Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 783

(tomorrow at three o\'clock!)

Stone pillars were destroyed by Yang Tian, and spirit bodies were \'shocked\' out of the stone pillars by Yang Tian

After absorbing more than ten powerful spiritual bodies, the 15th was finally satisfied, and the blade made a happy buzzing sound.

Although Kuo Xing is the Lord of the limitless temple and has long known this special palace, he entered here for the first time.

In fact, the space in the hall is very vast, at least thousands of times larger than it looks outside.

Because of the different passage of time, Kuo Xing arrived less than three minutes later than Yang Tian. However, several hours passed inside.

When the knife in Yang Tian\'s hand sucked enough spirit body and made a satisfied hum, he was found by Kuo Xing.

Kuo Xing hated Yang Tian very much. When he saw Yang Tian, his eyes opened and his eyes were fierce and bright.

If Yang Tian hadn\'t suddenly appeared in the temple and made a mess of the temple, he would have started his huge plan now.

If you succeed, you will not be like your predecessors. After death, you can only enter the place where you can save the spirit and start a long wait.

The sudden appearance of Kuo Xing also surprised Yang Tian!

However, he soon calmed down, because the appearance of Kuo Xing was what he expected.

Perhaps influenced by the 15th, Yang Tian was surprised when he saw Kuo Xing, but he was not afraid.

"Chi ~"

It was almost a subconscious reaction. Yang Tian cut when he lifted his knife. He was also angry and rubbed with the space in the hall. With a sharp howl, he rushed towards Kuo Xing.

This Dao Qi sent out by the 15th is more condensed than all the Dao Qi cut by Yang Tian before.

Facing Yang Tian\'s knife, Kuo Xing didn\'t dodge. He stood there, raised his hand and grabbed at the crescent shaped red knife.

"Poof ~"

A dull noise.

This powerful Dao Qi was grasped by Kuo Xing with his hand. Kuo Xing shook his wrist and dissolved the Dao.

However, a look of pain suddenly appeared on Kuo Xing\'s face.

An energy that made him very uncomfortable actually penetrated into his skin and wanted to spread all over his body through his palm.

This is a special kind of energy, which will not hurt the human body, but will destroy the spiritual body existing in the body.

It can be said that at this moment, Kuo Xing\'s pain comes from the soul.

This special energy can ignore the body and hurt people\'s soul!

Seeing the uncomfortable expression on Kuo Xing\'s face, Yang Tian was surprised. He saw that although Kuo Xing was not hurt, this knife Qi could make Kuo Xing painful.

In fact, when sending out this Dao Qi, Yang Tian obviously felt that there was some special energy in the Dao Qi.

This energy should come from the blade.

There is also an energy space in the blade, which is also the symbol of the sharp weapon of the divine weapon. Because it is this kind of space that can make weapons invincible and produce strong destructive power.

However, the use of such weapons often requires a lot of energy. If you give this Sabre to a practitioner below the realm of enlightenment, it can only be used as an ordinary weapon and can\'t make it emit Sabre Qi.

Seeing the look on Kuo Xing\'s face, Yang Tian knew that the other party would not give him another chance.

Sure enough, Kuo Xing\'s body flashed and disappeared in place.

The speed of Kuo Xing is faster than that of Bai xingxuan!

Almost at the same time of Kuo Xing\'s action, Yang Tian also moved. He knew he couldn\'t give Kuo Xing a chance to get close.

Otherwise, he can\'t even use his unique skill to save his life.

Sure enough, Yang Tiangang left his place and Kuo Xing appeared.

Kuo Xing\'s speed is as fast as Yang Tian\'s thinking.

At the level of wandering, Kuo Xing\'s mind is extremely powerful, and all the subtle energy fluctuations around him can be clearly felt by him.

When the blow was gone, Kuo Xing instinctively searched for the energy track generated when Yang Tian moved.

In the face of an opponent stronger than yourself, if you want to surpass the other party, you can\'t be controlled by the other party. Otherwise, defeat is certain.

After dodging away from the original place, Yang Tian didn\'t stop. He moved away again and dodged behind a strong stone pillar.

What is good for Yang Tian now is that there are countless strong stone columns in this space.

These stone pillars are protected by Rune array and can withstand Yang Tian\'s full attack. Yang Tian can use them as cover.

"Boom ~"

Yang Tiangang went behind the stone pillar and dodged away. The stone pillar closest to him was shattered by Kuo Xing\'s palm and made a thunderous sound.

This palm not only shattered the stone pillars, but also formed a messy spatial flow in a small area.

A spirit hiding in this stone pillar was actually involved in the space flow and dissipated in an instant.


Suddenly, in a stone pillar nearby, a spirit appeared and shouted coldly to Kuo Xing.

However, Kuo Xing ignored it and still attacked Yang Tian\'s place.

This spirit body is a middle-aged man. When he was alive, he didn\'t know what generation of temple Lord he was.

Seeing Kuo Xing ignored himself, the spirit body like a middle-aged man appeared a self mocking smile on his face, and then automatically threw himself into a small piece of spatial energy that was still fluctuating and dissipated.

Yang Tian moved his position one after another, and Kuo Xing kept chopping stone pillars.

As the stone pillars are broken one by one, the whole space begins to produce messy Rune energy fluctuations, which is a sign that the rune array is about to be broken.

At this time, Kuo Xing of course noticed it, because some stones were falling from the top of the hall. It seems that the top of the hall has cracked due to the reduction of stone columns.

If it weren\'t for the existence of these stone pillars and spiritual strength, Yang Tian would know the moving track of Kuo Xing in advance. In addition, Kuo Xing is chasing Yang Tian. Yang Tian has no initiative. Otherwise, Yang Tian would have been caught by Kuo Xing.

The hall will be destroyed soon. At that time, Yang Tian will have nowhere to hide.

Constantly chasing Yang Tian, Kuo Xing has felt that the time distance between him and Yang Tian has become shorter and shorter, and Yang Tian\'s speed is also decreasing.

It is inferred that Kuo Xing believes that Yang Tian\'s power is consuming at an extremely fast speed.

Yang Tian is certainly aware of this, but different from Kuo Xing\'s expectation, he is not lack of strength, but preparing to do something.

If you succeed, although you can\'t kill Kuo Xing, you can trap Kuo Xing for a short time.

If Kuo Xing understands Yang Tian\'s mind, he will find that Yang Tian\'s actions are regular.

"Boom ~"

There was another loud noise.

Kuo Xing smashed the stone pillar with another palm.

Then, the whole temple trembled, and the rune energy was completely confused. In order not to dissipate, the spirit bodies that were originally free in this space had to escape into the still intact stone pillars.

The stone pillar is their last barrier, which can save their spirit body for a short time.