Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 719

"Master, those people are not dead."

In a blue cave, a translucent mechanical beast separated from a tree root like object like blue crystal and flew to the side of the rune Lord.

The Blue Cave is composed of blue crystal runes. The rune master is sitting in the center of the cave with his eyes closed.

Under him is a rune array that has just been portrayed. Invisible energy flows into the body of the rune Lord.

After only half a day, the appearance of the Fuzhu changed again.

Before, he was in his early twenties, but now he has become 34.

This translucent mechanical beast, like a mechanical spider, is the second generation of Rune program called "little Rune".

The master opened his eyes, took out a mirror from the storage bracelet and looked at his present appearance in the mirror.

The Fuzhu was very dissatisfied with his current appearance. He suddenly appeared angry on his face and smashed the mirror on the ground.

"Pa ~"

The mirror made of metal didn\'t break and bounced to a corner of the cave.

"Almost! Alas ~" the master sighed helplessly.

In his plan, the perfect body should be what he looked like when he was young. Now, with the passage of time, his appearance is developing towards the appearance of old age. Soon, he will return to the appearance when his flesh was destroyed.

Although you can use the powerful power in your body to change your current appearance, it is just a means of concealment, which is no different from cosmetic surgery.

If the next plan cannot be completed, he will die soon. I\'ve been busy for hundreds of thousands of years, but I can only live for most of them.

The process of Fuzhu and Yang Tian\'s "rebirth" is almost the same. However, Yang Tian only took a very short time to have a new flesh body, a young flesh body.

What about the Fuzhu?

It took tens of thousands of years to "live" again.

The reason for this is that Yang tianben is young and his life span has not come to an end, and Fuzhu is robbing God of his life span.

It can be said that the practice of Fuzhu is against heaven and the rules of the world.

In Fuzhu\'s view, Yang Tian broke his plan. In fact, it was the rules of the world that put him together.

Fortunately, he still has a chance to make up for it.

Yang Tian, they can successfully spend their own design and survive. In the view of the Fuzhu, it is a very normal thing. He knows that Yang Tian is probably his nemesis.

The object like a tree root that Xiaofu climbed before is one of the energy lines of the natural Rune array.

After countless years of "growth", the natural Rune array of the world has long been rooted in the whole continent and even extended to the star sea outside the land.

Small runes can know everything around them through a branch of the natural Rune array. Yang Tian could not hide their every move from Fu Zhu.

The rune master is reborn by using the energy of the natural Rune array. Before the body is fully grown, it is like a premature baby, which is inevitably affected by the natural Rune array.

The master\'s next plan is to cut off the connection between himself and the natural Rune array, and at the same time, to collect the energy of the natural Rune array for his own use.

If he succeeds, he will be the most powerful practitioner in the world. Even the gods can\'t compare with him. At that time, he will have an endless life.

"It\'s best not to die. I hope he can do what I want..."

After throwing away the mirror in his hand, the master looked at Yang Tian\'s position and muttered to himself. His eyes were like being able to penetrate the heavy stone walls and see Yang Tian.

Fuzhu quietly \'looked\' at Yang Tian and them. When little Qinglong woke up and Yang Tian came to a red world, Fuzhu smiled.

Yang Tian, all their actions seem to be under the master\'s control.


"Where is this?"

After \'crossing\' the stone wall, Yang Tian and them came to a world full of countless red \'roots\'..

These "tree roots", if they are like rubies, are actually the energy lines of the natural Rune array, which are composed of pure Rune energy.

Yang Tian can feel the chaotic fluctuation of Rune energy emitted by these red "tree roots" without the reminder of strange programs.

After they came here, Yang Tian and Hui Ermiao were standing on a cluster of red "roots". They both looked behind them and found that the stone wall had disappeared.

Facing Huie\'s wonderful problem, Yang Tian can only shake his head. He doesn\'t know where it is. Now we can only go one step at a time.

Yang Tian doesn\'t understand the situation here. Naturally, he won\'t move.

But just because he doesn\'t move doesn\'t mean the environment won\'t change.

"Ow ~"

Suddenly, the scene around Yang Tian changed into ice and snow. The surrounding temperature dropped to an intolerable level. An ice beast roared and rushed towards Yang Tian.

"Chi ~"

Yang Tian quickly cut the ice beast in half.

After the beast is killed, the scene is restored and the world is still red.


Soon, Yang Tian knew that this was not a real fantasy.

Because after the ice beast was killed, the body of the ice beast was still floating a few meters in front. Yang Tian could clearly feel the cold emitted by the body because it had just been killed.

With sharp eyes, little green dragon saw that there was a black life crystal the size of a fist in the body of the ice beast.

Xiaoqinglong immediately jumped up from Yang Tian\'s shoulder, hugged the black life crystal with two claws at a very fast speed, returned to Yang Tian\'s shoulder, and then ate it.

A \'cluck\' sounded.

After eating the black life crystal, Xiaoqinglong told Yang Tian that the life crystal was real.

This surprised Yang Tian!

He thought it was a fantasy, but he didn\'t expect it to be true.

No, it\'s not all true. At least the scene of ice and snow just now is false.

In the presence of the master, the strange program will not appear openly. Nevertheless, it always keeps in touch with Yang Tian.

When Yang Tianzheng felt incredible, the strange program said: "the natural Rune array has penetrated the whole continent, and should have a certain wisdom. This beast should be transmitted by it. This is a defense means of the natural Rune array."

Yang Tian understands that this is just a guess of the strange program.

"What now?"

Yang Tian asks about the strange program in his mind.

The strange program said: "we can only wait and see the change. I can try and intercept the natural symbol array information..."

Yang Tian naturally agreed with the suggestion of the strange program. He sat down with Huie Miaomiao.

If the statement of strange programs is correct, as long as they do not move, the natural Rune array feels no threat and will not attack them.

Yang Tian didn\'t move. Lord Fu was a little anxious.

Some things are inconvenient for him to do now. He can only use other people\'s means. In order to make Yang Tian move, Fu Lord said faintly: "this is the dreamland of Xinghai. If you can destroy it, you will get great benefits."

Yang Tian did not expect that the voice of the Fuzhu would appear in this space. Although he was surprised, he was not surprised.

"What\'s the benefit?" Yang Tian asked with a smile as soon as the Fuzhu\'s voice disappeared.

Master Fu only said faintly, "this is the best experience place."

"Since it\'s good, why don\'t you do it yourself?" Yang Tian asked with a smile.

The master said, "because my energy comes from this Rune array, in some places, my power can\'t play any role."

This should be the truth. If the power of the master is the same as that of the natural Rune array, the attack will not damage the natural Rune array.

"Do you want to destroy the natural Rune array?"

Yang Tian heard another meaning from Fuzhu\'s words, so he asked again.

The Fuzhu replied with the same honesty, "yes!"

We are all smart people. There is no need to hide some things.

Yang Tian likes this. He also knew that this was because the Fuzhu was very confident. Even if he got the answer, he had to do it according to the Fuzhu\'s requirements.