Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 770

Little Qinglong looked at the old man. Yang Tian found a newly made nine color hall card from the old man\'s table.

The appearance of the nine color hall cards is much better than the blue hall cards held by Cheng Wu Xingyang. They are in the shape of a sword and look like a small sword.

The hilt is red and made of ruby. There is a small hole on it, which can be threaded and hung around the waist.

There are eight colors in the body of the sword. Different colors can be seen from different angles in the same place.

In Yang Tian\'s eyes, this kind of thing is simply a beautiful work of art.

Yang Tian held it in his hand and felt its weight. It was very light, but through his skin, he could feel that it was made of very fine material. Under normal circumstances, it should be very heavy. But the rune array on it reduced the weight of this hall card by more than half.

After Yang Tian weighed it, he divided a trace of spiritual power and entangled this nine color hall card.

Yang Tian had already observed the blue hall card of Chengwu Xingyang. There were more than 300 Rune arrays on it. It was simply an "integrated circuit board".

There are more runes on this nine color hall card, more than 1100. This is more precise than the blue hall card.

In fact, most of the above runes are the "keys" of some runes in the temple. The rune on the temple card can let the people who hold it in and out of such runes.

If this precise thing is made manually and without strange programs, it is impossible to succeed in a short time.

The fact is that this kind of thing is really made by the operators of the temple, while other mass-produced Temple cards are helped by semi intelligent small robots provided by the mechanical family.

Such important things as the nine color hall card, the limitless Temple naturally cannot be handed over to the mechanical family.

On the table, tools that Yang Tian had never seen were neatly placed.

The rune array on the nine color hall card was not difficult. The strange program was quickly calculated and recorded.

In this process, the strange program infers the construction of some symbol matrices in the temple.

If you make another piece, it\'s too late.

With his spiritual strength and the guidance of strange procedures, Yang Tian soon completed the nine color hall card in his hand, which actually had the last few steps.

The whole process takes about an hour.

As for the cards, it is much simpler. After Yang Tian observed several pieces, he came up with a complete design scheme.

It took about half an hour, and the bottom card connected with Yang Tian\'s nine color hall card was done.

In those days of the world tree, Yang Tianyou was guided by Qu yangu Ying, and the use of spiritual power was more exquisite.

It can be said that Yang Tian\'s cards made with spiritual strength are the most precise of all cards. Even those palace cards and cards made with micro machines can\'t be compared with them.

This is the effect of spiritual power in controlling things at the micro level.

After making the cards, Yang Tian put hundreds of hall cards in the cabinet where the cards were stored, and put the newly made cards in.

In this way, even if the old man in front of him wakes up and wants to find out which piece is false, it will take some time.

Of course, Yang Tian won\'t wake him up now.

Yang Tian personally penetrated a trace of the force into the old man\'s brain.

This old man Yang Tian doesn\'t know is just a practitioner at the peak of the fantasy realm. It is probably because of practicing Rune and Tao that the realm cannot be improved faster!

Yang Tian has seen many such people. It is not a sad thing for people to give up comfortable days for hobbies all their life, even their own life.

Yang Tian does not intend to kill the old man. Although the silk force is subtle, it is extremely condensed. It exists in the old man\'s brain. With the cultivation of the old man\'s illusory realm, it takes at least a few days to dissolve the silk force.

A few days is enough for Yang Tian.

And the advantage of this is that it takes a long time to find out the cause of the old man\'s coma.

"Let\'s go!"

After collecting the nine color hall cards into the storage bracelet at will, Yang Tian turned around and said to Cheng Wu Xingyang who was stunned.

That\'s it

Chengwu Xingyang is full of thoughts. People can\'t compare with people!

He can be regarded as the elite of Chengwu family. After mixing in the temple for so many years, it\'s better for Yang Tian to do these things in most of his time.

Now Yang Tian has the nine color hall card, and the hall owner is not here. What can be imagined is what the temple will look like.

Chengwu Xingyang followed Yang Tian in a numb way. He didn\'t know when he had left the Fuwen department.

When he entered a deserted grove next to the rune division, Cheng Wu Xingyang woke up.

"Where shall we go next?"

Cheng Wu Xingyang asked curiously.

Yang Tian smiled and said, "of course, it\'s the scavenger company. Lead the way!"

Chengwu Xingyang was stunned and said, "Oh, OK, please follow me. The scavenger division covers a large area, but there are few people inside. The guards must not know how many scavengers there are in the scavenger Division..."

After leaving the woods, Yang Tian and Cheng Wu Xingyang walked on the avenue of the temple.

After martial law, many guards were sent to the temple at the key points of the road.

Usually, these guards are a little tired and lazy, but now they look like a great enemy.

Not only were additional guards sent, but also Rune arrays used for a long time were used on some important roads.

With the nine color hall card, all the way is unimpeded. If he meets the procurator, Yang Tian will immediately show the nine color hall card he just got.

Seeing the hall card in Yang Tian\'s hand, the guard who checked his identity was very respectful to him.

Of course, some guard leaders know how to distinguish the authenticity of hall cards. These people even have special tools in their hands.

Yang Tian\'s nine color hall card has been completely connected with the main array of the whole temple. This was originally made by the rune division. Yang Tian just changed some.

Naturally, the guard leaders can\'t find anything wrong.

Under the guidance of Chengwu Xingyang, Yang Tian soon came to the clearing house.

The clearing house is really big. The main hall alone covers an area of more than 100 mu, and there are dozens of auxiliary halls next to it.

Such a large place is on a par with the rune department, but the number of people is a hundred times less than the rune department.

Most of the practitioners who have the nine color hall cards in their hands do not stay in the temple for various reasons.

Even some people, although they have received the nine color hall card, have never come to the clearing house.

Therefore, it is not clear how many scavengers there are in the scavenger Department... Even the main manager of the scavenger department.

You can\'t know unless you go to the rune department.

The limitless temple is very large, and the resources allocated by each department are different. The scavenger department, which does not do anything but consumes huge resources, has offended some people.

The relationship between the ministers in charge of each department in the temple is not so friendly.

Therefore, even if the people of the scavenger department go to the rune department for inquiry, they will be made difficult.

Yang Tian entered the gate of the clearing house. After walking for a distance, he was stopped by a thin middle-aged man in a blue robe.

To Yang Tian\'s surprise, the man in blue robe was actually a strong man in a changeable realm.

"This is the jade manager and the head of the scavenger department."

Cheng Wu Xingyang recognized the blue robed man and whispered in Yang Tian\'s ear.

If there was no nine color hall card, Yang Tian must have turned around and fled when he met the Secretary named Yu Li.

But now, although he is still in the realm of understanding life, he has nine color hall cards. According to the rules of the temple, he is at the same level as Yuli. Yang Tian is naturally not afraid.

"Who are you? Why haven\'t I seen you before?"

After Yuli stopped Yang Tian, he looked at Yang Tian and asked faintly.

Yang Tian knew that he couldn\'t be soft at this time and said proudly, "it\'s normal that you haven\'t seen me! Because I\'m the first time to the clearing house. As for who I am, when the hall Lord comes back, you can ask him in person."

Yang Tian\'s words made Yu Li bite his teeth.

Because Yang Tian has a reason to be proud, as a member of the scavenger department, he doesn\'t need to bird them, the temple directors, to hold the nine color hall card.

People are very stiff in front of the temple Lord, not to mention a minister.

Yu Li pressed down his anger and stretched out his hand to Yang Tian, "can I see your hall card?"

Without any hesitation, Yang Tian took the hall card out of the storage Bracelet again and threw it to Yu Li at will.

"So your name is miezhan. What are you doing here?"

Yuli looked at Yang Tian\'s nine color hall card carefully. After knowing Yang Tian\'s false identity information from the rune array of the hall card, Yuli returned the hall card to Yang Tian and asked again.

Miezhan was Yang Tian\'s random name. Originally, he was going to change his name to "miedian", but when he thought of this, he inevitably had some reverie, so he took a partial side of the word "dian".

The characters in this world are different from Chinese characters. In any case, Yuli will not associate the word "destroy the hall".

Yang Tian\'s face was covered by black cloth. Yuli wanted to see Yang Tian\'s true face, but he knew it was an unreasonable request.

You know, it\'s not just the pilgrims. Many people in the temple don\'t show their true faces. Moreover, it is very easy for practitioners to change their appearance.

The only constant is the smell from the body.

That is, energy fluctuation, which is the symbol of practitioners.

If Kuo Xing appears here at this time and notices the smell emanating from Yang Tian, he will be able to recognize Yang Tian at the first time.

Of course, if he really encounters Kuo Xing, Yang Tian can also rely on the rune array to keep his breath from being noticed by Kuo Xing.

What are you doing here?

Facing the problem of Yuli, Yang Tian smiled and said, "I\'ve come to get what originally belongs to me. I should have accumulated a lot over the years?"

As soon as Yang Tian\'s voice fell, Yu Li\'s cheek twitched a few times.

This time, Yuli completely dispelled his doubts about Yang Tian\'s identity.

The Pilgrims who have nine color hall cards have a mysterious identity and do not appear in the temple at ordinary times, but they always receive tribute every time.

In fact, most of the people who can become the Pilgrims\' Department of the temple and hold the nine color hall card can\'t see the tribute of the temple.

However, there are also a few people who come to collect them every long time.

Every time, it was an uncomfortable experience for Yuli.

If these people come to collect once every period of time, they don\'t feel anything, but if they accumulate for a period of time, it will be a lot.

"1371 tribute offerings..."

Although heartache, Yu Li took out an old book made of unknown material from the storage bracelet and calculated an account for Yang Tian.

This is an account book, which does not record the name of the person, but records what the scavengers get at each time.

After the calculation, Yuli gritted his teeth and said, "please go to the warehouse with me."

With that, Yuli turned and left.

Yang Tian smiled and immediately followed up.

Cheng Wu Xingyang, who came with Yang Tian, felt that his head was not enough at this time.

After staying in the temple for so many years, he saw the huge hole in the temple for the first time.

As long as an outsider holds the nine color hall card, he can get things from the scavenger department. If he says it, it\'s hard to believe, isn\'t it?

However, the fact happened in front of Cheng Wu Xingyang.

Of course, this loophole is not unknown, but it should be done as easily as thinking about heaven. It is estimated that it is no easier than killing Kuo Xing.

Cheng Wu Xingyang, who follows Yang Tian, has been ignored.

The blue card he has can enter the gate of the clearing company at most, but he is not qualified to enter it.

Therefore, he followed Yang Tian and was stopped by an invisible energy before entering the main hall.

Yang Tian and Yu Li walked in unimpeded.

Yuli took Yang Tian through the hall and finally came to the storage Hall of the scavenger company.

In fact, Yuli took Yang Tian around for a big circle.

This is a cautious approach to test whether the nine color hall card on Yang Tian is true again.

The result is that it really can\'t be true anymore, unless someone from the rune company wants to kill the customer company. The rune division can\'t do such a thing.

After taking Yang Tian to the storage hall, Yuli didn\'t have face to stay any longer. He told several of his men, turned around and was ready to leave.

Yu Li thought that if he had time to get angry with people like miezhan, he might as well go back and teach several offspring.

"Just a moment, please."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Yuli turned around, Yang Tian\'s voice sounded.

Yuli turned and looked at Yang Tian. Seeing Yang Tian\'s two smiling eyes, he was angry again. If Yang Tian didn\'t have nine color hall cards, he wanted to take a palm at Yang Tian.

"What\'s up?" jade Li asked.

Yang Tian said with a smile, "I want to ask if I can walk around the temple after I took something. It\'s really good here."

Hearing Yang Tian\'s words, Yu Li said contemptuously, "please help yourself!"

Then he went straight away.

After leaving, Yuli calmed down and understood that he was angry with Yang Tian because he was jealous of Yang Tian and dissatisfied with reality

After Yuli left, Yang Tian received a lot of good things.

"Unexpectedly, we didn\'t do anything, and there was a time to get paid..." Yang Tian smiled in his heart as he looked at the things taken out by several management personnel of the clearing company.