Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 745

The rune array set by the master is one Rune array connected with another. Yang Tian can guess that after going out from this Rune array, he will encounter the next Rune array.

After cracking this seal Rune array, it is obviously impossible for people who want to get rid of the temple. They can only hope for the next Rune array.

Now, we\'d better solve the rune matrix first.

It\'s cheaper to stay here for a long time.

"This stump is the eye of the seal array and the source of energy. If I guess right, it was originally a black tree, but it was destroyed."

Yang Tian pointed to the stump and glanced at the three Hall masters of Kuxing, Zhimi and Yugui.

Yang Tian finished, Zhi MI and Kuo Xing turned their heads and looked at Yu Gui.

Yu Gui just snorted coldly.

Obviously, the black tree was destroyed by Yugui.

In fact, this is a very normal thing. The black tree is really weird. Even if Yang Tian sees it, the first idea is mostly to destroy it.

"Stop talking nonsense and start!"

Seeing Yu Gui\'s dissatisfaction, Kuo Xing couldn\'t say anything. He stared at Yang Tian and said coldly.

Yang Tian raised his right hand. The small particles composed of Rune energy controlled by strange program flew out of Yang\'s celestial table, flew around Yang Tian, and fell into Yang Tian\'s hands, forming a triangle.

In order to defend Yang Tian from the attack of withered barbarians, the strange program consumes a lot of Rune energy, and these small particles are very sparse.

After the small particles formed a triangle, Yang Tian raised his left hand and waved it again.

The triangle immediately spread out and flew out of Yang Tian\'s palm, forming a vertical disc in front of Yang Tian. It looked like a Tai Chi figure.

Because the strange program consumes too much energy, Yang Tian needs to provide part of the energy to crack the seal array.

With the strange program, Yang Tian raised his hands, and his palms and ten fingers formed a shadow.

In this way, the rune array has been cracked many times. In addition, Yang Tian\'s body has been "transformed" by strange programs. When using his hands to release Rune energy, it looks much more natural and smooth than before.

Not to mention peers, even in the eyes of laymen, Yang Tian\'s actions are very beautiful.

Even Kuo Xing, who was extremely dissatisfied with Yang Tian, couldn\'t help looking at Yang Tian, not to mention Zhi fan and Yu Gui, the two hall masters who had no direct hatred with Yang Tian.

Kuo Xing soon abandoned a trace of his favor for Yang Tian, because he knew that Yang Tian, who killed KuMan, could not become a man of the limitless Temple anyway.

Bursts of powerful rune energy were emitted from Yang Tian\'s hands. The world inside the stump in front of him was like the water surface blown by the wind.

In this way, after about ten minutes, the world inside the tree stump gradually released a faint red light after the ripples calmed down. It looked like the light emitted by the red magma.

"Well, the exit is open."

At this time, Yang Tian finally put down his hands and the strange program returned to him.

"It\'s not broken!"

As soon as Yang Tian\'s voice fell, a middle-aged man standing outside shouted.

Because the invisible space energy barriers in this cave have not disappeared.

Yang Tian turned around, looked at the one and said faintly, "it\'s impossible to break those space barriers, because it is composed of external Rune array, and the entrance is the exit... Forget it, I tell you you don\'t understand“

With that, Yang Tian turned around and looked at Kuo Xing.

Kuo Xing didn\'t believe Yang Tian. Naturally, he wouldn\'t go down first. He raised his hand and waved it.

A temple disciple behind Kuo Xing was stunned. He changed his look a few times, came forward with his teeth and jumped into the exit.

After the man went down, in Yang Tian\'s sight, he soon became a small black spot and disappeared.

At this time, the situation in the following space can no longer be seen clearly as before.

The disciple of the temple never returned. He waited for a long time and couldn\'t return.

Kuo Xing looked at Yang Tian and his eyes became sharp.

Yang Tian saw Kuo Xing\'s eyes and said with a smile, "if you don\'t believe it, I can go down first."


Kuo Xing refused coldly. As the Lord of the temple, he naturally knew some knowledge of Rune array.

Some Rune arrays are killing arrays for others, but the people who build them can walk freely.

Kuo Xing doesn\'t believe in himself, and Yang Tian can\'t help it.

Anyway, people have to leave here

In fact, at this time, as long as Yang Tian enters this exit and enters the next Rune array, he will have a chance to get rid of Kuo Xing. But obviously, Kuo Xing has expected such a thing.

Before returning to the ground, Kuxing won\'t let Yang Tian out of his sight.


Suddenly, the whole cave began to shake.

When they looked outside the rune array, they were startled again.

Space annihilation! Space annihilation again!

I saw that the rocks in the distance of the cave began to disappear at a very fast speed, became dark, and spread here at a very fast speed.

The emergence of space annihilation is naturally caused by Yang Tian\'s opening of the exit.

There\'s no way.

This seal array seems simple, but it is extremely complex. It is difficult to break the outer space energy barrier with Yang Tian\'s current energy. At the same time, it will take a lot of time.

If you give Yang a few days, you can try, but will the three Temple lords give him a few days?

The only quick way to get out of here is through the entrance and exit, which is the channel to another symbol array space.

With the help of strange programs, Yang Tian can break through even the most powerful rune array. In that case, why not give these people more trouble?


Seeing that the annihilation of space was coming, the people began to rush towards the exit. Kuo Xing drank a little and rushed into the exit with Yang Tian.

As long as you take Yang Tian with you, even if Yang Tian moves his hands and feet on the rune array, Kuo Xing is not afraid.

At the moment of entering the exit, Yang Tian turned his head and looked at hui\'e Miaomiao. He saw that they rushed in front. He should be able to enter the exit before the annihilation of space came.

The speed of space annihilation was faster than people thought. When Huie Miaomiao and his party rushed into the entrance, the space annihilation was less than ten meters away from them. This time, at least tens of thousands of practitioners were annihilated.

Every level set behind the master can kill thousands of practitioners.

Yang Tian opened the exit. After passing, Yang Tian didn\'t know where it would appear.

When Kuo Xing rushed into the import and export with him, it was like rushing into a red mirror. With a flash of red light in front of him, he appeared in a new environment.

This is a dark red desert. At a glance, it is boundless. There is a big star hanging in the sky, which makes the temperature of the desert extremely high. If you take out an egg and put it on the dark red sand at your feet, it will become a cooked egg in less than three minutes.

The bad environment is not terrible. What\'s terrible is that there are strange animals around.

These are not ordinary monsters. Each one is extremely powerful, and the smell emitted by the body is only weaker than the giant turtle that was forced to death before.

Seeing these strange animals, Kuo Xing frowned, loosened his hand and let Yang Tian go.

Yang Tian patted his arm, smoothed the clothes wrinkled by Kuo Xing, and said faintly, "it seems that we have returned to the ground."

Kuo Xing said, "this is the sand area, and these strange animals are strange animals from the star sea some time ago. It turns out that they came here. No wonder they disappeared."

It\'s an alien from the sea of stars!

Yang Tian was stunned and knew that he was in trouble.

Each of these monsters is extremely powerful. One or two of them are terrible, but here, there are a large group. Look at the number, there are at least thousands.

You can\'t fight and run, but it\'s obviously manipulated here. A huge Rune array is enveloping this place. People can\'t leave and want to live unless they kill all these strange animals.

There are more and more practitioners through export. Soon, there are thousands and tens of thousands of practitioners around.

To Yang Tian\'s surprise, these monsters just stood quietly in the distance, looked at them coldly, and didn\'t attack immediately.