo Xing rushed straight to the top of the cave with a strong rebound force.

Yang Tian was surprised, but at this moment, he had no time to respond.

Seeing that Kuo Xing\'s body was about to rush out of the force field composed of twelve black holes, a huge claw photographed it above Kuo Xing\'s head.

It\'s little green dragon!

At this critical moment, the little green dragon who became a giant Dragon flew quickly and appeared above Kuo Xing. When he saw Yang Kuo Xing, he was about to escape. He didn\'t think about it, so he patted it with one claw.

In a hurry, little green dragon also used its most powerful power. With its current power, even a tall mountain can be smashed by its claw.

Seeing a giant claw clapping on his head, Kuo Xing\'s face was dignified. He raised his hand with a fist and bombarded the little green dragon\'s claws.

"Boom ~"

There was another loud noise.

Soon, there was a huge pool of blood splashing around.

"Ow ~"

Under the great pain, the little green dragon couldn\'t help shouting.

Kuo Xing\'s fist smashed the huge claws of little green dragon.

The little green dragon\'s body was shocked by the huge collision force and rolled in the air for several times. The huge body hit the top of the cave, and huge stones fell down like rain.

Although he destroyed one of Xiaoqinglong\'s claws and shook Xiaoqinglong back, Kuo Xing still failed to break through Yang Tian\'s power to bind him.

In order to escape, Kuxing actually paid a huge price.

Just now, he exploded his power like explosives. Although the power to bind him was weakened, the powerful explosive force also hurt his flesh.

After Kuo Xing smashed Xiaoqinglong\'s claws and landed on the ground again, he returned to Chengwu Xingyang beside Yang Tian to see the current Kuo Xing.

At this time, Kuo Xing\'s clothes had long been shattered, his whole body\'s skin was blown to pieces, and the muscle tissue wrapped by his skin was exposed. It looked as if he had been skinned. It looked very terrible.

Kuo Xing looks worse now than being divided by others.

Such injuries are certainly fatal to ordinary humans, but for practitioners, they can only be regarded as minor injuries.

As long as he can survive, Kuo Xing can return to his original appearance in less than half a day.

The same is true of Xiaoqinglong\'s injury. It\'s just a flesh injury. After hitting the top of the cave and hitting the ground, you can see its broken dragon claws recovering at a very fast speed.

After Kuo Xing\'s hope was destroyed by Xiaoqing, the situation was temporarily deadlocked.

At this time, those tiny green insects in the cave began to sweep wildly. The energy generated by the battle and a large amount of flesh and blood attracted a large number of green insects.

For a moment, around Yang Tian and others, green insects had become so dense that they almost changed from "green fog" to "green liquid".

In order to stop these insects, Yang Tian\'s spiritual power is consuming faster and faster. Fortunately, when twelve black holes trap Kuo Xing, they also roll a large number of these insects into the black hole.

If the green insects in the cave do not come in a steady stream, they will soon be sucked into Yang Tian\'s twelve black holes and turned into energy to support the operation of the black hole.

For the little green dragon, it is much simpler. After landing, a golden dragon flame is lit on its body. All green insects close to it are burned to ashes.

Yang Tian, who was breathing slowly, looked at Kuo Xing coldly and raised the red long knife in his hand.

The speed at which the black hole chain consumes energy is too fast. If you don\'t end the battle as soon as possible, Kuo Xing can also lose him.

"Chi ~"

A harsh air friction sounded.

A red, crescent shaped knife Qi separated from the red knife body and rushed to the broad star like lightning.

This Dao Qi can not only directly hurt people\'s soul, but also cause great damage to the flesh.

Facing Yang Tian\'s knife, Kuo Xing, who was bound by Yang Tian, could not avoid it. He could only watch the knife Qi cut through the "green fog", open a channel and rush straight towards him.

Kuo Xing had been stabbed by Yang Tian before. He knew that this energy was terrible. When he had difficulty in action, not much energy in his body erupted again.

"Poof ~"

A dull noise.

The red Sabre gas hit Kuo Xing\'s body protection energy.

This knife did not break through the energy defense of Kuo Xing and disappeared in the collision.

The reason why Yang Tian was stabbed before was that he had just completed the transmission. Otherwise, Yang Tian\'s knife could not hurt his spirit.

"Chi Chi..."

After this knife, Yang Tian did not wait for the result, but waved his knife one after another and cut off at Kuo Xing. At this time, he didn\'t want to see the results. He just wanted to chop until he cut Kuo Xing to death.

Kuo Xing has great power. At this time, the speed of consuming energy is slower than Yang Tian. He knows that if he consumes with Yang Tian in this way, he will win.

However, as a strong man in the realm of wandering and the Supreme Lord of the limitless temple, it was an insult for him to be cut down by Yang Tian as a target.

If you think Kuo Xing has only the previous means, you will underestimate Kuo Xing.

In the face of Yang Tian\'s chop, Kuo Xing\'s face, which had not recovered its skin, gradually twisted. Immediately, a strange smell came out of him.

The green insects in the cave are inhaled by Yang Tian\'s black hole, less and less, making the light in the cave brighter and brighter.

Aware that the breath on Kuo Xing had changed, Yang Tian couldn\'t help slowing down his chopping action.

Next, the changes in Kuo Xing made Yang Tian open his eyes.

Because Kuo Xing began to change!

(six thousand words tomorrow, three chapters)