Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 720

Xinghai is the most mysterious place in the world. It is said that even the gods have to pay a great price to cross the Xinghai.

Yang Tian\'s dreamland now is called Xinghai dreamland by the master of the talisman. There is the word "Xinghai". This dreamland is probably the most powerful dreamland in the world.

It is really difficult to judge whether the things in the dreamland are true or false. For example, you think it is false, but in fact it is true. You think it is true, but the result is false. There are false in the true, and there are true in the false.

It\'s amazing that such a powerful fantasy is actually the defense generated by the natural Rune array. However, it\'s not difficult to understand that the rune Master said that the natural Rune array has produced wisdom.

"Why did you tell me this?"

Yang Tian was silent and asked with a sneer.

"Yang Tian, let\'s cooperate!"

Lord Fu did not answer Yang Tian\'s words, but said faintly.

"What kind of cooperation method?"

Yang Tian asked with a smile.

Master Fu said, "help me destroy this natural Rune array. I\'ll send you to the divine domain."

Divine domain!

When Fuzhu mentioned these two words, Yang Tian frowned.

Going to the divine domain is Yang Tian\'s ultimate goal, not only because Qin Fei is in the divine domain, but also Yang Tian\'s cultivation goal.

Since the Lord Fu said he would send Yang Tian to the divine realm, he can naturally raise Yang Tian\'s realm to the realm of gods.

Seeing that Yang Tian didn\'t answer for a while, Fu Zhu said again, "you just promise me that I will tell you a secret about the world."

Yang Tian said with a smile, "then tell me the secret first, and I can consider whether to promise you or not."

"What a little cunning!" the master smiled and said, "it doesn\'t hurt to tell you that this world is not the end of practice."


Lord Fu finished, Yang Tian was surprised.

All along, Yang Tian thought that the world he is now in, including this continent, the star sea and the divine realm, is the end of all worlds... Unexpectedly, the Fuzhu said that this world is not the end.

In other words, there is another world.

Seeing Yang Tian\'s surprise, the master of the talisman smiled and said, "I have slept for hundreds of thousands of years and had many strange dreams. All those dreams come from the natural talisman array, which records the birth of the world... Although the dream has been blurred, I understand that this is not the end. The so-called gods in the divine domain... Ha ha!"

"I won\'t!"

"Uh ~"

As soon as Lord Fu finished, Yang Tian resolutely refused. Lord Fu was swallowed by Yang Tian. To cover up the embarrassment, he then asked, "why?"

Yang Tian said with a smile, "no, I just don\'t want to."

"If you help me destroy this natural Rune array, even if I don\'t help you, you will get great benefits. Over the past countless years, the natural Rune array has continuously absorbed the energy of the world and extended to the sea of stars. Even if you get one tenth of the energy, you can become the first person in the world."

The Fuzhu threw out this attractive result again.

This is undoubtedly a great temptation for practitioners. If others hear this result, they will go crazy.

Yang Tian is a practitioner. Naturally, he is very excited.

But he also understood that if he really cooperated with the Lord, he probably didn\'t know how to die later.

"Ha ha..." Yang Tian suddenly smiled and said, "if I become the first person in the world, what about you?"

Master Fu smiled and said, "I won\'t argue with you."

"Yang Tian, there is a result“

As soon as Fuzhu finished, Yang Tian\'s mind rang out the voice of strange programs.

The strange program reminds Yang Tian that he must not destroy the natural Rune array, because the natural Rune array is very large. In fact, it is the basis for the operation of the world. The rune master has appalled the world from the beginning.

If the natural Rune array is destroyed, the world will also be destroyed.

During the period when Yang Tian spoke with the master, the strange program, like the small Rune of the master\'s Rune program, attached to the natural Rune matrix and got some information of the natural Rune matrix.

Therefore, the natural Rune array not only cannot be destroyed, but also must be repaired.

The prompt of the strange program made Yang Tian finally make up his mind and said to the master: "I\'m sorry! I won\'t destroy the whole world for my own sake."

"You know?"

Lord Fu thought Yang Tian would resist the temptation to agree, but he refused again. What surprised him more was that Yang Tian seemed to notice something.

In any case, the rune master would not have thought that the rune program destroyed by him had left a section, and under various coincidences, he had regained his wisdom.

After receiving Yang Tian\'s reply, Lord Fu snorted coldly and said with a sneer, "then you\'ll die!"

With that, Fuzhu ignored Yang Tian and closed the communication.

The communication between Fuzhu and Yang Tian is completed through the small Rune of the rune program. It is also through the small Rune to control the natural Rune array.

Of course, this control is only local control. Otherwise, the master of the talisman can destroy the natural talisman array without doing it himself, and he won\'t talk nonsense with Yang Tian here for a long time.

Strange programs are homologous with the "small runes" of the master. Naturally, they have the same ability as the small runes, and they are even more powerful.

Because the "little Rune" of the rune owner is only a tool of the rune owner. Because of the lessons of the first generation Rune program, the rune owner does not allow the rune program to evolve its own consciousness.

Unlike the strange program, it actually has an independent consciousness and has become a real life.

In other words, strange programs are more advanced than the main \'small characters\'.

As soon as Fuzhu\'s voice fell, the environment around Yang Tian suddenly changed into a desolate desert.

Yang Tian, Hui Ermiao and little green dragon are all trapped in the desolate desert.

This is an attack on Yang Tian by the rune master. He urges the illusion of the natural Rune array through the small Rune to trap Yang Tian and them in the boundless desert.

If it\'s just a simple desert environment, nature can\'t hurt Yang Tian and them.

However, the gravity of this desert is extremely large. At the peak of Yang Tianhuan world, standing in this desert, I also feel that my legs are as heavy as lead, so it is very difficult to take a step.

Hui\'e was wonderful, not to mention that it was difficult to move.

Xiaoqinglong flew twice in the air. He felt hard and returned to Yang Tian\'s shoulder. Its body was light as nothing to Yang Tian. Unexpectedly, it was like a star stone.

Not only that, gravity is still increasing. Yang Tian and Hui e\'s wonderful legs begin to sink slowly.

After reaching the knee, he stopped.

Then the yellow sand wrapped around their legs gathered together.

Yang Tian can\'t remove himself from the yellow sand by using his powerful spiritual power.

In addition, the surrounding temperature also rises rapidly

Yang Tianzheng frowned and thought of a way. Unexpectedly, the scene in front of him changed, the desert disappeared and returned to the original place.

The voice of the strange program sounded in Yang Tian\'s mind: "you don\'t have to worry, I can deal with that little rune."