Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 788

(Chapter three in one)

Seeing Kuo Xing didn\'t catch up, Yang Tian and Cheng Wu Xing Yang were relieved.

In this rough and open space, there are rocks everywhere. The more you go forward, the more and more rocks are.

Under such circumstances, Yang Tian had to wonder whether this was the treasure house of the limitless temple.

But thinking of Kuo Xing\'s desperate pursuit, he put his heart down. He knew that it was not so easy to enter the treasure house of the limitless temple.

For Yang Tian and them, there is not much time. If Kuo Xing doesn\'t come, he can calmly look for it, but Kuo Xing falls behind, which makes Yang Tian and Cheng Wu Xingyang feel nervous.

After walking through the mountain sized rocks for a while, Yang Tian arranged a hidden Rune array with the help of the strange program.

In this way, even if the broad stars pass by from a distance, they will not find their hiding place.

Yang Tian stopped at this time to replenish energy.

Yang Tian consumed a lot in the battle with Bai xingxuan before. Later, he trapped Kuo Xing and used more energy.

Although the fighting time is very short, Yang Tian\'s energy has been insufficient. Now even if Kuo Xing stood in front of him and obediently let him use the black hole chain, Yang Tian couldn\'t do it.

Before coming to the limitless temple, Yang Tian\'s inventory was not much. Fortunately, he cheated a lot of things in the scavenger department with the nine color hall card in the temple.

Otherwise, Yang Tian is in danger of running out of food.

To put it bluntly, the fight before the practitioner is also a resource to supplement energy.

100000 pills for understanding life; One hundred million louse crystals of standard volume, which can be directly used to supplement energy, Yang Tian\'s one-time, let the black hole chain swallow a third.

When Yang Tian used so many things to replenish energy at one time, Cheng Wu Xingyang couldn\'t help but smack his tongue.

These quantities of lice crystals and pills can make him practice to realize his life smoothly.

Seeing Yang Tian\'s "hunger", Cheng Wu Xingyang guessed that the battle between Yang Tian and Kuo Xing just now would not consume so much energy?

Chengwu Xingyang guessed well. In the battle with Kuo Xing, Yang Tian almost transferred all the energy previously stored in the original world.

The energy consumed is similar to the energy extracted by the pill and lice crystal swallowed by Yang Tian at this time.

You know, the battle between Yang Tian and Kuo Xing is separated by a realm.

Normally, if the level difference is one level, the combat power will be one-sided, but Yang Tian and Kuo Xing are two levels different from Kuo Xing.

Among practitioners, it is estimated that only he can do this, because his energy world is very large.

Perhaps it is because of its huge size that black holes appear in his energy world, and under his "wonderful ideas", a chain of black holes has been built. If we put it on other practitioners of the realm of enlightenment, not to mention the formation of black holes in the energy world, it is estimated that it is very difficult to make the black hole chain run.

Also, if other practitioners in the realm of enlightenment absorb so much energy at one time, it is estimated that the energy world will be burst

In the eyes of Cheng Wu Xingyang, Yang Tian has equated with the monster.

I thought Yang Tian would recuperate for a very long time, but after Yang Tian absorbed energy, the energy fluctuation emitted from the body stabilized after dozens of breaths.

With enough energy, Yang Tian\'s confidence is also enough. After completing the interest rate adjustment, Yang Tian\'s eyes were full of confidence and a little crazy.

Through the previous battle with Kuo Xing, Yang Tian realized that with the big killer of black hole chain, he could kill Kuo Xing!

The current situation is that if you want to find what he needs smoothly, you must get rid of Kuo Xing. But this is simply impossible.

This is Kuo Xing\'s territory. As long as people guard at the door and wait for him to come to the door. Unless you no longer covet the countless cultivation resources of the limitless temple, find a way to leave now.

Anyway, now the rune array of the temple has been changed, and the destruction is only a matter of time. Unless someone can have the same ability as a strange program to recover the changed Rune array in a short time.

Kuo Xing naturally realized this, so he wanted to keep the treasure house of the limitless temple. With the treasure house, the foundation of the limitless temple was destroyed. It was a big deal to build another one.

Things have developed to this point. Yang Tian and Kuo Xing are no longer simply personal grudges, but related to their future. They can no longer be described by the words "never die".

So, if you have a chance, why not kill Kuo Xing?

Moreover, this is not impossible.

Before facing Kuo Xing, Yang Tian just wanted to escape because Kuo Xing was strong. When he was as strong as Kuo Xing, he would come back to Kuo Xing for trouble.

But at this time, Yang Tian\'s mind changed.

Because, in addition to the big killer black hole chain, Yang Tian still has fifteen knives that can directly hurt people\'s souls.

If you can trap Kuo Xing, give him a few times with this knife

In Yang Tian\'s mind, he began to calculate how to kill Kuo Xing.

After some thinking, with the help of strange programs, the plan in Yang Tian\'s mind was gradually improved.

After thinking about it, Yang Tian stared at Cheng Wu Xingyang.

"What are you doing..." Cheng Wu Xingyang was staring at Yang Tian and stammered nervously.

Yang Tian said with a smile, "let\'s kill Kuo Xing later!"

Yang Tian said, waving his palm vertically and chopping.

Kill Kuo Xing!

How dare you think! Chengwu Xingyang looked at the excited Yang Tian on his face and opened his eyes wide.

Yang Tian ignored the frightened Cheng Wu Xingyang and whispered his plan.

"You want me to attract him..."

After Yang Tian finished, Cheng Wu pointed to himself in horror.

In Yang Tian\'s plan, there is a process of letting Cheng Wu Xingyang come forward and attract Kuo Xing to his designated place.

This process is very important. Yang Tian, Xiao Qinglong and Cheng Wu Xingyang, two people and one dragon, can only be completed by Cheng Wu Xingyang.

If Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong appear, Kuo Xing will start at the first time.

"Well, do you agree?"

Looking at Cheng Wu Xingyang\'s hesitation, Yang Tian asked with a sneer.

Seeing Yang Tian staring at his forehead, Cheng Wu Xingyang suddenly woke up. Now, Yang Tian\'s prohibition on him has not been lifted.

If you don\'t promise Yang Tian, I\'m afraid you\'ll die ugly.

However, despite threat, Cheng Wu Xingyang did not resent Yang Tian.

This is the world. The strong control the weak. Cheng Wu Xingyang is a weak person in front of Yang Tian. Naturally, he should be controlled by Yang Tian.

Moreover, if Yang Tian\'s plan succeeds and kills Kuo Xing, it will be good for Cheng Wu Xingyang and Cheng Wu Xingyang\'s family.

"OK, I promise you!"

After a little thought, Cheng Wu Xingyang can only bite his teeth and agree.

Anyway, this time, if Yang\'s Day is over, he will follow.

The punishment of the temple for the traitor is very harsh, and it will certainly be more painful than Yang Tian\'s death.

"Bruce Lee, go and have a look."

Seeing Chengwu Xingyang\'s promise, Yang Tian turned his head and said to Xiaoqinglong.

Xiaoqinglong understood Yang Tian\'s meaning and immediately went to see if Kuo Xing came.

In Yang Tian\'s current state, even if he has the magic weapon of black hole chain and 15, it is not so easy to kill Kuo Xing.

Kuo Xing has suffered a loss before, and will certainly not be easily trapped by him.

Yang Tian naturally understood this, so he needed the help of the rune array.

This is also Yang Tian\'s advantage.

After Xiaoqinglong left, Yang Tian did not act immediately, but began to observe the surrounding terrain.

At this time, the singular program starts to calculate and design the symbol array according to the surrounding terrain.


After the completion of Kuo Xing\'s breath adjustment, he chased for a distance and lost Yang Tian\'s breath.

There is a lot of space here. If Yang Tian uses the rune array to hide, it\'s really not easy to find Yang Tian.

Kuo Xing is not in a hurry at this time, because the transmission array that left here has been destroyed, which is the only place you can go in and out now. If Yang Tian wants to open another way out, he will make a lot of noise.

However, Yang Tian can\'t be so relaxed

The broad star standing on a boulder glanced around and smiled coldly.

Soon, Kuo Xing moved and came to a seemingly insignificant stone wall. He raised his hand and pressed on a protruding stone on the stone wall.

"Ah ~"

A soft noise.

After pressing the stone, Kuo Xing immediately left his place.

Then he went to another place.

In fact, there are many Rune mechanisms in this vast and messy cave. As long as it is started, it can not only strengthen the defense here, but also put the people who break into here in danger.

Kuo Xing\'s action was very fast, and his figure flashed again and again. During dozens of breaths, more than a dozen seemingly insignificant stones were pressed down by him.

Some of these protruding buttons are on the wall of the cave, some on boulders, and some are still on the top of the cave.

While Kuo Xing was doing these things, Yang Tian was thinking about his plan.

Soon after Xiaoqinglong left, the light in the cave suddenly dimmed.

After noticing this anomaly, Yang Tian looked up and found that dark green fog appeared at the top of the cave at some time.

The light of the cave was released from some luminous spars on the top of the cave. The green fog appeared and covered the light emitted by the spars.

If it is white fog, it is estimated that Yang Tian will not care. He will think it is water vapor, but these fog are green. At a glance, he knows it is not a good thing.

Poison fog!

Yang Tian frowned.

But he didn\'t stop planning. He immediately took out the rune pen from the storage bracelet and rowed it on a boulder.

In just a few seconds, Yang Tian carved dozens of runes on it.

Of course, with the help of strange programs, he can appear so skilled. Standing aside, Cheng Wu Xingyang met and had to admire Yang Tian again.

With this skill, those high-level talismans in the temple will not catch up with them for thousands of years.

Although he is not proficient in runes, Cheng Wu Xingyang can appreciate them.

Not only is Yang Tian\'s speed of writing runes, but also because the size and arrangement of each Rune and the thin energy lines next to the runes give people a pleasant feeling.

When Yang Tian finished these dozens of runes, a faint wave of Rune energy also appeared.

After Yang Tian finished these runes, he looked up again.

In this short moment, the green fog on the top of the cave became thicker and began to press down. The thick green fog makes the light in the hole darker.

Yang Tian immediately separated a wisp of spiritual power and entered the fog.

Through the investigation of spiritual power, Yang Tian soon knew what these green fog were.

They are actually gathered together, small insects.

Yang Tian hasn\'t seen this kind of insect before. When he and solly left superstar college and went out for training, they met a kind of insect eater.

When a phage was a larva, it was so big that when it got enough energy and began to grow, it could be big enough to devour the whole planet.

Is this green bug like a bug?

Now, Yang Tian doesn\'t have time to study these insects. He wants to arrange the rune array before the broad star appears. Although things will change and the final result may not be used, he is prepared!

Yang Tian quickened his pace.

In just ten minutes or so, Yang Tian carved dozens of runes on dozens of gravel around a place about thousands of square meters.

When it was finally completed, there had been weak Rune energy fluctuations in this thousands of square meters.

This subtle energy is equivalent to the energy fluctuation generated by air flow. Even if a master of Rune like heifujun appears here, it is difficult to find that he has entered a rune array.

After completing the rune array, Yang Tian summoned the little green dragon back with his spiritual strength, and then returned to the place where he had hidden before.

Xiaoqinglong\'s exploration this time is naturally fruitful, because the broad star does not hide his breath, making him like a lamp in the night.

Little Qinglong soon approached a place less than 100 meters away from Kuo Xing.

Because the little green dragon surrounded himself with spiritual power, Kuo Xing couldn\'t find it. Perhaps, Kuo Xing found it, but deliberately pretended not to notice it!

Kuo Xing was sitting on a flat Boulder, motionless, as if he had settled down.

Also, Kuxing destroyed the transmission array.

"He\'s going to spend it with us!" Yang Tian looked up at the green fog above his head and sneered.

"What\'s the bottom of the green thing above?"

Chengwu Xingyang also looked up at his head and frowned.

Those green insects, as small as the tip of an ox\'s hair, are far away. Naturally, they can\'t see their appearance. Yang Tian can see them clearly through his spiritual strength.

These insects, shaped like mosquitoes and with pointed mouths, are still sleeping and shrink their bodies wearily.

But it can be expected that they will wake up soon.

Fortunately, these insects did not respond to spiritual power. Curious, Yang tianben wanted to test with other types of power. After thinking about it, he thought it was OK.

"Those are green insects..."

Yang Tian told Cheng Wu Xingyang what he saw.

Yang Tian has never had the wind of such insects. He hopes Cheng Wu Xingyang knows the information about these insects.

But after hearing this, Cheng Wu Xingyang shook his head and didn\'t understand.

During this time of speaking, the green "fog" has become as thick as a black cloud. The light is so dim that the naked eye can only see tens of meters away and less than ten meters from the ground.

In order to guard against these small insects, Yang Tian has long used his spiritual strength to wrap the three meter landlords around him.

If those green insects suddenly wake up, he also has time to deal with them.

At this time, Kuo Xing, sitting on the boulder, suddenly opened his eyes. Expressionless, he took out a small green pipe like a wheat stem from the storage bracelet, put it on his lips and blew it.

A sound wave of strange frequency is emitted from the small hole at the end of the pipe and spreads around.

Once exposed to the sound energy, the green insects finally woke up.

Kuo Xing moved quickly. He just blew it, jumped down the boulder immediately, took a golden pill from the storage bracelet and took it.

A few breaths, Kuo Xing\'s body sent out a faint aroma.

The awakened green insects had even attacked the broad star that released them, but after the broad star sent out a fragrance, they avoided it far away.

Kuo Xing looked at the insects still flying around him and felt a chill in his heart.

Because at that moment, he noticed that these green insects could absorb the energy in his body.

This is terrible!

If there were no antidote, he would be very dangerous, especially when he broke his retreat.

The awakened insects began to move freely. Each one seemed to be hungry for a long time and needed to absorb energy to fill their stomachs.

When these insects yearn, the green light on them is brighter. Countless such tiny insects turn the whole cave into a strange green.

Where energy fluctuations occur, they will rush away and form a small group of insects, which looks like a ghost fire flying in the air.

Fortunately, these green insects are not interested in Yang Tian\'s spiritual power, making them safe for the time being.

However, if these green insects always exist in this cave, it will be in trouble.

You should know that Yang Tian also needs to consume energy to protect himself, Xiaoqinglong and Chengwu Xingyang with spiritual strength.

This consumption cannot be dragged on indefinitely.

Kuxing releases these insects, which obviously won\'t be attacked by these insects. Next, as long as Yang Tian can\'t hold on, he will notice his position as soon as he takes action.

At this time, Yang Tian had to be glad that he didn\'t spend time studying these insects before, but completed the rune array with great speed. What a wise thing.

And now, the plan can be more perfect.

This is probably the most appropriate time.

Yang Tian patted Cheng Wu Xingyang on the shoulder, smiled and said, "as we just said, take this and crush it when Kuo Xing comes."

With that, Yang Tian put a bluestone into Cheng Wu Xingyang\'s hand.

"But... Those insects..." Cheng Wu Xingyang smiled bitterly.

Yang Tian naturally won\'t let Cheng Wuxing die in vain. He said to Xiao Qinglong, "Xiao Long, help him. I\'ll concentrate on arranging the rune array. Whether we can kill Kuo Xing next depends on our... Luck."

Xiaoqinglong nodded and jumped on Cheng Wu Xingyang\'s head.

Cheng Wu Xingyang smiled bitterly. Under the protection of Xiaoqinglong\'s spiritual power, he slowly walked out of the scope of Yang Tian\'s spiritual power field.

When he came to the place designated by Yang Tian, Cheng Wu Xingyang repressed his nervous mood, glanced at the "green fog" flying around, and immediately raised his feet and trampled a stone under his feet.

Then, the broad star flashed away at a very fast speed.

There was an energy fluctuation, and the green insects nearby rushed over. Cheng Wuxing Yang screamed and ran away.

The green fog formed by the green insects covered the stones crushed by Chengwu Xingyang, and instantly turned the pile into powder.

Seeing such a situation, Cheng Wu Xingyang was really afraid. Fortunately, he remembered Yang Tian\'s words and clenched bluestone in his hand.

Sure enough, before he ran a few steps, Kuo Xing suddenly appeared in his sight.

Perhaps he thought he had found Yang Tian\'s position. Kuo Xing\'s face had a crazy expression. In the green light, it looked very strange, like a devil.

Seeing Kuo Xing appear, without hesitation, Cheng Wu Xingyang immediately crushed the bluestone in his hand.

Qingshi was as like as two peas, and suddenly twelve black spheres appeared around it. It was almost the same as the black hole released before Yang Tian.

Although the twelve black holes are formed by Rune array, they still frantically absorb the surrounding energy and roll in countless green insects.

It was not Yang Tian, but there were twelve black holes around him. Kuo Xing was surprised and wanted to step back.

However, when he found that the power of black holes was not as powerful as before, he couldn\'t help stopping.

In fact, Kuo Xing had long expected this situation. After a way, he naturally didn\'t want to be trapped by Yang Tian again by the same means. Therefore, when he rushed over, he was always ready to get away.

Remember the Chengwu Xingyang told by Yang Tian, seize the moment when Kuo Xing doubts, turn around and run away.

Chengwu Xingyang moved, and Kuo Xing also reacted and wanted to catch up with Chengwu Xingyang.

But suddenly, a familiar and powerful force appeared and trapped him again.

This time, Cheng Wu Xingyang finally understood that he was deceived. The twelve black holes he saw in his eyes were just disguises for the purpose of making him stay so long.

Any attack and defense takes time to start.

Before, Kuo Xing thought of this and planned not to give Yang Tian this opportunity. Unexpectedly, he was calculated by Yang Tian.

At this time, Kuo Xing had to admire Yang Tian\'s scheming.

Feeling Kuo Xing\'s struggle, Yang Tianxin breathed a sigh.

The most important part of his plan was finally completed!

Now, if Kuo Xing has no other means, he can only wait to die