Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 755

This huge pit, as well as half of the pit like a tree stump, can not help but remind people that there was a blue giant tree before, and the giant tree was pulled out.

The real situation is the same. What Yang Tian doesn\'t know is that in order to stop the Fuzhu, it was done by the three Temple masters of the temple.

For them, they will not consider anything except their own interests and the interests of the temple. Moreover, even if they do not do so, they will eventually be obtained by the rune.

The three Hall masters will not return empty handed. In the process of fighting with the Lord of talisman, the three Hall masters will benefit the most except the Lord of talisman.

In fact, Yang Tian had reached the bottom of the continent at this time, and was just in the center. Because of the suction of the land, the big pit looked like it was under his feet. This is the same principle as the planet.

In the boundless starry sky, who knows the direction?

If Yang Tian flies towards the high place and breaks away from the gravity of the land, he will reach the Xinghai.

In Yang Tian\'s current state, he can\'t survive in the sea of stars. He will do that unless he wants to die.

On the front of the land, the sky is light blue, with clouds and stars. But at the bottom of this continent, the sky is completely gray. Although there is light, it is very dark. Hundreds of meters away, it has become blurred.

The little green dragon carrying Yang Tian fell to the edge of the giant pit.

At this time, Yang Tiancai found that the pit was too big. Compared with the broken blue "tree roots" at the edge of the pit, he and Xiaoqinglong were as small as ants.


Yang Tianzheng wanted to take a closer look at these blue "tree roots", and the land under his feet shook, like an earthquake, with cracks.

Of course, this is a real earthquake, and the whole continent is shaking.

Countless tall peaks collapsed, the water in the lake seemed to boil, the volcano erupted for a long time, there were messy and deep rifts on the ground, strange animals ran around, the sky became gray, the stars glowed and heated in the sky, and the stars running according to the specific law began to shake due to the change of land gravity, It seems that it may fall to the ground at any time

A scene of doomsday.

Wuji Temple Wuji palace.

Because it was suspended in the sky, and the foundation under the palace was protected by a huge Rune array. When the whole continent shook and began to split, the huge palace only shook slightly.

Kuo Xing, the owner of the palace, the fan of the Tianyu temple and the Yugui of the starry sky temple. The three Temple owners had already gathered here and stood at the gate of the main hall, overlooking the changes of the mountains in the distance.

Looking at the doomsday scene, the three eyes were indifferent.

Like the Fuwen masters, in order to achieve their own goals, they don\'t care whether the world is destroyed or not.

"The world is not destroyed for the first time. It is recorded that there are three times. Each destruction, the world meets again after a short separation, and the scattered lands on the edge will enter the endless star sea and become islands in the star sea..."

Looking at the ground crack and the mountain collapse in the distance, Kuo Xing suddenly said after the three were silent for a moment.

This statement, in fact, is to find a reason for liberation for a little conscience in their hearts.

Yugui\'s temperament was the most straight. When Kuo Xing finished, he smiled and said, "you also said that every destruction is actually a rebirth. After every great change in the world, there will be countless rare treasures. Finally, when the ground is healed, there will be a map of the earth\'s veins."

"Yes!" Zhi fan also sighed, "for ordinary humans who have not yet entered the practice, this process of destruction and rebirth is the coming of the end, but for us practitioners, it is a great opportunity. The reason why we practitioners exist in this world is because of this process."

Zhi Fan said, Kuo Xing raised his left hand and unfolded his palm.

In the palm of his hand lay a blue thing like a peach stone.

Looking at the item in his hand, Kuo Xing smiled and said, "what our predecessors didn\'t do has finally been done by us. When the earth vein regenerates, we can get a complete set of earth vein map with the three \'pulse crystals\' in our hands."


Land fragmentation occurs from the inside out.

Because the underground is the most solid, when changes take place here, the four words "heaven and earth collapse" can be used to describe the above ground.

Although Yang Tian doesn\'t know the situation on the ground, he also knows that it will be late if he doesn\'t do it again.

The seeds of the world tree, which had been lying quietly in Yang Tian\'s storage bracelet for many years, were finally taken out by Yang Tian.

Yang Tian held the seed in his hand and threw it towards the center of the giant pit without looking at it.

The real world tree seed has strong vitality. As long as it is urged by spiritual force, the shell will break and begin to sprout and grow. Even in space, it can grow normally.

Strangely, this tree also has wisdom and can actively create an environment suitable for other life.

Yang Tian heard Qu yangu Ying say that the world tree is a gift given by the gods to lower life.

When Yang Tian was holding the seeds of the world tree, he had already urged it with spiritual strength. Before it left the palm of Yang Tian\'s hand, its hard shell like steel had cracked a gap.

At that moment, Yang Tian felt the huge vitality revealed from the seeds.

Although there is only a trace, it also makes Yang Tian feel a majestic. Even the strong ones like Kuo Xing are not as powerful as this silk.

The broken seeds of the world tree accurately fell into the blue \'stump\' in the huge pit.

When the seed disappeared in his eyes, Yang Tianchang breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little uneasy in his heart.

The growth of the world tree must make a lot of noise. What if we attract those people from Kuo Xing at that time? Can the young world tree withstand the waste of those people... Yang Tian\'s concern is very reasonable.

To know that the world tree is very fragile, at least Yang Tian thinks so.

Otherwise, the original Star domain called "music world star domain" would not be destroyed by the sky.

Thinking of the world tree and the music world star domain, a curly orange cigarette Gu Ying also appeared in Yang Tian\'s mind.

"I don\'t know how she is now..."

Yang Tian looked at the "stumps" in the huge pit and couldn\'t help muttering to himself.



Qu yangu Ying returned to this planet long after Yang Tian left.

There are no exile stars in this cosmic world. After many years, AIPA star reappears in the star map.

This world is completely different from Yang Tian\'s world in the passage of time.

It has been less than ten years since Yang Tian came to the new world, and this cosmic world, based on the time on keitra, has passed more than 100 years.

Although more than 100 years have passed, quyan guying looks not old at all, even younger than before.

Quyan guying, as the grand sacrifice of the superstar temple, is standing on a stargazing platform on the highest peak of aipaxing at the moment.

Looking at the stars in the sky, quyan guying\'s eyes are full of confusion.

How easy is it to leave this world?

After Yang Tian left for several years, the channel opened by the former goddess suddenly closed.

According to the analysis of Taiyu great sacrifice, it should be the mysterious man in black.

This is undoubtedly a great blow to many strong people who have reached the peak of practice. Disappointed by the top powers, some hide from the world and some fight with each other. The originally calm universe is chaotic again.

What worries Qu yangu Ying is that Yu Yangtian, Yang Tian\'s son, suddenly disappeared. It is said that he was chased and killed

Yang Tian has many enemies. Who is it?

Quyan guying\'s thoughts were confused, and a Y-shaped mark on her chest suddenly lit up.

Quyan guying was overjoyed because it meant that the seeds of the world tree... Developed buds and grew!