Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 743

After being hit, KuMan was seriously injured and her vitality was extremely weak, but at this time, she was not dead!

Since you can\'t die at one blow, come to the second attack!

When Yang Tian gathered the energy of the second attack, suddenly, a purple black figure rushed down from above and flew towards the seriously injured KuMan.

This purple black figure has a strong breath. As soon as it appears, it will bring great pressure to Yang Tian.

Lord of the temple!

Yang Tian immediately responded. Someone must be the Lord of the limitless temple. He must have come to rescue KuMan. Yang Tian can judge from the strong breath released by the other party as soon as he appears that the hall Lord doesn\'t allow him to do it again.

Even if the temple Lord comes, we must kill KuMan this time!

The old woman tried to kill herself three times and four times. She must not be allowed to live again, otherwise it will be more troublesome in the future.

After several quick thoughts in his mind, Yang Tian didn\'t stop and cut KuMan again.

This knife is not as sharp as it was just now, but it is also a fatal blow to KuMan who is seriously injured now.

"Chi ~"

A concise knife Qi came out from the long red knife in Yang Tian\'s hand again and flew quickly towards the withered man.

Kuo Xing, the Lord of the limitless temple, came to rescue Kuo man.

The speed of Kuxing is very fast, but the distance from KuMan is too far.

Kuo Xing thought that when he appeared, Yang Tian would give him a face to stop, because he had clearly sent a signal to stop, but unexpectedly, Yang Tian still started, and there was no sign of hesitation.

Looking at the red Dao Qi flying towards kuoman, Kuo Xing shook his hand and a black light flew towards the red Dao Qi emitted by Yang Tian

This black light is a weapon of the broad star. In the process of flying, it actually emits space Rune energy and accelerates continuously.

At that moment, Yang Tian opened his eyes, clenched his teeth, and controlled the Dao Qi with his strong willpower so as not to emit too fast.

Yang Tian also used his spiritual strength in the Dao Qi.

Seeing that the black light was about to block the red knife Qi, Yang Tian thought. The knife Qi suddenly doubled its speed and hit KuMan\'s body before the black light arrived.

"Poof ~"

A dull voice sounded.

Yang Tian\'s red knife Qi blew a big hole in KuMan\'s chest.

Looking at the big hole in his chest, Kui closed his eyes in despair.

If only the chest was simply hit a huge wound, with her physique, there is still the possibility of living. However, Yang Tian\'s Dao Qi was composed of the force. When she was seriously injured and her energy was exhausted, KuMan could no longer stop the force from sweeping her body.

At the last glance, KuMan saw the hall Lord Kuo Xing appear in front of him, and then his consciousness fell into the endless darkness.

Finally killed KuMan.

It\'s really not easy. If it hadn\'t been for the previous KuMan who spent too much energy to resist the pressure of this space, Yang Tian would never have succeeded so cleanly.

An expert like KuMan also has some luck. For example, at the last moment, the Lord of the temple came to rescue. If Yang Tianguo didn\'t decide, KuMan would have escaped from death.

Kuo Xing stood in the air in front of the withered corpse and frowned.

This is the first time that he tried to save people, but he failed. For a temple Lord, it is a very shameless thing, and it is in full view of the public.

The dead man\'s body was eroded by Yang Tian\'s force and soon melted, just like wax baked by heat. In the void without gravity, it soon turned into a fishy red liquid of different sizes and floated around.

Kuo Xing turned and waved his hand. A black flame rose around and burned all these disgusting and viscous things composed of dead body cells to ashes.

At a distance of less than 200 meters, Kuo Xing looked at Yang Tian coldly.

Yang Tian also saw Kuo Xing\'s face at this time.

Sure enough, it is the Lord of the temple, the broad star of the limitless temple.

Yang Tian knows that next, he will face the anger of the Lord of the limitless temple. This is an opponent countless times stronger than KuMan. In this world, the strong in this realm should be invincible for the time being.

To be honest, Yang Tian never wants to face such an enemy now

But things have been done, and it is impossible to regret. In Yang Tian\'s mind, he doesn\'t regret this mood now. Even if he does it again, he will still choose to kill KuMan under Kuxing\'s eyes.

Because even if he doesn\'t kill KuMan, Kuo Xing won\'t let him go.

For the proud temple, killing the people in the temple is a matter of zero tolerance.

Looking at Yang Tian coldly, Kuo Xing didn\'t make a move.

It\'s not that Kuo Xing doesn\'t want to kill Yang Tian, but because Yang Tian is too weak for him. Just move his fingers. Kuo Xing wanted to see the fear and despair in Yang Tian\'s eyes at this time.

Perhaps aware of the strong and fierce breath of Kuo Xing, Xiaoqinglong suddenly opened his eyes and woke up. Soon, with a pair of huge dragon eyes, he looked at Kuo Xing coldly.

Kuo Xing didn\'t see the expression of fear from Yang Tian\'s eyes, but was firm.

Although curious, Yang Tiangang\'s knife Qi suddenly accelerated, as well as the huge black ball above Yang Tian\'s head that can absorb energy, after seeing Yang Tian\'s eyes, he was more angry. He slowly raised his right hand towards Yang Tian and pointed to Yang Tian\'s forehead with his index finger.

At the same time, a more sharp breath emanated from Kuo Xing.

Yang Tian knows that maybe the next moment, from the fingertips of Kuxing, it will send out powerful energy.

The shadow of death shrouded Yang Tian\'s heart, but at this time, Yang Tian was still stubborn and firm in his eyes.

wait for death?

It was by no means Yang Tian\'s style. In a short time, he thought of countless ways to dodge and escape, which were finally denied by him.

Because Kuo Xing is so powerful that he feels that as long as he has a change, a powerful attack will fall on him and destroy himself.

Even so, Yang Tian still used his spiritual strength to surround himself.

The strange program is already releasing the final energy, forming a highly defensive space symbol array, and the black hole overhead. Under the control of Yang Tian\'s idea, it has accelerated the speed of absorbing energy

And Xiaoqinglong, ready to help Yang Tian resist Kuo Xing\'s attack again.

Kuo Xing naturally knows the actions of Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong.

Yang Tian\'s preparations were like blocking several layers of paper in front of him, which did not play the slightest role.

"Slow ~"

When Kuo Xing was about to make a move, suddenly, a strange young man\'s voice came from above.

Before the sound fell, the white shadow flashed, and a fan in a white robe appeared beside Kuo Xing.

"This man can\'t be killed for the time being."

When Zhi fan arrived, he said faintly to Kuo Xing.

"Why?" Kuo Xing put down his hand pointing to Yang Tian and asked faintly.

Zhi Fan said, "because only he can take us out of here."