Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 746

Unexpectedly, as soon as they came out, they were surrounded by the herd. They took out their weapons and were on alert.

If they were ordinary beasts, they would have rushed up, chopped and rushed out. But each of these monsters is extremely powerful and strange. Their eyes are full of wisdom. At a glance, they know that they are monsters who came to this world from the sea of stars.

Not to mention thousands of such beasts, even one of them is enough for these people to drink a pot.

If you kill all these monsters to obtain the energy crystals in their bodies... With danger, it is often a great benefit.

Some high-level practitioners, including the three main hall masters and the ministers of the temple, showed a look of greed in their eyes.

A wave of killing intention was sent out from the crowd of practitioners.

Although there were only a few people, this kind of killing intention stimulated the eyes of the strange animals more fiercely, and the thick crack killing intention also spread from the herd and rolled towards the practitioners.

The strange animals in the star sea are not like the ordinary animals on this continent. Their wisdom is no lower than that of human beings, but their body shapes are different.

Seeing that the war is about to happen, some strange animals have begun to scratch their front feet on the ground and will rush towards the crowd at any time.

The outer practitioners, directly facing the beast, holding weapons, involuntarily began to retreat, and the crowd shrank more and more tightly

Yang Tian raised his head and looked curiously at the strange animals around him.

There are many kinds. Among thousands of animals, there are almost no more than ten animals of the same kind. They are large and small. The smallest animals are only as big as cats on earth, and the largest is one circle larger than elephants.

Fur is also very different. Some bodies are like snakes, covered with scales and armor, smooth and shiny; Some animals have shells like rocks; Some have thick hair like steel needles

No matter the type, size or hair, they all have one thing in common, that is, they are all cyan or black. This is a heavy color, giving people a faint sense of oppression.


After about ten minutes of stalemate, the herd suddenly moved and walked slowly towards the practitioners. Those huge beasts shook the red sand on the ground every step forward.

Looking at the strange animals approaching slowly, the outer practitioners, especially those with low cultivation level, became more nervous.

Killing monsters for so many years and obtaining life crystals from monsters... This is almost a path that all practitioners must take. For the first time, when they face monsters, their hearts are filled with fear.

Some people were afraid, while others were excited. Their minds were full of colorful crystals in these strange animals.

"Ow ~"

At this critical moment, suddenly, a roar came from the herd.

The cry stopped the herd immediately.

Obviously, there is a leader in the group.

After the cry fell, a road separated from the herd. A small beast, not much bigger than a cat, walked out.

This strange animal has blue scale hair all over its body and a pair of dragon horns at its head. It looks like a young tiger and is wrapped by a blue halo. Although it is small, its body exudes an arrogant momentum.

This beast is undoubtedly the most powerful beast in the herd. Its eyes, like the strong man of mankind, are full of majesty and wisdom.

This strange beast came for the three Temple masters. After walking out of the herd, he didn\'t stop and walked towards the broad star.

The practitioners who stood in front of Kuo Xing immediately divided into two sides.

Kuo Xing is the most powerful of these people. Naturally, he won\'t weaken his momentum and walked towards the beast.

What makes Yang Tian feel angry and helpless is that at this time, Kuo Xing didn\'t forget him. He turned his head and looked at Yang Tian. Yang Tian had to keep up. He knew that if he violated Kuo Xing\'s intention, Kuo Xing would immediately give him a hand.

In fact, what Yang Tian doesn\'t know is that Kuo Xing let him keep up because Yang Tian has a little green dragon and knows that Yang Tian can understand animal language.

Many practitioners breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that they could "negotiate".

As far as they are concerned, they have no confidence in defeating these strange animals. If they fight, they must be the first to die.

Kuo Xing and the beast king stopped about thirty meters away.

"Human beings, we don\'t want to fight with you. Let us go and let you go."

To everyone\'s surprise, the small beast king opened his mouth and spoke human language. His voice was like the voice of a middle-aged man.

"You can speak our human language!" Kuo Xing was surprised.

The beast king said, "there are also humans in the star sea. Compared with you humans, our orcs are not lack of wisdom. What\'s strange."

There are human beings in the star sea!

This is a big message. For countless years, many people have walked into the star sea and never come back. Are they still alive?

Before the temple people wanted to catch the giant turtle, they wanted to get information about Xinhai from the giant turtle. Because on this land, there is no pursuit for the temple. The next step is to develop into the broader world of Xinghai.

In addition, it is said that after crossing the star sea, it is the divine realm, and everyone has an endless life span.

For countless years, although many people ventured to the Xinghai, they never returned. The people of the temple did not get any valuable news about the Xinghai.

Now, there is a strange beast that can speak human language. If you can catch it and bring it back to the temple, the star sea will no longer be a secret to the temple.

Looking at the beast king in front of him, Kuo Xing\'s eyes became more and more hot.

The beast king is no more stupid than humans, and even smarter than most people. Looking at Kuo Xing\'s eyes, he can roughly guess what Kuo Xing is thinking.

In fact, with the arrogance of Xinghai beast family, we will never talk nonsense with humans. However, since we came to this continent, we thought we had come to a world with a better environment than Xinghai. Unexpectedly, after we came here, we not only can\'t absorb energy and practice, but the energy in our body is losing all the time. If you don\'t leave here immediately and return to Xinghai, they will become weaker and weaker with the passage of time, and finally be destroyed by humans and native animals on this continent.

Time is too precious for Xinghai orcs, but they are inexplicably trapped here. If you want to leave here now, you can only rely on humans, because only humans know the rune array.

The beast king said faintly, "if you can help us leave, I can tell you something about Xinghai."