Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 772

Imagine Kuo Xing and others seeing the Temple fly away. Yang Tian wants to laugh very much. From another angle, if Yang Tian\'s spaceship is driven away, he will jump with anger.

This idea undoubtedly adds difficulty to the plan formulated by Yang Tian before.

For several days later, Yang Tian locked himself in the house and asked Cheng Wu Xingyang to help collect a lot of materials for making Rune array.

There are hundreds of kinds of bluestone, wood and metal blocks.

Yang Tian has been in this world for so long. He has a basic understanding of the materials of this world.

Many materials in this world are suitable for describing symbol matrices. In particular, some stone materials are fine and dense, just like metal. If polished, they can be used as mirrors.

By depicting the energy lines of the symbol array on this material, the energy transmission of the symbol array will be smoother and the loss will be less.

After receiving Yang Tian\'s material list, Cheng Wu Xingyang went out without saying a word. In less than half a day, he bought enough materials for Yang Tian.

There are many practitioners in the limitless temple. All kinds of materials are needed for practice and life, and there is a special trading market.

Although Yang Tian has never been there, he also knows that it must be a very prosperous place. He wanted to see it, but he thought there were too many people. It would be bad if someone who had seen him before saw anything.

Yang Tian asked Cheng Wu Xingyang to collect a large amount of materials, but they are all basic materials for making Rune array. In addition, when Cheng Wu Xingyang went out, Yang Tian told him not to attract other people\'s attention.

Therefore, the collection of materials did not attract other people\'s attention.

After the materials arrived, Yang Tian, with the help of strange programs, began to make "parts" that formed various symbol arrays.

During the production process, Yang Tian closed the door again and asked Cheng Wu Xingyang to stay outside the room.

Five days later, Yang Tiancai walked out of the room.

The materials originally collected by Cheng Wu Xingyang have become part of the rune array.

If these matrixes\' parts\' are combined, a total of 49 matrixes can be constructed.

Compared with the rune \'parts\' of the limitless temple itself, these Rune\' parts\' made by Yang Tian with the help of strange programs are very small, but they can play the same role.

Next, Yang Tian acted again.

The tiny "parts" of the rune array were placed by Yang Tianan in the inconspicuous and secret places of the limitless temple.

Yang Tian placed it. After leaving, Xiao Qinglong took action and hid the "parts" of the rune array.

With the cooperation of one person and one dragon, the speed is very fast. In less than two days, all the "parts" of the rune array have been placed.

After returning to his previous room and sending Cheng Wu Xingyang out, Yang Tian took out a black triangle with runes engraved on the surface from the storage bracelet and put a small piece of lice crystal into a square slot in the triangle.

With a slight press on it, the rune energy lines fit, and the black triangle lights up, casting a blue light in the air.

In the blue light, the rune array just laid by Yang Tian is displayed.

This black triangle is naturally the main hub for controlling the 49 runes.

"Three runes are abnormal..."

A moment later, the result came out, and the rune program said in Yang Tian\'s mind.

Because there are many parts of the rune array, and the scope involved is very wide. In addition, Xiaoqinglong must not be human. When hiding those "parts" of the rune array, it is difficult to touch the parts of the rune array.

It is also normal that the three symbol arrays cannot be started normally. You should know that symbol arrays, like electronic instruments, require very precision.

Only humans with the foundation of cultivation can practice runes. If ordinary humans learn... It is impossible. First, the life of ordinary human beings is too short, but they do not have strong energy and abundant energy.

The key to the problem was soon found out by the strange program. It was really because the "parts" constituting the symbol matrix exceeded the range of placement.

"Bruce Lee, look here, this piece, move your palm over there for such a long distance..."

Yang Tian was afraid that going out again would attract other people\'s attention, so he had to let Xiao Qinglong, who didn\'t appear outside after coming to the temple, go out.

There are many kinds of exotic animals in the temple. Many of them cherish exotic animals. As long as Xiaoqinglong changes his appearance a little, even if he is found, it\'s nothing, as long as he doesn\'t get caught.

Xiaoqinglong\'s wisdom is not weaker than that of adults. After swallowing a large number of leaves of the world tree, his spiritual strength has also increased a lot, making his memory a lot stronger.

A total of more than 30 "parts" of the rune array that needed to move were all written down by Xiaoqinglong. Then, it turned into a blue light and rushed out of the window.

After Xiaoqinglong left, Yang Tian always paid attention to the display screen projected by the black triangle in front of him. Xiaoqinglong\'s repair speed is very fast. When it comes back smoothly, the three runes in question can run smoothly.

After the test was ok, Yang Tian pressed the black triangle again with excitement.

Suddenly, the blue light projected by the black triangle gradually faded, and a grand three-dimensional image appeared in Yang Tian\'s eyes from blurred to clear.

For Yang Tian, the most important step has been completed.

Forty nine Rune arrays designed by the strange program are like Rune array viruses. After startup, the rune energy has quietly penetrated into the central array of the limitless temple.

It can be said that from now on, most of the rune arrays in the limitless temple are under Yang Tian\'s control.

Moreover, using the black triangle symbol matrix center, the strange program can also change the original symbol matrix.

For the Fuwen masters of the temple, such a "strange" means is impossible. That is something they would never imagine.

All energy, especially the internal quantity of the same type, can be fused. Rune energy is also energy!

Of course, it requires huge computing power.

Just like human beings on earth, science and technology began to develop by leaps and bounds only after the invention of computers. If people were to manually calculate various data, it would be estimated that it would take a thousand years, not as good as the results achieved in ten years of computer development.

Now, the whole Wuji temple is under Yang Tian\'s control.

In the limitless temple, where there is a rune array, it is already under the monitoring of strange programs.

This is also the abnormal place of strange programs. The sound, light and other energy information collected by Rune energy is absorbed by each Rune array, transmitted, and processed by it, it can be restored to sound images.

Of course, compared with electronic devices, there are still shortcomings. In addition to sound, the images obtained are very blurred.

Yang Tian has no interest in other people\'s privacy. What he wants to know is the special storage space in the limitless temple.

If possible, Yang Tian will empty it.

If you get those wealth, Yang Tian is confident that in a very short time, he and Xiaoqinglong will practice to the realm of wandering.

After processing all kinds of information, the strange program tells Yang Tian that the place has been found.

With that, the strange program showed a plane figure in Yang Tian\'s mind. The entrance of the \'treasure house\' was marked on it by the strange program.

It is a square building with tall walls on all sides, covering an area of only thousands of square meters.

In the infinite temple, there are thousands of such strange buildings.

Yang Tian has seen such a building with his own eyes. It has always been regarded as the eye of the rune array. In fact, it is a cover up made by the rune master who designed the "treasure house".

Soon, the strange program listed the guards at the entrance for Yang Tian.

There are twenty-five masters of the realm of understanding life stationed here.

It is not difficult for Yang Tian to enter the treasure house, but it is very difficult to enter the treasure house from under the eyes of these 25 people.

Unless the whole limitless temple is in chaos

Yang Tian thought about it and said to the strange program, "let the Temple fly! Let the humans living below see what is in the sky above their heads."

After the strange program answered, the sound of "boom" suddenly sounded, and the ground shook and flew towards the sand area