Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 773

With the vibration of the limitless temple, it wrapped the limitless temple and played a rune array to hide the temple, which lost its function under the control of strange programs.

People living under the limitless Temple suddenly saw that the sky was getting dark, and there were continuous mountains and halls over kilometers.

The population below the limitless temple is dense. As soon as the temple appeared in the sky, it caused a great sensation. Everyone stopped what they were doing, raised their heads and looked at the limitless Temple suspended in the sky with a shocked face.

Not only ordinary humans, but also many people who came out of the limitless temple did not know that this huge temple was above their heads.

The limitless Temple suddenly appeared. In the rumbling sound of vibration, it kept falling rocks and flying away, faster and faster. In a few minutes, it flew away from the human settlement.

This let many nervous people finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The feeling of the limitless temple to them is too heavy. If it falls down, more than half of the people below will die.

Now, even if it disintegrates in the air, it won\'t fall to the ground.

Many people can\'t help but wonder how so many strange things have happened recently.

First, the mainland split after many years of calm, and then there were such huge buildings in the sky

At this time, the most shocked people were not the people under the limitless temple, but the practitioners in the limitless temple.

Especially professionals, that is, those Fuwen masters.

Many old Fuwen masters also participated in the construction of this temple, although it is only the end of the project.

They are a group of people who know the temple architecture best, just like Yang Tian knows the underground city of Huie family. They don\'t understand if they want to break their heads. According to the design, the limitless temple can only be suspended in the air without the function of flying. How can it suddenly fly!

Even if the former Temple Lord was so happy and had a unique idea that people secretly changed the rune array of the temple, they couldn\'t have been unaware of it!

Although they thought so, the Fuwen masters were the first group to respond. At the command of the head, more than ten people of the Fuwen department immediately went to all parts of the temple to check what went wrong.

The limitless Temple moved, and the practitioners who lived here were indeed in chaos.

Of course, this is only relative.

No matter how chaotic the limitless temple is, it can\'t compare with the riots of ordinary humans.

Although they were not worried about being killed by buildings, almost everyone came out of their respective places and went to the wide streets or climbed the nearby mountains.

The closed practitioners were also disturbed by this movement and had to stop concentrating and practicing.

At this time, looking out of the temple, the scene was different again.

The previous scene was almost fixed under the action of the symbol matrix, but now it is different.

The clouds in the sky are moving rapidly, the mountains in the distance are drawing closer, and dense buildings on the ground can be seen.

In the past, such a clear scene could only be seen in front of the limitless Hall of the temple Lord, but now, as long as you climb high, you have the opportunity to enjoy it.

In the temple, practitioners with low status do not know what happened. They think that the displacement of the temple is caused by the above.

Those at the top, especially the powerful secretaries, realized that the shift of the temple was a major event beyond their control.

Someone must have sneaked into the temple! And this man is proficient in runes

If several key conditions are listed, only the person named Yang Tian can make the Temple fly away from its original position!

Before things are clear, of course, this is just a guess.

The ministers who stayed in the temple immediately gathered together, held a short meeting, and passed the important news to Kuo Xing.

They only know what Kuo Xing is doing. They are at the key point and can\'t be disturbed, but it\'s too big.

If the temple is destroyed, it doesn\'t mean that the limitless temple will become famous in the world, but its strength will be greatly damaged, that\'s for sure. In the future, it will certainly be surpassed by the heavenly temple and the starry temple, falling from the first to the last of the three temples.

"Unexpectedly, Yang Tian came to the limitless temple..."

Different from the speculation of some people in the limitless temple, heifu Jun can be sure that Yang Tian made the movement now.

Black Fu Jun knows better than anyone that it is extremely difficult to enter the temple even if you want to destroy the temple.

Otherwise, he would not have liked KuMan.

Then let Yang Tian help!

Hei Fujun naturally thought about it, but he understood that Yang Tian\'s strength was much stronger than him. He was not a little man who could be killed by one finger at the beginning.

With what happened last time, Yang Tian can never really cooperate. If Yang Tian knows the plan of the goddess, in the end, the brain of the God is likely to fall into Yang Tian\'s hands.

Xi Chen youyou obviously understands this truth.

She also needs Yang Tian\'s help, but after she gets what she wants.

Everyone is busy these days. The Xichen youyou plan has reached the key point. It seems that it will succeed soon. Unexpectedly, suddenly, the limitless Temple began to be martial law. Their plan had to be suspended.

And now!

The opportunity is better than before.

So, Xi Chen youyou summoned his men for the first time.

After listening to Hei Fujun\'s guess, he immediately said, "whether it\'s Yang Tian or not, let\'s leave him alone and start acting!"

After Xichen youyou finished, hundreds of trusted followers in the hall immediately left the hall. Even heifu Jun left.

Black Fujun couldn\'t participate in what he was about to do, because there was a problem with the rune array in the temple, and all practitioners who knew the rune in the temple had to be summoned.

The above requires that the limitless temple should not be greatly damaged at all costs.

It is precisely because he is proficient in rune that he can enter the limitless temple. At this time, he naturally needs to be called to help.

The limitless Temple moved. Before it flew far, Kuo Xing received a communication from the temple.

After seeing the news, Kuo Xing still kept a calm expression on his face, because Yugui and Zhimi were standing in front of him.

At this time, Kuo Xing faces two choices. One is to return to the temple immediately to stabilize his foundation. The second is to stay here and continue the current thing.

After a short thought, Kuo Xing finally chose to stay.

Because what he wants to do now is too important for him, and the temple can\'t compare with it.

"Yang Tian ran to my limitless temple. This man is really powerful..."

After thinking about it, Kuo Xing honestly told Zhi fan and Yu Gui what had just happened.

In fact, I can\'t hide it from them.

Because there are people from each other between the three temples.

Many people know that Yang Tian "drove away" the limitless temple, but they don\'t know where Yang Tian is.

At this time, what about Yang Tian?