Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 784


There was a loud noise. Because the stone pillars of the main hall were destroyed a lot, the rune array of the hall was almost destroyed. The rune array of the temple collapsed, and the top of the hall was broken and dropped.

At this time, the speed of the wide star is not delayed.

Yang Tian is waiting for this time.

The idea moved, and suddenly a black hole appeared in the eight places Yang Tian had experienced before. At the same time, there are four on the top of the hall.

Twelve black holes just surround the wide star, which is also in the middle of the twelve black holes.

This is also the number of black holes that Yang Tian can release at one time.

After the precise calculation of the singular program, the positions of the twelve black holes are arranged very precisely, and the forces generated form a special force field under the interaction of each other.

"Ah ~"

As soon as the black hole came out, Yang Tian opened his eyes and drank loudly.

At the same time, the twelve black holes grow rapidly and their rotation speed is also at its maximum.

Yang Tian\'s timing was just right. It was the moment when the hall top fell and Kuo Xing stopped his action.

When the twelve black holes rotate rapidly, the power generated is incomparably huge. The rubble of countless temples is rolled up by the force field and smashed into basic particles in an instant.

The broad star was in the middle of the force field generated by the twelve black holes. When the temple fell, countless gravel suddenly appeared in front of him. Then, he let him rotate quickly, which not only blocked his sight, but also made him unable to detect Yang Tian\'s breath.

Suddenly, Kuo Xing was stunned by this situation.

Then he was trapped by a powerful force field and pulled his body in all directions.

Kuo Xing was shocked and immediately turned away. The powerful energy in his body resisted this strange power.

After the roof of the hall collapsed, a big hole appeared, and the bright light was projected from it.

Yang Tian looked up and saw that it was a rotating space entrance like a cloud of gas.

I don\'t want to guess. Yang Tian knows that this must be the entrance to the treasure house of the limitless temple. Unexpectedly, to enter the treasure house of the limitless temple, you must destroy the temple first.

Of course, this is an explosive way. As the Lord of the limitless temple, he naturally has another way to get in and out.

Kuo Xing bit his teeth and raised his head.

The light became bright, and Yang Tian\'s blurred figure also appeared in his eyes.

Yang Tian can\'t enter the treasure house!

Kuo Xing worked hard. At the same time, the powerful power in his body gushed out, making his purple robe made of special materials bulge.

At this time, the wide star looks like a big purple ball.

Yang Tian can naturally feel the struggle of Kuo Xing, but he has tried his best, and it is impossible to increase the power of the black hole chain again.

In fact, it\'s great to trap a strong man in the realm of wandering with his practice level of realizing life.

The rune array in the main hall is gone. Cheng Wu Xingyang and Bai xingxuan can see Yang Tian and trapped Kuo Xing at this time.

Cheng Wu Xingyang looked at Yang Tian with wide eyes and was extremely shocked. This is the first practitioner of the realm of enlightenment in the history of the world, trapped the practitioner of the realm of wandering?

Such things must be recorded.

Therefore, Cheng Wu Xingyang, who reacted, immediately recorded this picture with the recorder he got from the mechanical family.

Bai xingxuan looked at the temple that had become a ruin. His eyes were sometimes clear and bright, and the sun was clear and bright.

At the moment, only she knew that some \'strange\' memories suddenly appeared in her mind.

The pictures in these memories are very real to her, just like her own experience... No, not like, but the real experience.

"Bai xingxuan, I like you..."

Bai xingxuan saw the very young broad star appear in front of him and confessed to himself.

At that time, Kuo Xing was just an ordinary Temple disciple, and the state of practice was only the peak state of the illusory world.

And Bai xingxuan is already a strong man in the realm of understanding life.

At that time, Bai xingxuan didn\'t look at Kuo Xing at all, because her lifelong goal was to explore the legendary and mysterious place in the Xinghai.

Facing Kuo Xing\'s courtship, Bai xingxuan didn\'t laugh at Kuo Xing, but said his reasons faintly.

Facing Bai xingxuan\'s refusal, Kuo Xing bit his teeth, held his fist and said, "one day, I will let you promise me."

With that, Kuo Xing strode away.

At that time, Bai xingxuan didn\'t care about it at all. Because of her excellence, there were more men pursuing her than a family.

Time flies, and thousands of years have passed in the twinkling of an eye.

Bai xingxuan came to the edge of the land. When she finally got her wish and rushed into the Xinghai, she found that the Xinghai was indeed an extremely dangerous place. Even as a spiritual practitioner, she had to struggle to resist the pressure from the surrounding space.

Although the star sea is dangerous, it also has a paradise for creatures to survive, just like a small island in the wide star lake.

With this hope, Bai xingxuan, who lost his way in the sea of stars, has been trying to fly forward.

Finally one day, he couldn\'t hold on and closed his eyes.

At this time, she was very regretful. She shouldn\'t be anxious. As soon as she entered the realm of wandering, she rashly entered the sea of stars.

But it was too late to regret.

I thought she would die, but when she woke up, she found that she had been saved.

The person who saved her is naturally Kuo Xing.

In order to save her, Kuo Xing took down the heart of the God corpse that had been kept in the limitless temple and replaced his own heart.

The God\'s blood left in the God\'s heart flows all over Kuo Xing\'s body, so that Kuo Xing can survive briefly in the sea of stars.

At that time, Kuo Xing really moved Bai Xuan. He couldn\'t help thinking that it was a very happy thing to be accompanied by such a man who loved him all his life.

But later, Kuo Hsing\'s temperament changed greatly because of God\'s blood. He not only killed all his brothers and sisters, but also forced his father to "abdicate" the Lord of the hall of Wang in advance.

This is not why Bai xingxuan is sad, because it has nothing to do with her.

However, Kuo Xing sealed part of her memory with a special life charm array in order to keep her company all the time.

Because Kuo Xing believes that Bai xingxuan is a restless woman. When the realm is restored, he will certainly get out of his control

At this time, the broad star, affected by God\'s blood, has completely changed. It is more like a god overlooking all things. Everything he sees must be firmly controlled in his own hands.

Perhaps, the once wide star no longer exists. Now the wide star is actually the consciousness of the divine corpse waking up in the wide star