Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 785

These memories are undoubtedly Bai xingxuan\'s most profound memories.

When he saw Yang Tian rising towards the entrance of the treasure house, Bai xingxuan threw the hexagonal red sign at Yang Tian.

"Whew ~"

Yang Tian heard the roar behind him, and the spiritual power around him let him know that it was the "key" thrown by Bai xingxuan at him.

Yang Tianyi grabbed the red hexagonal sign and wondered why Bai xingxuan did it.

"Ah ~"

Seeing that Bai xingxuan was in front of him, he disobeyed his will and gave Yang Tian the key to the treasure house. Kuo Xing couldn\'t help roaring loudly, looking like a beast.

Because of extreme anger, Kuo Xing erupted the most powerful power.

The power formed by the twelve black holes shows signs that they can\'t trap the wide stars.

Yang Tian, who was in the air, clenched his teeth and moved his mind, desperately accelerated the rotation speed of the black hole chain in the energy world again.

In fact, the speed of the black hole chain has reached the fastest before, and can not be improved again.

But in a hurry, when Yang Tian insisted, the rotation speed of the black hole chain increased by one tenth again.

Don\'t underestimate this tenth. Under the interaction of twelve black holes in the black hole chain, the power reflected is increased tenfold or tenfold.

Of course, the energy consumed increases at the same rate.

Obviously, the planets composed of the force around the black hole chain, whether planets or stars, are affected by the strong force field of the black hole chain, fly rapidly towards the black hole chain, and then disintegrate in the process of flying, turn into energy and be absorbed by the black hole chain.

Kuo Xing, who was just about to break away, was trapped by his suddenly enhanced strength again. Let alone break away to stop Yang Tian. Now it is very difficult to move.

At the moment, Kuo Xing was also very surprised, because Yang Tian was just a practitioner of the realm of enlightenment, and he could trap him by this means.

So, when Yang Tian is promoted to the changeable state and the wandering state? Can\'t Yang Tian, who has this means, easily defeat him?

What kind of means is this

Kuo Xing can\'t remember how Yang Tian cultivated this powerful attack method anyway.

But he knew that the energy consumed by using this method must be very huge. No wonder Yang Tian wanted to enter the temple treasure house.

If Yang Tian succeeds, not only will the Wuji Temple lose its foundation, but also Yang Tian will become stronger.

Suddenly, thinking of the wide star here, his eyes suddenly became blood red, and a blood red light rushed out of his head.

This red light has only one ray, condensed together, which is not as big as one hand. However, it suddenly stores the force field of twelve black holes and impacts towards Yang Tian.

Seeing the red light, Bai xingxuan was shocked.

She didn\'t expect that Kuo Xing attacked with his own life in order to stop Yang Tian.

The so-called original life attack is a means that can only be used by practitioners in a changeable state, because only when they reach this state can they condense their thoughts together. After they rush out of the body, they can still exist outside the body for a short time.

This life attack is not aimed at the opponent\'s body, but at the spirit.

If this idea invades the body, this crazy idea will rush directly into the energy world.

This can not only damage the opponent\'s spirit body, but also cut off the opponent\'s control over the energy world in his body.

This is the last resort in the battle between high-level practitioners.

Because it will cause the consequences of losing both sides.

Of course, the spirit body of the attacker is damaged, but the spiritual body of the practitioner who sends out this life attack will also be greatly affected. It takes a very long time to recover after practice.

In the face of Kuo Xing\'s life attack, Yang Tian could not stop it, nor could he stop it.

Because at this moment, the black hole chain in his body has shown signs of getting out of control.

When the twelve black holes that make up the black hole chain suddenly speed up under Yang Tian\'s idea.

The energy from the black hole chain has trapped the wide star again, but the rotation speed of the black hole chain is still increasing.

This is why Yang Tian was unwilling to maximize the speed of the black hole chain. Black hole chain is a double-edged sword. If it is not controlled properly, even himself will be hurt.

If the speed of the twelve black holes is not controlled at this time, his energy world will be destroyed.

Yang Tian can\'t imagine the consequences. It\'s estimated that it\'s light to lose energy and return to ordinary human beings.

Seriously, the black hole chain will swallow his body and even appear in this world

When the broad star attacks like Yang Tian, Yang Tian has shifted all his attention to his own energy world and focused on controlling the speed of the black hole.

His efforts are still effective. The rotation speed of the black hole gradually slows down, and the speed of energy consumption slows down.

At this critical moment, Yang Tian closed his eyes and stopped at the entrance of the treasure house.

At this time, Yang Tian will be in danger if he is injured by Kuo Xing\'s life attack.

But in the face of Kuo Xing\'s life attack, Yang Tian not only couldn\'t fight back, but also didn\'t even notice it.

The speed of "blood light" was very fast. When it approached Yang Tian and was about to rush into Yang Tian\'s body, a blue light blocked the blood red light.

It\'s little green dragon!

At the critical time, Xiaoqinglong blocked the fatal blow for Yang Tian with his own body.

Yang Tian has spiritual power. He was not afraid of this kind of ideological attack. If Yang Tian did not shift all his attention to the energy world, with his powerful spiritual power, Kuo Xing\'s original attack could not break through his spiritual defense.

The restraint way of this life attack is spiritual power!

Xiaoqinglong also has spiritual power. When Kuo Xing\'s powerful idea entered Xiaoqinglong\'s body, it did not break out and hurt Xiaoqinglong. This idea was trapped by Xiaoqinglong with spiritual power and cut off its connection with Kuo Xing.

Without contact, the idea dissipated naturally.

He found that his life attack was dissolved by little green dragon, and Kuo Xing was shocked in his heart. He didn\'t understand that this powerful life attack was dissolved by a dragon.

This is a good time to attack Yang Tian.

Kuo Xing could see that Yang Tian used a powerful and easily out of control means to trap him. At this time, Yang Tian was in trouble.

As long as his life attack can enter Yang Tian\'s body, it will cause more damage than usual.

The idea moved, and dozens of red lights were emitted from the top of the broad star.

Practitioners in the changeable realm can make and attack their own life dozens of times. Practitioners in the wandering realm have stronger spiritual bodies, and their ideas based on spiritual bodies are certainly stronger.

Kuo Xing used the greatest mental force he could use at one time to make a final fight. If he succeeds, Yang Tian will be seriously injured and the trouble will be relieved.

If he fails, his spiritual experience will be damaged and his mind will become weak, which will have a great impact on controlling energy. If Yang Tian can keep on like this, he will be trapped by Yang Tian all the time.