Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 782

Facing the Dao Qi like big net, the two spirits were not worried, because they thought Yang Tian\'s Dao Qi could not hurt them.

At the moment, in their mind, the most threatening is not Yang Tian, but Xiao Qinglong.

Of course, at this time, they will not wait to die. Like a conditioned reflex, they have accumulated some Rune energy in a very short time to disperse the covered knife Qi.

What happened?

The result was not only that Yu Hong and another spirit body were frightened, but also surprised Yang Tian.

Because after these two Dao Qi wrapped the two spirits, the red long Dao named 15 in his hand burst out a vision.

The two sword Qi wrapped in the spirit body suddenly returned and entered the red blade.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

After absorbing the two spirits, the blade suddenly lit up a red light, trembled slightly and made a buzzing sound.

The top weapons are spiritual.

This Sabre is extremely tough and its origin is mysterious. Yang Tian can still use it from the moment he got it to the present state of cultivation, because he can\'t find a better weapon than this sabre.

But all along, Yang Tian feels like half asleep and half awake. Under special circumstances, especially after absorbing enough energy, it will suddenly explode, which will improve Yang Tian\'s combat effectiveness by more than one level, but it will soon be silent.

But at this time, Yang Tian finally felt that the knife was about to come back to life. It conveys an emotion to Yang Tian.

That is, it needs more, such a powerful spirit!

There is nothing else in this space, that is, there are many powerful spiritual bodies.

When these people are alive, they are the top strong people in the world. Naturally, their spirit is also the top in the world.

This made Yang Tian suddenly realize that the reason why this knife didn\'t wake up all the time was that it didn\'t see the spirits of the lives it killed.

This is the pride of the magic weapon.

Fifteen suddenly came to life. The smell made little Qinglong very uncomfortable, because it seemed to hear the cry of his fellow countrymen.

You know, this knife has killed dragons before, and it has more than one head. The age of beheading the dragon is also very long, and I don\'t know how powerful the Dragon beheaded by it is.

Although Xiaoqinglong was unhappy with the knife, he would not object to Yang Tian\'s use of the knife, because he understood that no matter how powerful the knife was, it was just a tool. In fact, it\'s better to be controlled by Yang Tian. Yang Tian will never use this knife to deal with it.

Of course, Yang Tian is happy to meet his desire for the tenth five-year plan, especially under such perfect conditions.

Even if they were full of despair for the future, the hope dissipated immediately and were no longer tortured, they were afraid of the breath of the knife in Yang Tian\'s hand.

In the buzzing sound of the blade, more than ten spirits who were watching scattered and fled.

Yang Tian looked at the fleeing spirit and sneered. He thought, these people are still afraid of death!

Yang Tian thinks so. The real situation is that these spirits feel that if they don\'t leave immediately and are absorbed by the red knife in Yang Tian\'s hand, they won\'t die, but they will be in pain all the time.

At that time, what torments them will no longer be the passage of time and despair of the future, but endless pain, hundreds and thousands of times more painful than physical pain.

At this time, how could Yang Tian let these spirits run away? Looking at the scattered spirits, Yang Tian smiled and said to Xiaoqinglong, "Bruce Lee, catch them. I want to feed the knife!"

Yang Tianleng\'s voice was heard by those spirits. They fled faster until they hid in the rune array of the stone pillar.

Hey, knife!

These two words deeply hurt the souls of these spirits.

When they were still alive, no one dared or had the ability to feed them with knives.

But the reality is so cruel!

Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong were very fast. When the spirits fled, although they started immediately, Yang Tian only caught one spirit.

The process of catching was very simple. As just now, he cut the spirit with a knife.

At this time, Yang Tian doesn\'t have to deliberately control the sword Qi. The fifteen who have awakened will automatically absorb these spirit bodies.

Little green dragon didn\'t gain anything, but he found one thing, that is, those spirits finally escaped into the rune array on the stone pillar.

After Yang Tian learned that, he began to observe these stone pillars carefully.

At this time, Yang Tian had plenty of time, because he spent nearly two hours here and only one minute outside.

Compared with the stone columns outside, each stone column here is not made of simple stone, but a kind of gray stone taken from 10000 meters of ice in the cold region.

Under the protection of the rune array, these stone pillars still emit a faint cold after a very long time.

This kind of stone is really a good place for the spirit to stay.

The spiritual body is different from the physical body. As long as there is a gap, they can pass through, or even directly through some substances without magnetic field.

"Peng ~"

Yang Tian cut the stone pillar with a knife.

The blade was blocked by a layer of invisible Rune energy on the stone pillar.

The runes on the inside stone pillars are more exquisite than those on the outside stone pillars. They are not so easy to destroy.

Yang Tian used about 50% of his strength in this sabre, but judging from the strength of the anti earthquake, even with all his strength, it is impossible to directly destroy the rune array on the stone column.

Unless you destroy runic energy directly with runic energy.

This is too simple for Yang Tian.

The strange program does not need Yang Tian\'s hand, controls countless Rune energy particles, flies around the stone pillar, and has calculated the cracking method.

Insert the knife into the gap of the stone slab under his feet. Yang Tian raised his hands. For a moment, bursts of Rune energy came out of his hands.

Yang Tian didn\'t take a knife either, and immediately clapped his hand on the stone pillar.

The stone pillars protected by Rune energy are naturally indestructible, but without the protective layer of Rune energy, they are just like sand.

"Boom ~"

When Yang Tian slapped his hand on the stone pillar, there was a loud noise. There was a crack on the stone pillar where he slapped it, and immediately a "cluck" sound sounded.

This is the sound of the stone pillar about to be destroyed.

Regardless of whether the hall would collapse without the support of the stone pillars, Yang Tian immediately pulled up his knife and cut off a spirit body that he "shook" from the stone pillars.

The spirit body was covered by the Qi of the knife and was "pulled" into the body of the knife.

After all the four spirits were absorbed, the tenth five year plan was even more cheerful. Yang Tian holding it can feel it clearly.

Although he absorbed four powerful spiritual bodies, he was not satisfied with the tenth five year plan, and still conveyed Yang Tian\'s desire to absorb spiritual bodies.

I don\'t know how long I\'ve been hungry with this knife.