Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 741

Using the power of black holes in his body is the only means Yang Tian can use now.

It\'s the so-called art is not pressure. At the critical time, it finally saved Yang Tian\'s life.

Suddenly, a black ball with a diameter of 67 meters appeared above Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong.

As soon as the black hole appeared, it frantically swallowed up the violent energy around it, and the invisible pressure on Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong suddenly reduced several times.

"Poof ~"

As soon as the pressure was released, Yang Tian opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood accumulated in his chest. He suddenly felt much easier.

Xiaoqinglong\'s blood loss was serious and he was about to lose his hold. At this time, the pressure was reduced and the wound began to heal at a very fast speed.

Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong lose energy seriously. At this time, they need to supplement energy.

The pressure is reduced and you can finally move freely.

Yang Tian immediately took out a black life crystal from the storage bracelet.

This is the energy body generated by the strange beast in the fantasy realm. Yang Tian took a look and stuffed it into the mouth of little green dragon.

The little green dragon didn\'t chew and swallowed it directly

Yang Tian himself took out a pill that Xiao Qinglong stole from the warehouse of Huie family last time.

Xiaoqinglong is already a divine beast in the realm of understanding life. Swallowing the magic world level life crystal has little effect, just like a drop of water falling into the pool and being absorbed by Xiaoqinglong\'s body in an instant.

Wrapped in this violent air flow, I don\'t know when it will end. I must restore energy as soon as possible.

Obviously, the general energy body can\'t satisfy the little green dragon.

"By the way! I almost forgot it!"

Yang Tian looked at the items in the storage bracelet. Suddenly, he saw those colored crystal stones.

This was left by the giant turtle\'s self explosion after the people in the temple forced the giant turtle to death.

The energy of this crystal is very difficult to absorb. At the beginning, Yang Tian also used the time symbol array to speed up the passage of time, so that this crystal can emit energy at a very fast speed.

I don\'t know if the belly can directly absorb this energy after Xiaoqinglong advanced to the realm of understanding life

After getting this crystal stone, Yang Tian also tried to let Xiaoqinglong swallow it, and the effect was not very ideal.


Give it a try!

Yang Tian released a fist sized colored spar from the storage bracelet and put it into Xiaoqinglong\'s mouth.

Without any hesitation, Xiaoqinglong immediately swallowed it.

In Yang Tian\'s expectant eyes, Xiaoqinglong slowly closed his eyes and suddenly sent out powerful energy fluctuations inside his body.

At the same time, the wound of little green dragon dragon\'s tail suddenly accelerated the healing speed. His weak body due to excessive bleeding also had stronger and stronger vitality.

Obviously, the energy of colored spar is being absorbed by Xiaoqinglong at a very fast speed.

That\'s great!

With the supplement of energy, Xiaoqinglong can restore his peak combat power in a short time!

Xiaoqinglong is all right. Yang Tiancai began to think about himself.

The black hole above connects Yang Tian\'s energy world. It not only absorbs the red flame flowing in space, but also changes the direction because of the invisible pressure.

Whether it is red flame or invisible pressure, it is energy.

But this energy is not condensed. The energy transformed by the black hole after absorbing the energy is pitifully rare for Yang Tian.

What if the black hole also absorbs the energy of colored spar?

Yang Tian\'s mind suddenly came up with this idea.

Moreover, in addition to the colored crystal, there are lice crystal and life crystal.

These kinds of energy crystals are difficult to be directly absorbed by human practitioners. If we can use the black hole to absorb these energy, the speed of improving the realm... Yang Tian can\'t help getting excited at the thought of this beautiful result.

Yang Tian first took lice crystal as an experiment. After releasing a standard volume lice crystal from the storage bracelet, as soon as his hand was lifted, the lice crystal was sucked into the black hole.

Black holes transform energy very fast. In an instant, Yang Tian knew the result.

In fact, this black hole is different from the black hole in the universe.

The black hole in the universe, just like the black hole, can\'t get in or out of energy.

However, the black hole world in Yang\'s celestial body, after absorbing energy, in addition to consuming some energy, directly transformed into the force.

A small lice crystal doesn\'t have much energy. It doesn\'t help Yang Tian obviously. He needs to absorb more energy.

Next, Yang Tian took out a silver life crystal.

As before, life crystals are converted into energy by black holes at a very fast speed.

Although the energy of this life crystal is much richer than that of lice crystal, it is also rare for Yang Tian, which is not helpful to Yang Tian.

Finally, Yang Tiancai took out the smallest colored spar in the storage bracelet, which was only the size of a thumb finger.

The little green dragon in the realm of understanding life only needs a colored crystal stone the size of a fist to supplement energy. Yang Tian, who is lower than the little green dragon, only needs about one fifth.

Yang Tian looked at the colored spar in his hand and threw it into the black hole.

The black hole didn\'t disappoint Yang Tian. After swallowing the colored spar, he began to decompose the colored spar at a very fast speed and release pure energy.

"Boom ~"

A loud noise.

In Yang Tian\'s original world, there was a loud noise. I don\'t know where it came from. Suddenly, huge energy poured out, making the whole original world vibrate.

The original world had enough energy and began to expand again. The excess energy turned into the force and entered Yang Tian\'s flesh.

Yang Tian\'s exhausted energy was almost full in an instant. The cells in the wound were supplemented with energy and metabolized at a very fast speed. New cells replaced dead or dying cells.

Not only that, with energy supplement, the mass of countless cells constituting the body is improving rapidly.

If Xiaoqinglong opened his eyes at this time, he would be surprised to find that Yang Tian\'s body was growing at a very fast speed. In just a few minutes, he changed from a teenager of 12 or 13 to a teenager of 20, and restored his previous appearance.

Yang Tian\'s clothes are tight, showing his strong muscle lines.

At this time, Yang\'s whole body, including body and consciousness, had a sense of satisfaction. For the time being, he had not found any changes in his body.

He has a feeling that he can break through the realm of realizing life with only one step.

However, from the realm of fantasy to the realm of understanding life, it is not enough energy. It also needs enlightenment and sometimes opportunity.

Xiaoqinglong swallowed the high-temperature light ball before, which is a kind of opportunity.

"No way..."

I don\'t know how long it took, Yang Tian opened his eyes, smiled bitterly and sighed.

Although he has realized his anger for a long time, he still can\'t take that step. He can\'t learn from the process of Xiaoqinglong\'s promotion to the realm of enlightenment. Although his body is actually very close to Xiaoqinglong\'s dragon body, his way of cultivation is very different and can\'t be copied.

"Ha! Finally grown up!"

Free from disappointment, Yang Tian soon found the change of his body and shouted excitedly.

At this time, in Yang Tian\'s mind, Huie\'s wonderful and resentful eyes appeared

Yang Tian couldn\'t help laughing.

"Boom... Boom... Boom..."

A long time has passed. At this time, there are still explosions around. The pressure in space is still increasing!

At this time, even KuMan, who was close to the realm of wandering, could not bear the pressure on him.