Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 742

KuMan bit his teeth. The energy in the energy world was frantically injected into the flesh to form a strong defense.

Due to the strong pressure, her black robes were pressed close to her body, revealing her graceful figure.

Even though he has entered the old age, the withered body has no deformation like a girl.

"Boom ~"

Suddenly, there was another loud noise in the whole space.

With the sudden explosion, the surrounding red flames suddenly went out. Without the flame, the surrounding temperature gradually dropped.

However, although the speed of the air flow has decreased, the pressure in the space has not weakened at all.

Without the red flame, you can have a panoramic view of the surrounding situation. The whole space is full of red residues, which are formed after the rune energy lines of the natural Rune array are broken.

As the speed of the surrounding air flow became weaker and weaker, the fragments of these runic energy lines around Yang Tian began to flow into the black hole above Yang Tian\'s head, which was transformed into pure energy by the black hole.

The operation of a black hole also needs energy. The energy it absorbs now and the converted energy can not even supply its own operation. Instead, Yang Tian needs to provide some energy for it.

In a moment, Yang Tian\'s surroundings were clean.

The violent airflow is not driven by energy. Under the invisible pressure in space, it soon calms down. If it were not Yang Tian\'s black hole, the whole space would become a static scene.

Yang Tian\'s black hole has now become an energy point stirring this space.

First, in a small range, the invisible energy around the black hole and the fragments of Rune energy lines enter the black hole. However, as the black hole exists in this space for a longer time, its influence range is becoming wider and wider.

To Yang Tian\'s surprise, he can move freely within the influence range of the black hole, but out of the range shrouded by the black hole, he will face invisible and huge pressure in space.

What is this place?

Yang Tian took little Qinglong\'s huge body and moved quickly, looking around curiously.

Wherever he passed, the fragments of Rune energy lines were cleaned up by the black hole.

The light of the whole space is very dim, just like the night when there is no moon and only starlight on the earth. Even if there is no blocking line of sight, the dense pieces of Rune energy line can only see things within 100 meters, and more and more blurred in the distance.

Yang Tian soon found that the light above his head should be brighter

Yang Tian immediately took the sleeping little green dragon and flew up.

Rising less than 100 meters, a floating figure appeared in Yang Tian\'s line of sight.

Obviously, this is the figure of a woman. Due to pressure, the clothes on the woman are close to the body surface, showing the unique curve of the woman\'s body.


Yang Tian doesn\'t have to guess. It must be KuMan. In this strange space, in addition to his own human being, all he can do is KuMan, an old woman.

Yang Tian\'s eyes narrowed slightly and his brain turned quickly.

It seems that KuMan is under great pressure in the space and his actions are affected. Otherwise, he will not move. At this time, it is a good opportunity to kill KuMan!

Without hesitation, Yang Tian took out the red long knife 15 from the storage bracelet and cut it towards KuMan.

"Chi ~"

A congealed red knife Qi rushed towards KuMan\'s body.

"Peng ~"

At a distance of less than 100 meters, Yang Tian\'s fierce knife Qi was cut on KuMan in an instant.

In fact, when Yang Tian discovered it, KuMan had already noticed it, but under strong pressure, it was difficult for her to move her fingers, let alone avoid it. She had to strive to mobilize more energy and strengthen her defense.

The sabre Qi cut KuMan\'s body and collided with KuMan\'s body. It didn\'t cut KuMan\'s body to pieces. After the sound of Peng, KuMan\'s clothes were shattered by the energy and flew around.

Seeing that KuMan\'s body was actually intact, Yang Tian was not surprised and cut several knives again.

Who knows how long the strange pressure in this space can last. In case the pressure suddenly disappears and KuMan resumes his action, he has to run away with Xiaoqinglong again.

Therefore, we have to kill KuMan at the first time when she can\'t act, at least let her be seriously injured.

"I cut, I cut, I cut..."


Yang Tian bit his teeth and kept waving the long red knife in his hand, sending out dense knife Qi.

The first Dao Qi shattered most of KuMan\'s clothes, and then the second and third Dao

After suffering dozens of knives, KuMan\'s clothes have all turned into fragments and become naked.

KuMan has never been so humiliated, his heart is very angry, and the silver teeth in his mouth are \'clucking\' by her.

Once freedom is restored, I will certainly want to die with Yang Tian.

With more and more knives, Yang Tian was more and more surprised.

The withered man\'s body was stronger than refined steel. Hundreds of knives and Qi were cut on her, and she couldn\'t tear her body.

At this time, Yang Tianji hoped that Xiaoqinglong would wake up.

With Xiaoqinglong\'s ability, he should be able to easily kill the immovable KuMan.

After cutting more than 100 knives in a row, Yang Tian stopped and opened the distance from KuMan.

Because he knew that the scope of black hole energy shrouded was expanding. If KuMan\'s body was also shrouded, it would be a great disaster for him to resume action.

"Yang Tian, the pressure in space has begun to weaken."

When he pulled away from KuMan and stopped, the sound of strange program suddenly sounded in Yang Tian\'s mind.

"What\'s going on?" Yang Tian asked angrily.

Strange program did not answer Yang Tian, because Yang Tian soon thought of the reason.

The pressure in this space must be caused by the explosive air flow. The space he was in before should be connected with the current space. Strong and constant explosion, coupled with high temperature, makes the air flow compress and recompress at a very fast speed.

If the explosion stops, the air flow will return. With the flame extinguished and the temperature reduced, the pressure in this space will naturally weaken and the speed will be faster and faster.

Yang Tian is able to move freely, in fact, because the black hole forms an outlet for pressure venting in a local range, and the pressure is naturally not as large as that in the outer space.

After figuring out the problem, Yang Tian couldn\'t help laughing bitterly.

If you can\'t kill KuMan in a short time, or even kill KuMan, he will be killed by KuMan soon.

The reason why we can\'t hit kubarbarian hard is naturally because the attack energy is not strong enough.

Then, gather the most powerful energy and give KuMan the last blow!

Although he does so, he will pay some price himself.

Just do it when you think of it. Yang Tian carried the knife and frantically injected the energy in his body into the long red knife in his hand.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

Under the continuous infusion of energy, the red long knife named fifteen sent out a buzzing sound, and the red blade slowly lit up, emitting a bleeding red halo.

With a distance of less than 200 meters, KuMan can naturally feel powerful energy fluctuations.

The pressure in the surrounding space is weakening at a very fast speed. At this time, KuMan can move slowly.

She turned her head and saw a blood red light.

In the red light, KuMan can clearly see the expression on Yang Tian\'s face. Yang Tian is biting his teeth and staring at her coldly.

Seeing Yang Tian\'s eyes, KuMan felt cold in his heart.

Seeing that kumanman was moving, Yang Tian became more urgent and accelerated the speed of energy transmission.

At this time, in Yang Tian\'s body, the speed of the force flow is about to make Yang Tian unbearable. The weak organs in Yang Tian\'s body have been damaged. Yang Tian\'s eyes, corners of his eyes and nasal cavity have exuded blood.

KuMan knows that Yang Tian is preparing to give him the strongest blow. She doesn\'t know whether she can resist it or not. In fact, under Yang Tian\'s more than 100 knives, her body was not hurt.

In addition, KuMan\'s energy consumption is also huge. Even if she restores her freedom of movement at this time, she can\'t give full play to the power of cutting Yang Tian before.

It takes time for Yang Tian, and it also takes time for KuMan.

At this time, a bright light was suddenly projected from above, as if someone had lifted the cover of the space.

At the same time, a strong breath came down from above.

The air pressure in the whole space suddenly has a vent and disappears in an instant.

The upward air flow again wrapped Yang Tian, little green dragon and withered man\'s body and flew upward.

"Poof ~"

The pressure suddenly disappeared, which made the withered man\'s body unable to fully adapt for a time, and he couldn\'t help spewing out a mouthful of blood.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, which made KuMan sober. He moved and flew up.

For KuMan, the pressure disappeared in time.

If you wait a little longer, maybe Yang Tian\'s most powerful blow will fall on her.

"Want to run ~ hum~“

Yang Tian snorted coldly, holding a knife in both hands and cutting it out.

This is the most powerful knife cut by Yang Tian, which condenses the largest amount of energy he has never used. This energy has never been so condensed.

Also, this knife uses the profound meaning of the snow chopping knife.

The red blade Qi rushed out of the blade in a thin piece. Such a powerful energy is only a piece as big as a palm.

At this time, KuMan has left his place, leaving only a residual shadow.

The red knife Qi rushed through the crack shadow before it disappeared, and instantly fell on KuMan\'s back. With a \'poof\' sound, it penetrated from the position between KuMan\'s two peaks.

KuMan didn\'t expect that Yang Tian\'s attack was so fast and fierce that she thought she could escape!

Seeing a foot long red mark on his chest, KuMan was black in front of him, and his brain suddenly became confused.

You can\'t die!

With great perseverance, KuMan bit the tip of his tongue and immediately woke up a lot.

In the blurred vision, she saw the temple Lord flying towards herself from above