Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 754

The beast king stopped under the obstruction of little green dragon, then turned around and looked at Yang Tian with some confusion.

Yang Tian said with a smile, "don\'t get me wrong. I just want to ask you something about Xinghai."

The beast king understood why Yang Tian stopped himself.

It doesn\'t worry that Yang Tian will be bad for it, because if Yang Tian wants to kill it, in Yang Tian\'s energy world, Yang Tian\'s idea can kill him. It\'s too troublesome not to let it out.

"OK!" the beast king stared at Yang Tian\'s eyes and agreed very simply. Immediately he said, "you must have a lot of questions to ask, and I want to go back to the Xinghai soon. How about this! I\'ll leave part of my memory to you!"

"Boom ~"

As soon as the beast king finished, the whole space shook.

The beast Dynasty looked around, "the space of this world is unstable."

With that, the king closed his eyes. In a moment, a light blue bead the size of a finger appeared on the king\'s forehead.

After setting the blue bead, the beast king controlled the bead with his consciousness and flew towards Yang Tian.

This is the bead that the beast king uses his own energy to wrap the memory information. Yang Tian can\'t do this now.

"Just suck it into your energy world. This is all I know. I hope it can help you. Now it\'s going to be destroyed. I have to leave. Bye!"

The beast king said, his body turned into a black light, passed by the little green dragon, and soon disappeared.

Yang Tian did not put the blue bead into the energy world as the beast king said, but wrapped it with spiritual energy.

Then, Yang Tian controlled the spiritual energy and slowly penetrated into the bead.

In the spiritual energy, Yang Tian\'s consciousness is brought. When the energy of the bead shell dissipates, the memory information contained in it is transmitted to Yang Tian\'s brain and stored through Yang Tian\'s consciousness.

Yang Tian\'s doing so can not only keep the memory information given to him by the beast king intact, but also guard against what the beast king does on this energy body

This is the advantage of spiritual power!

The beast king did not do anything on this blue energy body, but if he absorbed it into the energy world and "digested" these memories, he might lose a lot.

When the beast king provided Yang Tian with memory information, he was in a hurry to leave without special screening, because he thought Yang Tian would certainly lose some in the process of absorption. But it did not expect that Yang Tian had spiritual power.

These memories were originally very much wanted by Kuo Xing. Unexpectedly, in the end, Yang Tian got "cheap".

Sometimes, if you are kind, you will get unexpected benefits.

Yang Tian doesn\'t have time to carefully examine the memory information of the beast king. There is another trouble for him.

"Bruce Lee, let\'s go!"

Yang Tian looked around and felt that the fluctuation of space energy was becoming more and more intense, frowning.

Since it was transmitted by strange programs, there is messy space energy everywhere.

If other practitioners come here, they will be lost here.

Xiaoqinglong returned to Yang Tian, and then changed into a dragon more than ten meters long. Yang Tian immediately sat on his back.

The strange program also took action at this time, and soon opened a temporary space channel in front.

Because of the chaos of space energy, such a space channel will not exist for long. As soon as the passage opened, the little green dragon waved his tail and rushed over quickly.

After passing through the invisible space channel, what appears in Yang Tianyan is a new space.

There are large pieces of lavender crystals floating in this space. They are all lice crystals!

From the color point of view, these lice crystals are very pure, and I don\'t know how they are produced.

Such a large space with lice crystals is simply incalculable. Although it contains less energy than the life crystals produced by exotic animals, such a large amount is also a great wealth.

But Yang Tianna has so much time to collect. He must go deeper immediately with the help of strange programs to prevent the destruction of the earth vein.

Yes, it\'s the earth vein!

There are meridians in the human body, in other animals, and on this land.

The "meridians" of the mainland have long been infiltrated by the natural Rune array, regardless of each other. Once the natural Rune array is destroyed, the earth vein will also be destroyed.

At that time, the continent will fall apart, and countless creatures living on the continent will die with the collapse of the continent.

At that time, the environment of this land will become very bad. It is estimated that it is difficult for humans to find an environment that can live at ease.

What follows is the war for survival territory

The disaster will continue.

Capable people, such as the master of Fu, often make earth shaking if they do bad things for their own personal interests. Yang Tian is now deeply aware of this.

If this continent breaks into countless small pieces, it is not in Yang Tian\'s interests. If such things can be prevented, Yang Tian will certainly be duty bound.

Yang Tian has this ability because he has a seed of the world tree.

If the world\'s tree species are planted at the bottom of this continent and its developed roots can fix the whole continent in a short time, the impending disaster will not happen.

Moreover, with the world tree, the land environment will become more suitable for the survival and reproduction of life than it is now.

Yang Tian knew that the world tree could save the world because he was reminded by the strange program.


Looking at the floating lice crystal around, Yang Tian thought of the very important thing to do immediately and sighed helplessly at the bottom of his heart.

Although there are many lice crystals, he can only charge a small part because of time.

The Little Green Dragon flew quickly, opened his mouth, and sucked all the lice crystals in front of him into his mouth. Yang Tian, waving his hands, was swept into the storage bracelet with his spiritual strength.

Although he was constantly collecting lice crystals, the speed of little green dragon did not slow down at all. Everywhere he passed, an open channel was formed.

In less than three minutes, Yang Tian walked through the whole space and stopped for a moment. The strange program opened the channel to the next space.

The reappearance space is full of stones and countless red energy line fragments of natural Rune array.

This space is extremely unstable, and even small-scale spatial annihilation occurs.

You must be careful when walking through such a space.

Fortunately, it took almost ten minutes to pass through this dangerous space.

Later, after about half an hour and passing through five large and small spaces, the strange program finally brought Yang Tian to his destination.

What appears in Yang Tian\'s eyes is a huge black pit.

From a distance, you can see that around the pit, there are red Rune energy lines.

In the middle of the pit, there are half blue things like tree stumps.