Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 756

In Yang Tian\'s eyes, the world tree soon emerged from the blue stump. It looks no different from ordinary trees, but its roots are extremely developed. Just as a part of the tree trunk grew, the roots rooted in the soil had rushed all over the pit.

The blue \'tree stumps\' and\' tree roots\' in the pit were soon entangled by the roots of the world tree, and the energy contained in them was absorbed by the world tree.

The wider the root coverage, the more energy the world tree absorbs and the faster its growth rate.

It is growing at almost geometric times.

In less than five minutes, the world tree has grown into a towering tree. The diameter of the trunk is estimated that ten people can\'t hold it hand in hand

The world tree is getting bigger and bigger, and the vitality released is becoming stronger and stronger. It soon pierced the space and passed to distant places.

This makes Yang Tian more worried.

The strong roots of the world tree continue to spread around and cover the whole continent faster than sound.

This vast land was supposed to be split and broken, but when the roots of the world tree spread, these roots were like claws and nails, which fixed the land that was about to split again. The roots contracted and pulled the crack back

The whole continent, centered on the world tree, slowly calmed down.


"What\'s going on?"

On the limitless hall, seeing that the land was about to split, the earth vein that had not appeared for a long time would appear again, but suddenly, the turbulence stopped. Those cracks like a canyon actually began to heal, and Yugui couldn\'t help shouting.

At this time, of course, they also noticed a strong vitality of life.

Kuo Xing frowned and said, "it should be... Someone is preventing the division of the land. They are about to succeed."

"What are you waiting for? Let\'s go and have a look!"

The impatient Yu Guiyi said it and took action.


Seeing that Yu Gui was worried, Kuo Xing immediately raised his hand to stop, "how do you go?"

"I......" Yu Gui was stunned. With his ability, it\'s not difficult to go to the place where Yang Tian is now. Just break the space barrier with brute force. After all, it\'s just a space bubble caused by the turbulence of space energy, but I don\'t know how long it will take.

If the delay is too long, it may be useless to go.

"What should I do?"

Yu Gui thought and asked with a frown.

Kuo Xing thought, "let\'s join hands!"

He knew that only Yang Tian could break those spaces in a short time. It\'s a pity that Yang Tian can\'t tolerate this person.

As for the new black Fujun, his attainments in runes are very high, but he has to break through those spaces in the earth vein in a short time... Forget it, it\'s better to break through hard.

It is worth mentioning that Hei Fujun is now a major leader in the limitless temple, and his status is only lower than that of the minister.

A group of people from the eternal life temple in Xichen youyou have entered the limitless temple under the arrangement of heifu Jun.

The great master had the power to "recruit troops and horses". These people entered the limitless temple and did not attract much attention from others.

Kuo Hsing doesn\'t know yet that there is a "cancer" hidden in his limitless temple.

If chakuixing has a good relationship with Yang Tian, he will certainly remind Kuixing. You know, these people are so capable that they almost brought down the once superstar temple.

Kuo Xing has a hunch that Yang Tian will be his great enemy in the near future. But he didn\'t know that his greatest enemy had entered the temple grandly, right under his eyes.

There is no need to discuss the matter of preventing the mainland from healing, because if they do nothing now, their previous efforts will be in vain.

Before a crack in the front closed, the three rushed in.

This vast land is very wonderful. If viewed from a distance in the star sea, it is like an island floating in the void, completely composed of rocks. In fact, there are many mysterious spaces and earth veins to maintain the vitality of the land.

The earth vein exists in the center of the continent, just like the meridians of the human body. Countless mysterious spaces exist in the earth vein. The earth vein absorbs energy from the star sea and stores it in its internal space. When it is full, it will spit energy out and form many kinds of energy crystals.

Lice crystal ore is formed indirectly by relying on dikes.


The three entered through the crack and soon entered a fiery red space.

Here, it is full of red inflammatory crystals. In this space, the temperature is so high that even Starlite can melt.

Inflammatory crystal is also an energy crystal, but its quality is inferior to lice crystal. Naturally, the three people couldn\'t see these spars and rushed directly through this space.

"Boom ~"

A loud noise.

Kuo Xing\'s body is like a sharp sword. During rapid flight, it directly breaks the space wall, which forms a short passage.

After rushing into the passage, the three soon appeared in a light blue space.

This is a world with extremely low temperature, full of blue hard ice crystals. When ordinary practitioners come here, they will be frozen into ice in a moment.

Rao and Shi are all top-level strong people, and the energy in their bodies can not help but produce a short-term confusion.

Kuo Xing gritted his teeth, recklessly bumped into the ice crystal in front of him, and then bumped into the space wall

The formation of the three people\'s impact is a triangle. The broad star is the sharp point of the triangle. In the process of rapid flight, the support fans and Yugui behind the broad star condense most of the energy in front of the broad star to provide a kind of protection for the support fans.

In fact, before each impact, it consumes the most energy of Zhifan and Yugui.

In less than five minutes, the three broke dozens of spaces and appeared not far from the world tree.

At this time, more than half of the world tree has grown, and its shape is like a big banyan tree. Compared with it, human beings are like a small dust.

The world tree was already emitting a faint green halo.

Seeing this huge tree, Kuo Xing and others will understand at once.

Although they do not know what this tree is, they know that it is because of the existence of this huge tree that the divided land will heal again.

After staying in the void for a moment, Kuo Xing resolutely took his hand, raised his hand and blew a palm at the world tree.

"Boom ~"

A loud noise.

Kuo Xing\'s palm power did not directly hit the world tree, but was blocked by the green halo emitted by the world tree.

The energy of the broad star was too strong. Although it did not hurt the world tree, the green halo of the world tree was small, and the huge tree shook.

In the distance, Yang Tian saw this situation and his heart was raised to his throat.

According to his estimation, the world tree that has not yet grown can only withstand Kuo Xing\'s bombardment three times at most.

Of course, Kuo Xing also saw it. With a cold smile, he blew a palm at the world tree again.

"Boom ~"

There was another loud noise.

But this time, the palm power of Kuxing didn\'t bombard the green halo of the world tree, but a green energy blocked the impact of this palm.

The energy generated by the collision tore apart the surrounding space and produced a small-scale spatial annihilation. From a distance, the spatial annihilation was like black bubbles, which disappeared in a flash.

Space annihilation is very terrible. It can annihilate all matter, but at the same time, it also absorbs the surrounding energy turbulence.

Soon, the space calmed down.

This palm, Kuo Xing\'s power, is stronger than the first palm! But it was blocked!

Yes, the green energy is emitted by a human.

The broad star looked at the place where the green energy was emitted, and saw a beautiful young woman coming out of the green halo.

Quyan guying!

Seeing this beautiful woman, Yang Tian was stunned.