Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 718

"Peng... Peng..."

Holding a compass in his hand, heifujun finally found an entrance and exit. After walking hundreds of meters along the winding cave, he heard a sound of energy impact.

Black Fu Jun immediately quickened his pace. When he walked into a cave with a slightly wide space, he finally saw KuMan in the dim light.

Kuoman is biting his teeth and constantly waving his palm around, trying to break the invisible Rune energy that trapped her.

Seeing the arrival of black Fujun, KuMan stopped.

"Sir, let me help you!"

Black Fu Jun walked to KuMan and said faintly.

Although kuoman is powerful, she doesn\'t understand runes. She can only use her strength to consume the rune energy that trapped her.

Although he felt that the rune energy trapped him was getting weaker and weaker, and he could be blown away by himself in a short time, KuMan didn\'t want to consume too much energy, so he nodded.

KuMan has obviously felt that heifujun wants to curry favor with her.

KuMan has no aversion to this. As the Minister of the limitless temple, she has long been used to being flattered by others and takes it for granted.

Black Fujun used the compass to observe the Fuxian that trapped the withered man. He wanted to laugh, but he held it back.

Because it is not difficult to crack the rune array that traps the withered man. You can do it as long as you give the black Rune king a moment.

However, black Fu Jun deliberately worked for a long time before he rescued KuMan from the Fu array.

Hei Fujun\'s mastery of time is very ingenious, and the time is not short or long.

For a short time, it seems that KuMan is too incompetent. If it takes a long time, it is that heifujun himself is too incompetent.

After breaking the Fu array, Kui nodded with satisfaction and said to heifu Jun, "thank you!"

Black Fu Jun smiled and said, "you\'re welcome. It\'s my honor to serve the secretary."

Looking at the respectful appearance of black Fu Jun, KuMan smiled and said nothing.

But Hei Fujun understood that he had finally found a way to sneak into the limitless temple.

Kuoman quickly turned his attention to this incident. Obviously, the man named Fuzhu is playing a big chess game. If he can\'t stop Fuzhu and calm the continent for many years, it will boil like boiling water, which is by no means a good thing for the temple.

Through a confrontation with the Fuzhu, KuMan understood that she alone could not solve the matter.

"What happened during this time?"

In the narrow passage, he walked quickly between the lines and asked faintly.

After hearing KuMan\'s question, heifu Jun told KuMan what happened after KuMan was trapped in a short word.

In the process, KuMan heard the word "Yang Tian".

"You mean, the real name of the child named Muyi is actually Yang Tian?"

Black Fu Jun said, KuMan stopped, turned around, looked at the black Fu Jun who looked flattering, and asked with a sneer.

Black Fu Jun said, "yes, he is actually Yang Tian."

Yang Tian didn\'t tell Hei Fujun about hiding his identity, so Hei Fujun said it "unintentionally".

Hearing that KuMan\'s tone suddenly became cold, Hei Fujun knew that his guess was almost ten years old. Yang Tian and KuMan were in contradiction, and there might be deep hatred

Black Fujun was not a good man. In the previous world, he could suppress Yang Tian with strength and have a psychological advantage over Yang Tian.

However, after experiencing the previous events, Hei Fujun understood that after coming to this world, he had been far behind by Yang Tian, whether in the realm of practitioners or in his attainments in runes.

At this time, black Fu Jun was happy to make trouble for Yang Tian.

At the same time, in this way, he also got rid of his relationship with Yang Tian. His purpose was to join the temple, and Yang Tian came from the same place as him.

In order not to let Yang Tian ruin his own affairs, he had to do so.

As the steward of the temple, KuMan soon knew what Hei Fujun was thinking and said to Hei Fujun, "you\'re good! When this is over, you can become a leader of my limitless temple."

"Thank you, sir!"

Black Fu Jun said gratefully. He finally got KuMan\'s recognition.

If Hei Fujun didn\'t show up, she would call Yang Tian into the temple. With Yang Tian\'s hatred for her and his ability in runes... KuMan felt afraid when he thought of such a thing.

Fortunately, now that we know that Muyi is Yang Tian, we must not let Yang Tian live again.

After KuMan walked out of the cave, he left the underground cave with heifujun and returned to the ground.

The original location of Lamu mountain has become a huge, trumpet shaped cave.

People didn\'t expect that the Fuzhu made such a big noise that he wanted to drill a hole in a star stone hundreds of meters thick.

The rotation of air flow is driven by energy.

What provides energy for this huge Rune array is the layers of lice crystal mines in the cave.

After the airflow rotated several times, there was little left of lice crystal ore.

This continent has been quiet for a long time. Suddenly, such a big event occurred, which naturally attracted a large number of practitioners.

Both the temple and the people of all families rushed over as soon as they got the news.

Without sufficient energy provided by lice crystal mine, the fast rotating air flow will no longer be generated in the cave. Practitioners who want to make a profit are all disappointed.

Nevertheless, these practitioners did not leave. We all know that something big will happen later.

After kuoman returned to the ground, hundreds of thousands of practitioners had gathered around the cave. More practitioners are still on their way.

What these people don\'t know is that they will soon face a great crisis. Not many people can survive this catastrophe.

KuMan and black Fujun soon joined the people in the limitless temple.


After Xiaoqinglong finished the promotion, he opened his eyes.

"Bruce Lee, Congratulations! You\'re finally promoted!"

This time, Xiaoqinglong was blessed by misfortune and successfully promoted. Yang Tian was naturally happy for it.

At this time, the "cold flame" on the little green dragon was completely extinguished. Originally, its body was golden, just like a body made of gold. Now, its golden color is dimmed, but it looks like it has an ancient flavor.

After promotion, Xiaoqinglong is naturally more mature.

In the evolution of the dragon family, Xiaoqinglong has completed more than half of it. Nevertheless, its feelings for Yang Tian remain unchanged.

After swimming happily in the air for a few times, the little green dragon changed back to a mini dragon, fell on Yang Tian\'s shoulder and rubbed Yang Tian\'s cheek with a tap.

After the high-temperature light ball was swallowed by Xiaoqinglong, the rune array was broken, and the position where the rune master left had long been calculated by a strange program.

After Xiaoqinglong finished the promotion, Yang Tian took Huie Miaomiao, went directly to the cave wall and disappeared on one of the cave walls. It looked like they could penetrate the wall.

Yang Tian had a hunch that the secret of the Fuzhu would be revealed by him soon.