Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 769

"Although I believe in you, I still want to leave you with restrictive means. If you let you go, you will naturally let you go at that time."

Although Chengwu Xingyang is worthy of trust, it is difficult for people to change. Yang Tian can\'t let Chengwu Xingyang break his plan. When Chengwu Xingyang finishes speaking, Yang Tian mercilessly said.

Yang Tian did this, and there was no dissatisfaction on Cheng Wu Xingyang\'s face.

Because if he were Yang Tian, he would do the same.

Cheng Wu Xingyang is curious about how Yang Tian will control himself.

Yang Tian raised his left hand and slowly moved towards the point between Cheng Wu Xing Yang\'s forehead. At the tip of his index finger, there was a mass of force wrapped by spiritual force.

Seeing Yang Tian\'s finger pointing, Cheng Wu Xingyang instinctively tilted his head back.

At this time, a huge claw rested on Cheng Wu Xingyang\'s shoulder.

Chengwu Xingyang sighed helplessly and understood that if he did not accept Yang Tian\'s restriction, Yang Tian would kill him without hesitation. In his current state, it is estimated that as long as there is a change, the strange beast behind him can immediately kill himself.

It\'s a shame for a practitioner to be controlled by others.

But life is more important than face.

Chengwu Xingyang\'s neck stiffened and let Yang Tian\'s finger point on his forehead.

At this moment, Chengwu Xingyang felt a strange energy enter his forehead. This is an external force and very dangerous energy. Before Chengwu Xingyang consciousness took action, the energy in his body instinctively wanted to drive Yang Tian\'s energy out of his body.

At this time, Yang Tian\'s voice sounded, "don\'t resist, otherwise, this energy will explode in your body, not only your head will not be protected, but also your whole body will be corroded. Your family knows that I, Yang Tian, naturally understand that I am not only proficient in runes, but also have a special energy."

Chengwu Xingyang thought of the information about Yang Tian at this time, and there was one.

Because Yang Tian\'s attainments in the rune are too eye-catching, his extremely powerful attack power and strange energy are ignored by Cheng Wu Xingyang.

Remembering the terrible consequences mentioned by Yang Tian, Cheng Wu Xingyang quickly controlled the energy in his body with his consciousness and wrapped the energy Yang Tian pointed into his forehead without expelling it.

Yang Tian took back his hand and said to Cheng Wu Xingyang with a smile, "now I can completely trust you."

Now, as long as Yang Tian takes back the spiritual power that wraps the force, the force will lose control and explode like a bomb.

Not to mention Cheng Wu Xingyang, a practitioner of the illusory realm, even KuMan, a master of the changeable realm, if he is controlled by Yang Tian, he can only obey his orders.

Yang Tian pulled his cloak, covered his head again, and said to Cheng Wu Xingyang, "now we can go out."

Chengwu Xingyang nodded.

At this time, the emotion aroused by Yang Tian before Cheng Wu Xingyang has completely dissipated, and the whole person calmed down.

Compared with before, his mood is a little low.

In the limitless temple, the man who makes and issues the temple cards is naturally the rune division.

During this time, the rune division was finally free. Before, almost every day, the people of the rune division had to deal with tens of thousands of hall cards.

Some of the tens of thousands of hall cards have died outside, and the corresponding other hall card will be destroyed.

The limitless temple is very large, and it is quite normal for disciples to die thousands of people every day.

In addition, some people\'s Hall cards have been seriously damaged and destroyed, and need to be replaced. There is no spare for the hall card. If it breaks down, the processing process is very troublesome, because another hall card associated with the hall card, which is stored in the rune department, also needs to be replaced.

The remaining small part is that the status is improved or decreased, and the hall card needs to be replaced.

After Kuo Xing started to take action, he stopped recruiting disciples outside. The workload of the rune department was reduced by more than half at once.

The workload is not much, and there are fewer people left in the rune department.

At this time, nature is easy to dive in.

Yang Tian came here to steal the hall card, and it\'s the nine color hall card.

In the limitless temple, only the minister is qualified to have such a temple card.

Only with the nine color hall card, Yang Tian can go to some valuable places in the temple openly, his plan will be more smooth, and he can get a lot of benefits in this process.

If only the temple is destroyed, the appearance fee is too cheap for Yang Tian.

Go to the rune Department openly. It\'s estimated that someone intercepted it on the way and sneaked in imperceptibly.

In the process of moving forward, Yang Tian knew the reason for the sudden martial law in the temple from Cheng Wu Xingyang\'s mouth.

Because Kuo Xing outside heard that the Youyin family had appeared in the cloud domain. He also heard that over the years, people of the Youyin family had mixed into the temple, and some had become the high-level of the temple.

The temple is usually very strict in the management of disciples, especially for newcomers. If you don\'t know the root, you will never let them in. Although the news was somewhat groundless, Kuo Xing still strengthened the alert of the temple.

This caused some trouble for Yang Tian\'s plan.

Fortunately, Cheng Wu Xingyang led the way. He didn\'t meet anyone all the way. He smoothly approached the rune division of the limitless temple.

The rune division of the limitless temple is very large, at least 100 times the size of the Huie family. A rune division is divided into dozens of branch divisions dealing with affairs.

What Yang Tian wants to go in is the storeroom where his "cards" are stored.

Each hall card has a bottom card, which is convenient to query whether it is true or false.

Of course, this kind of situation is rare. The making of temple cards in the temple is very complex, which can not be imitated by ordinary people.

The advantage of cards is not only to distinguish true from false, but also to know the life or death of the temple disciples, the change of vitality and so on.

When Yang Tian was killing kuoman, Kuo Xing came in time because of the hall card.

Hall card is actually a communication device.

Yang Tian listened to Cheng Wu Xingyang\'s description of the hall card and felt that this thing could be done more perfectly

The Fuwen department is one of the important institutions of the Wuji temple. It covers a wide area and has an excellent environment.

In fact, martial law also has advantages, that is, there are no people who come out to play.

Under the guidance of Cheng Wu Xingyang, they passed through a forest, walked carefully through the messy mountains and rocks for a long time, and finally arrived at their destination.

Tens of meters ahead is where the rune division stores its "cards".

Such an important place is not only guarded by many guards, but also shrouded by many Rune arrays. Because of martial law, the more precise and energy-consuming defense Rune array that was not opened at ordinary times was also started.

Cheng Wu Xingyang said to Yang Tian, "I turned off the positioning function on the blue card, so I can\'t get close. If I want to go in, I have to go through the outer Rune array first."

Yang Tian looked at a group of temple guards patrolling in the distance and said with a smile, "it\'s not difficult. It\'s just that he doesn\'t know the place."

With that, Yang Tian patted Wu Xingyang\'s shoulder. Immediately, he stood up, folded his hands on his chest, and then quickly changed his hands to form a residual shadow.

In this process, invisible energy waves emanated from Yang Tian\'s hands.

For a moment, Cheng Wu Xingyang, standing beside Yang Tian, suddenly felt that his body was shrouded in a strange energy.

The reason for this feeling is that the air flow, temperature, sound and even light have changed.

"Well, let\'s go in!"

At this time, Yang Tian\'s voice suddenly sounded.

"Oh ~"

Cheng Wu Xingyang was stunned and thought, is this too simple?

For the current Yang Tian and strange program, it is so simple.

From the rune owner, the strange program has obtained enough Rune information. In addition, Yang Tian\'s body has been transformed. The cracking process is naturally simple.

Compared with the rune array set by the Lord, the rune array made by those Rune masters in the limitless temple is really not enough to see.

At first, Yang Tian cracked the construction of the superstar temple, which was not as simple as it is now.

Chengwu Xingyang walked slowly and lightly behind Yang Tian, walked directly out of the messy mountains and rocks, and entered from an open side door less than 20 meters away from several guards.

At this time, Yang Tian and Cheng Wu Xingyang, surrounded by the rune array calculated by the strange program, can not only easily pass through the defensive Rune array outside the rune division, but also have a strong stealth effect.

In the rune treasurer\'s room, only a few people stayed inside and slowly sorted out some messy things.

Cheng Wu Xingyang is not familiar with this place because he has never been here. Yang Tian walked through it for half an hour before he found an insignificant warehouse. Taking advantage of no one\'s attention, he cracked the numerous runes outside the door, opened the door and went in.

At the moment the door opened, Yang Tian winked at the little green dragon lying on his shoulder.

Xiaoqinglong understood Yang Tian\'s meaning and rushed in as fast as he could.

Because there\'s someone in there.

Yang Tian noticed this small warehouse because the rune array here is actually the most complex and precise in the whole Rune treasurer\'s room.

The warehouses for storing black-and-white cards and other colors are very large. In the previous half-hour, Yang Tian kept looking for them. He even saw the three color brands, except the nine color hall cards.

Yang Tian felt that this small warehouse must be the warehouse for storing the bottom cards of the nine color hall.

Because the number of secretaries is small, the place for storing cards will certainly not be large, but it is the most rigorous place.

This is indeed the place where the bottom cards of the nine color hall are stored.

An old man in a leading position was sitting behind a large table "dozing off.".

Although the door was opened, it was not destroyed by violence, so the old man didn\'t care and thought it was his colleague who came in.

The old man didn\'t even open his eyes. When he heard the wind, it was already late.

Xiaoqinglong, like Cheng wuxingyang before, made the old man fall asleep in an instant.

This time, the little green dragon started a little heavy and used the energy in his body. He won\'t wake up if he doesn\'t sleep for a few hours.

A few hours is enough for Yang Tian!

Soon, Yang Tian opened the metal cabinet that was locked with a talisman array to store the bottom cards of the nine color hall.

There are many small grids in the cabinet, which are also divided into many layers.

Now, as long as Yang Tian makes a nine color hall card, and then makes a bottom card and puts it in it, he has completed his purpose of coming here this time.

With the nine color hall card, Yang Tian will be like a Trojan horse program inside the temple

"There are many ministers in the temple. Which identity is suitable for me?"

Yang Tian glanced at the dense cards in the cabinet and turned to ask Cheng Wu Xingyang.

Chengwu Xingyang thought about it. Suddenly, his eyes brightened and said, "the most appropriate is the scavenger department."

"Clearing company?"

"That\'s right!" Cheng Wu Xingyang said, "the people of the scavenger department are very mysterious in the temple. It\'s hard to see one at ordinary times..."

After Chengwu Xingyang\'s explanation, Yang Tian understood that the original scavenger department was an organization set up by the temple to attract outside experts. The status of these people in the limitless temple is the same as the guest Qing set up in the superstar temple. They only obey the orders of the temple Lord. Most of the time, they listen to the tune and don\'t listen to the propaganda

It\'s good to have such an identity... Yang Tianxin thought.