Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 744

The conversation between Kuo Xing and Zhi Mi reached Yang Tian\'s ears.

From their conversation, Yang Tian knew that they came out of that seal space and met another seal space.

Yang Tian actually knows this situation.

Because neither the previous seal space nor the current space can start the transmission symbol array and leave directly. In other words, space is\' locked \'by a powerful space symbol matrix.

Kuo Xing, the Lord of the limitless temple, the fan of the Tianyu temple, and the Yugui of the starry temple. Although the three Hall masters can jointly break the previous sealed space, they are helpless to this space.

Because to break the current seal space, we can\'t do it with brute force, but we need technical content.

Why does Zhi fan know that Yang Tian can do it?

Of course, it\'s because I heard Hui echan\'s\' reminder \'.

For those sealed in this space, Yang Tian is now a treasure.

During the period when Yang Tian and KuMan met, no matter the Fuwen masters of the three temples, or the elites and casual practitioners of various families, they were helpless to seal the space. Of course, heifujun also tried, and the result was also a failure.

"If you can do it, the Lord of this temple will give you a chance to live."

Kuo Xing thought about it and stared at Yang Tian coldly.

When Kuo Xing said this, Yang Tian was finally relieved.

At least for a short time, you don\'t have to worry about endangering your life.

Kuo Xing\'s strength made Yang Tian deeply remember it and vowed to defeat this guy in the future.

This has become Yang Tian\'s short-term goal.

Seeing Yang Tian\'s eyes, Kuo Xing knew what Yang Tian was thinking. Some disdained to say, "you can never do it."

Can\'t you ever do it?

Yang Tian sneered in his heart and didn\'t buy it. At this time, it\'s really not the time to argue with Kuo Xing over such a small matter.

The fan smiled and said, "well, let\'s go! We\'ve been delayed for a long time and don\'t know what\'s going on outside. Don\'t forget our plan..."

With that, Zhi Fan said to Yang Tian again, "if you do it, you can enter my heavenly temple."

Since Kuo Xing said that Yang Tian could break the seal of this space, Zhi fan cherished talent and naturally would not let go of talents such as Yang Tian.

Kuo Xing didn\'t say anything. He looked up, turned into a black light, and soon disappeared in Yang Tian\'s eyes.

Yang Tian received the black hole. The little green dragon changed back to the mini dragon and returned to Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

When Yang Tian\'s body returned to normal, his shoulders widened, and Xiao Qinglong coiled himself comfortably on Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

Zhi fan looked at Yang Tian, smiled and raised his hand.

However, Yang Tian\'s body was wrapped by a powerful and irresistible force. Yang Tian instinctively wanted to struggle, but he found that his sight suddenly became blurred and his body rose rapidly.

Yang Tian knew that this was a fan. He was flying with himself with his strength, so he relaxed his body.

In fact, it\'s useless to struggle, because Yang Tian knows that even if he tries his best, he can\'t get rid of the power of fans.

The energy possessed by the temple Lord was really terrible. Yang Tian had to admit that if he hadn\'t been useful to these people, he would die under Kuo Xing.

The flight time was not long. In less than a minute, Yang Tian felt his body.

When his sight recovered, Yang Tian found that he had come to a place like an underground cave.

The space of the cave is very large. The top of the cave is about 100 meters from the ground, and there are a large number of practitioners.

As soon as it appeared here, Yang Tian obviously felt that bursts of spatial energy fluctuations came from around and looked very messy.

At least hundreds of thousands of practitioners are trapped in this cave. At the edge, some talismans are using all means to crack the invisible space energy trapped them, and some practitioners are directly bombarding the invisible space energy barrier. No matter how much power they use, they bump into the invisible space energy barrier and disappear silently.

After Zhi fan appeared with Yang Tian, most practitioners focused on Yang Tian. Many people\'s eyes were full of doubt.

Seeing Yang Tian brought out by fans, hui\'e Miaomiao and hui\'e Chan, as well as hui\'e hundred stars, couldn\'t help breathing. Obviously, they all know what Yang Tiangang has just experienced.

Yang Tian glanced around and was soon attracted by a black stump in front of him.

The diameter of the tree stump is about three meters. It looks like a display. Looking inward, you can see the space where Yang Tian was before and everything in this space.

The space symbol array is so wonderful that it can accommodate one side of heaven and earth in a small place.

What makes Yang Tian feel a little strange is how he and KuMan ran inside, while others are outside this space.

"Let\'s go!"

Seeing Yang Tian observing the space in the stump, the Yugui of the starry sky temple said impatiently.

Yang Tian looked up at Yugui and flew to the cave.

Seeing Yang Tian coming, the practitioners around him immediately made way.

Yang Tian walked around the edge of the rune array in the cave at a very fast speed before returning to the stump. The whole process took about half an hour.

"How about Yang Tian?"

When Yang Tiancha finished reading, Hei Fujun came forward and asked eagerly.

Since he came down and was trapped, heifujun has lost contact with the Xichen youyou and his party.

Black Fujun can be sure that the goddess has arrived and did not come down at that time. This place is too strange. Hei Fujun is very worried. He is afraid that with the passage of time, Lord Xi goddess can\'t help but fall down and be trapped.

Yang Tian walked around the rune array, always pretending to think and crack the rune array. In fact, he was planning how to get rid of the temple after opening the seal Rune array. Yang Tiancai doesn\'t believe Kuo Xing\'s words!

Even if Kuo Xing doesn\'t kill him, it is estimated that Zhi fan will forcibly take him to the Heaven Temple.

Yang Tian felt cold all over after seeing that Zhi fan was neither male nor female.

With the huge computing power of strange programs, the scope and composition of this symbol matrix have long been detected. This is the most important step. Once this problem is solved, it is actually very easy to break the angle matrix.

Black Fu Jun\'s problem is also what many people want to know.

After experiencing the previous dangers, except that a few people have gained some benefits, most people are actually afraid and want to leave here immediately.

Yang Tian pretended to lower his head and think about it. He looked up at the black Fujun and said faintly, "don\'t worry! Give me some time and we can go out."

Everyone was relieved to get Yang Tian\'s reply.