Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 771

100000 pills for understanding life; 100 million standard volume lice crystals; All kinds of precious materials for making weapons and armor

Looking at this pile of things, Yang Tian had to marvel at the wealth of the limitless temple. I couldn\'t help thinking if I changed the temple card and changed the number of years to join the temple earlier, could I get more.

Of course, Yang Tian is just thinking. He can\'t be too greedy, can he?

What if the number of years is raised earlier and the stuffing is exposed.

These things are just a drop in the bucket for the limitless temple. Look at the look on the faces of several managers who cleaned up these things.

Obviously, these people often come up with more things.

There are many things. They are packed in a special storage bag that does not recognize the owner.

After Yang Tian took it, he didn\'t count it, so he stuffed it into a trouser pocket.

In fact, Yang Tian\'s main purpose of coming to the clearing house this time is to test the function of the nine color hall card. I didn\'t expect the effect to be surprisingly good.

There are so many things in the scavenger department. How much wealth will be stored in the treasure house of the limitless temple?

Yang Tian can\'t imagine.

The next step is to set up a symbol array to destroy the limitless temple. Then, Yang Tiancai will make an idea of the treasure house of the limitless temple.

Destroying the limitless temple is Yang Tian\'s main purpose.

Although wealth is moving and things are primary and secondary, Yang Tian still has a clear division and has not lost his calmness.

That special storage space is the most important place of the limitless temple. It is estimated that even if you have the nine color hall card, you can\'t get close at will.

If you go to the treasure house first, once someone finds out, his previous plan will certainly come to naught.

Out of the warehouse and the gate of the clearing house, Yang Tian saw Chengwu Xingyang waiting for him.

Yang tianben thought that this guy would take the opportunity to leave. Unexpectedly, he still stayed here. When Cheng Wu Xingyang planted the prohibition in his mind, Yang Tian did not tell Cheng Wu Xingyang that he could know the position of Cheng Wu Xingyang\'s * * body by virtue of his spiritual strength.

In fact, Cheng Wu Xingyang also had this idea after Yang Tian went in, because Yang Tian\'s plan was really risky. Although he decided to cooperate with Yang Tian before, first, he was coerced by Yang Tian, and second, he could also benefit from Yang Tian\'s plan.

However, once Yang Tian is not around, the previous decision will inevitably loosen up in Cheng Wu Xingyang\'s mind.

After hesitating for a long time, Cheng Wu Xingyang finally chose to stay.

What Chengwu Xingyang doesn\'t know is that he is shaking in front of the gate of death. If he leaves, as long as Yang Tian\'s mind moves, the energy between Chengwu Xingyang\'s forehead will explode.

The powerful force can instantly destroy Cheng Wu Xingyang\'s brain and then his body. In the present state of Chengwu Xingyang, it is impossible to expel the force from the body in a short time.

"Next, where are we going?"

They left the clearing house. After walking a distance, Cheng Wu Xingyang saw that there was no one around and whispered to Yang Tian.

Yang Tian said with a smile, "it will take some time. We have a lot of places to go. Do you have the construction drawing of the limitless temple?"

Cheng Wu Xingyang shook his head. "This is the secret of the temple. I\'m a little man. How can I know. However, I know where there is."

Yang Tian shook his head, "don\'t bother so much, just spend more time."

Next, Yang Tian wandered around the whole Wuji temple.

Chengwu Xingyang thinks so, because Yang Tian\'s direction of action is always aimless. He goes East for a while, stops for a while, goes north again, and then turns back

The news that Yang Tian entered the clearing house soon spread.

In less than half an hour, most of the temple knew. In addition, there are nine color hall cards to open the way, Yang Tian is unimpeded all the way.

In fact, the place Yang Tian went to was not an important place for the temple, but only Yang Tiancai knew that he followed the instructions of strange procedures.

The powerful part of the strange program is that it can calculate the types of energy constituting the symbol array according to the energy emitted by the symbol array, and simulate the real structure of the symbol array.

The place Yang Tian has been to seems insignificant, but it is the key to some large arrays in the temple of no God.

It is estimated that even the operators who built the rune array did not expect these places.

According to the time of keitra, Yang Tian walked hundreds of "points" in less than three days.

The rune array structure of the whole Wuji temple has been calculated by a strange program, and a three-dimensional figure that Yang Tian can understand has been established.

After the results came out, the strange program told Yang Tian that the largest Rune array of the limitless temple was the large array holding up the whole temple.

The energy consumed by this huge array every day, if replaced by lice crystal, is at least one billion.

If you add other additional symbol arrays, the cost will be doubled!

This huge figure really shocked Yang Tian.

The cost of each day is greater than the resources of the Huie family in recent years!

You should know that the current underground city of the Huie family is designed by strange programs, and the cost of the whole underground city is not so much.

Such figures filled Yang Tian with strong expectations for the special storage space of the limitless temple.

Knowing the structure of the infinite Temple array, the next thing is simple.

Some boring people in the temple even opened a gambling disc because of Yang Tian\'s walking.

In some people\'s eyes, Yang Tian is like a steamed stuffed bun from the countryside. He has never seen the world.

In fact, everyone who comes here for the first time will be shocked by the grandeur of the limitless temple.

They also understand Yang Tian\'s mood at this time.

The gambling disc came out. As a result, Yang Tian suddenly calmed down.

In the Wuji temple, there are naturally some halls for receiving guests. Yang Tian lived in them.

For several days.

In the room, seeing Yang Tian often frown, Cheng Wu Xingyang was worried. At this time, he thought Yang Tian had encountered some difficulties.

There are difficulties, but it\'s not what Cheng Wu Xingyang thought.

After the calculation of strange program, if you want to destroy the limitless temple, the most direct way is to let the temple hanging in the air fall.

However, in doing so, ordinary humans living below will certainly suffer. The number of deaths is not 100000 or millions, but billions.

Yang Tian realized that he was not a good man, but if he had to bury hundreds of millions of ordinary people because of the completion of a plan, Yang Tian could not do it.

In that case, what\'s the difference between him and Fuzhu and Kuo Xing.

Move the temple!

This is the only way.

After the calculation of strange programs, this is not impossible.

Yang Tian wondered what would happen when the whole temple flew away from the original place and flew at a very fast speed towards the sand area where ordinary human beings live in a bad environment