Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 774

Through the chaos of the temple, Yang Tian, with Xiaoqinglong and Chengwu Xingyang, successfully opened the entrance of the storage space of the limitless temple.

However, in this process, something unexpected happened to Yang Tianyi.

Two guards of Wuming realm chased in.

Yang Tian originally thought that living creatures were not allowed to exist in the storage space of the godless temple. Therefore, he also asked the strange program to design a rune array. After he entered the storage space, he isolated himself from Xiao Qinglong and Cheng Wu Xingyang.

In this way, they can move smoothly in the storage space.

Yang tianben didn\'t want Cheng Wu Xingyang to come in, but Cheng Wu Xingyang promised that he only needed to find the ancient cultivation secret of Cheng Wu family in it.

This is also the expectation of Chengwu family.

Yang Tian knew that the Chengwu family was actually an ancient family in the world. Under the catastrophe dominated by the limitless temple, the Chengwu family only escaped two people, and they only had the most basic cultivation skills of the Chengwu family

Since Chengwu Xingyang made a promise, Yang Tian also promised to help Chengwu Xingyang. After thinking about it, he asked Chengwu Xingyang to follow.


To Yang Tian\'s surprise, this storage space can actually exist living creatures. The two practitioners who entered along Yang Tian did not have any accidents.

As soon as he entered the entrance of the storage space, Xiaoqinglong turned into a giant dragon and flew forward quickly with Yang Tian and Cheng Wu Xingyang.

After entering the entrance, there is a long channel, and the channel structure is also very strange. It is actually a channel with a diameter of more than ten meters formed by countless luminous spars suspended in the void.

The luminous spar always emits bright light, just like small light bulbs, illuminating the channel brighter than the outside.

The arrangement of the crystal stones is very loose, but it is controlled by the rune array. Even if the two guards chasing after the little green dragon pedal on the crystal stones with great strength, the crystal stones are as calm and not loose as the earth outside.

After entering the passage, the Little Green Dragon flew at a high speed for less than half a minute. He bumped his head into a rune energy and gave a "bang", and his body was bounced back.

The symbol matrix in the storage space is separated from the outer symbol matrix. In such a short time, even if the operation speed of the strange program is fast, it is impossible to crack the previous symbol matrix.

What Yang Tian didn\'t know was that when the little green dragon hit the energy wall, Kuo Xing\'s eyebrows frowned together in the distant underground space.

In the storage space of the temple, only Kuo Xing can enter and leave freely. Kuo Xing, as the Lord of the temple, will feel it whether it is opened or closed.

Kuo Xing didn\'t expect that Yang Tian broke into the storage space of the temple so soon.

At last, he couldn\'t sit still.


Xiaoqinglong\'s body spun several times in the air before it stabilized. Yang Tian and Cheng Wu Xingyang immediately jumped off Xiaoqinglong.

At this time, two temple guards of the realm of Enlightenment had chased over.

"Bruce Lee, go and kill them!"

After Yang Tian landed, he looked at the two temple guards running quickly and said coldly.

"Ow ~"

The little green dragon, who had not fought for a long time, made an excited cry. His huge body suddenly moved and rushed towards the re named guard.

Yang Tian turned around and began to crack the rune array blocking them with the help of strange programs.

For Yang Tian, time is very urgent. As long as there is an abnormality in such an extremely important place, Kuo Xing will come back as soon as possible.

As for the result of the battle between Xiaoqinglong and the two people behind him, Yang Tian was not interested in paying attention to it, because the result was doomed.

Although Xiaoqinglong is also the realm of understanding life, his combat power is not comparable to that of two temple guards.

Yang Tian waved his hands. Behind him came the roar of little green dragon and two temples, and then a scream

Yang Tian hasn\'t broken the rune array in front of him. The battle has ended there. The two guards of the realm of enlightenment have been torn to pieces by some tyrannical little green dragons with their claws.

Although little green dragon has high wisdom like human, it is a strange beast. Animals naturally have animal nature. In addition, Xiao Qinglong had not fought for a long time. Although he met weaker opponents, he couldn\'t help venting.

Chengwu Xingyang saw Xiaoqinglong\'s battle for the first time. He was surprised. He didn\'t expect Xiaoqinglong\'s combat power to be so powerful!

"All right! Let\'s go!"

After being stunned, Cheng Wu Xingyang heard Yang Tian\'s voice behind him. When he turned around, he found that Yang Tian had disappeared.

"Hoo ~"

A wind sounded, and Xiaoqinglong rushed into the rune array at the end of the channel and disappeared into Cheng Wu Xingyang\'s eyes.

There is air in the passage. When the little green dragon sprints, the air flow generated scrapes Cheng Wu Xingyang\'s face.

After touching his cheek, Cheng Wu Xingyang woke up and immediately followed.

He also knows that time is pressing. If he can\'t keep up with Yang Tian\'s speed, Yang Tian won\'t pay attention to him.

At this time, Cheng Wu Xingyang hoped that Kuo Xing would not come back so early, because if Kuo Xing found out that he was a traitor, he would kill him at the first time.

Since he promised Yang Tian, half forced and half voluntary to help Yang Tian, Cheng Wu Xingyang\'s regret constantly appeared in his mind.

This is because everything Yang Tian does is unforgivable by the temple. Once he fails, he will die and there is no way back.


Yang Tian can naturally feel the fluctuation of Cheng Wu Xingyang\'s thoughts, but he doesn\'t know what Cheng Wu Xingyang is thinking.

Yang Tian is not interested in Cheng Wu\'s idea of Xingyang, especially now.

After leaving the passage, a huge temple appeared in Yang Tian\'s eyes.

Yang Tian did not expect that in this storage space, the limitless temple was also built with a huge stone palace.

In Yang Tian\'s eyes, the palace looks like a temple in ancient Greece. The main body is the thick stone pillars carved with exotic animals.

Over the temple, there are many large, luminous crystal stones suspended, which makes Yang Tian who appears on the stone steps of the temple feel very beautiful and spectacular.

There is no need to practice hard in the future. After you can live a normal life, you must build such a building

Yang Tian\'s mind couldn\'t help but have this strange idea.

Time was urgent. Yang Tian only stayed under the stone steps for less than ten seconds and ran towards the temple.

"Ow ~"

When Yang Tian came to the gate of the temple, a beast roar came from the temple.

There is a powerful beast in it!

This storage space is really strange. There are not only grand palaces, but also fierce animals!

With the roar of the beast, powerful energy waves came out of it.

It\'s a strange beast with changeable realm!

Before the beast appeared, the little green dragon crossed Yang Tian and rushed into the temple.

"Who is it?"

All of a sudden, a soft cry came.

A woman in white suddenly appeared in front of the temple door.

Yang Tian was not surprised that there was a palace, a beast and a beautiful woman.

It seems that external rumors can not be trusted.