Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 717

If Yang Tian didn\'t have the force to protect his body, I\'m afraid the whole arm would be destroyed when he came into contact with this "cold flame".

The little green dragon became more powerful. Yang Tian was naturally very happy. After he reminded hui\'e Miaomiao, they stood aside and watched around all the time to protect the Dharma for the little green dragon.

In Xiaoqinglong\'s body, there is the same energy world as Yang Tian.

The original boundary of Yang Tian is like a universe, and the little green dragon\'s energy world is its dragon ball.

The dragon ball looks like a big golden pearl from its shape. Its energy world is in this golden pearl.

The high-temperature light ball swallowed by little green dragon naturally entered this energy world.

Before, the world in the dragon ball was chaotic and full of countless different energies. If you open a window on the surface of the dragon ball and look inside, you will find that the world is actually like a kaleidoscope. All kinds of energy are mixed together, beautiful and messy.

When the high-temperature light ball enters the world, the burning energy emitted from it is like a fireball entering the oil water. Countless energy in the dragon ball world is "boiling" by the high-temperature light ball.

The high-temperature photosphere, in the process of chaos, began to rotate slowly. In the process of its rotation, countless energy like gold wire gather around the high-temperature light ball, want to wrap the high-temperature light ball, and then assimilate it.

If the original power in the dragon ball world is regarded as "local residents", this high-temperature light ball is obviously an "outsider".

At first, the two were "incompatible".

Xiaoqinglong swallowed this high-temperature light ball to save Yang Tian and win time for Yang Tian to escape. It is ready to die.

However, the situation is not what Xiaoqinglong thought.

After the high-temperature light ball entered the dragon ball world, it was not as violent as it thought and destroyed its energy world.

Even if it is wrapped in countless "golden filaments" and becomes like a chrysalis in a cocoon, this high-temperature photosphere still looks very "docile".

Although Xiaoqinglong is a dragon, he is also as smart as people. In addition, he has seen many incredible things with Yang Tian along the way.

Especially in the aspect of cultivation, it helped Yang Tian change his way of cultivation, directly helped Yang Tian have the power of dragon ball, and indirectly helped Yang Tian practice the force.

Xiao Qinglong, who knew Yang Tian\'s practice experience, suddenly understood what was going on.

When it first came, the high-temperature photosphere did not exist, but a large cluster of blood red, like tree roots, suspended in the middle of the stone chamber.

Little green dragon can feel the existence of Rune energy. These entangled red "tree roots" are actually composed of Rune energy.

This Rune energy is obviously not man-made, but naturally formed, and should belong to a part of the natural Rune array.

When the little green dragon came, the rune Lord was using the flame formed by Rune energy to destroy this Rune energy.

Xiaoqinglong thinks that the Fuzhu is not a good man, but an ambitious guy. If he can kill the Fuzhu, he will do Yang Tian a big favor.

Without the slightest hesitation, the little green dragon grew bigger and spewed a high-temperature dragon flame at the Fuzhu.

At this time, the power of the Fuzhu was stronger than when he disappeared before. When the little green dragon came, he noticed it.

For the arrival of the little green dragon, the Fuzhu was vigilant and did not stop attacking the red "tree roots".

Huokemu, the rune Lord took great pains to destroy the red \'tree roots\' because the temperature of the flame he used was too low.

Seeing the Dragon flame coming from the little green dragon, the Fuzhu hid aside. In the process, he saw a red "tree root" wiped by the Dragon flame burning, revealing a white part.

Seeing such a situation, the Fuzhu was overjoyed. The Dragon flame of little green dragon could just help.

The Fuzhu is very cunning and doesn\'t show his purpose in front of Xiaoqinglong. Although he has the strength to defeat Xiaoqinglong, he is deliberately chased by Xiaoqinglong and runs around the stone chamber.

Little green dragon didn\'t notice and didn\'t know the purpose of the Fuzhu. He thought that the Fuzhu was afraid of the Dragon flame, so he kept spewing out the Dragon flame.

While dodging, the rune leader guided the little green dragon to burn the red skin on the surface of the red "tree root".

When the last red skin on the red "tree roots" was melted by the Dragon flame, the original red "tree roots" quickly gathered together to form a bright sphere.

After reaching the goal, the master finally stopped dodging and easily made Xiaoqinglong live. At this time, Yang Tiangang arrived.

The rune Lord used Xiaoqinglong\'s Dragon flame to destroy what he wanted to destroy. Although he achieved his goal, he also indirectly helped Xiaoqinglong.

When the red "tree roots" were burned by the Dragon flame emitted by the little green dragon, they also absorbed the Dragon flame and changed.

In fact, this high-temperature light ball was made by Xiaoqinglong with dragon flame. After being swallowed by Xiaoqinglong, it will not cause damage to Xiaoqinglong.

This situation is like Yang Tian\'s force can\'t hurt little Qinglong. Because one of the three forces that make up the force is the force of the dragon ball.

Nevertheless, the energy contained in the high-temperature photosphere is also very huge, which has surpassed the energy contained in the little green dragon energy world.

Being assimilated by "local forces", this high-temperature light ball is obviously unwilling, but it can\'t hurt Xiaoqinglong.

Therefore, in Xiaoqinglong\'s power world, after the high-temperature light ball was wrapped by the original power, there was no change, causing damage to Xiaoqinglong.

Seeing the performance of the high-temperature photosphere, Xiaoqinglong soon guessed this.

Since the energy of the high-temperature light ball can be used by himself, little Qinglong tries to control the high-temperature light ball with his mind.

When the little green dragon\'s consciousness came into the energy world, the energy wrapped in the high-temperature light ball quickly dispersed under the little green dragon\'s idea.

Xiaoqinglong rushed to the high-temperature light ball with a trace of thought.

When this idea comes into contact with the high-temperature light ball, it is like a bomb detonated.

"Boom ~"

In the dragon ball world, a roar and a high-temperature light ball burst, releasing powerful energy.

The powerful energy explosion did not collapse Xiaoqinglong\'s dragon ball world, but made strange changes.

After the light ball exploded, it turned into countless white spots, some rising, some falling, and some in the middle.

Stunned by the shock, little Qinglong wanted to stop this change with his mind, because in the dragon ball world, the original power was shattered... But when he thought of this situation when Yang Tian practiced before, he didn\'t stop it, but let it go.

This may be a good change. As long as the dragon ball world is not destroyed, this change can be controlled.

Xiaoqinglong listened to Yang Tian\'s story about Pangu\'s pioneering work.

According to legend, Pangu was born in a huge egg, which was the later universe.

Pangu split the egg with an axe, the clear air rose and became the sky, and the turbid air fell and formed the earth

Similar changes have taken place in Xiaoqinglong\'s dragon ball world.

At this time, the little green dragon\'s body releases powerful energy fluctuations and burns. The dragon ball world is closely related to the body of little green dragon. Once the dragon ball world changes, the little green dragon\'s body will also change.

For Xiaoqinglong, this is the key time. He is focused on observing the changes of the dragon ball world.

Time passed minute by minute, and I don\'t know how long it has passed. The dragon ball world has finally taken shape.

Originally, in the dragon ball world of little green dragon, all kinds of energy intertwined with each other, just like a chaotic world.

Now, Xiaoqinglong\'s dragon ball world has become a world.

This world is different from Yang Tian\'s universe. Yang Tian\'s universe has countless planets. On the planets, there is a world like Xiaoqinglong.

The two seem the same, but their essence is different.

Xiaoqinglong\'s heaven and earth is many times larger than the combined area of countless planets.

At this time, Xiaoqinglong is still at the peak of the fantasy world. He is a little short of completing the promotion.

Little Qinglong has no experience in promoting the realm of fantasy to the realm of enlightenment.

I thought it was due to collapse, but suddenly, countless dragons appeared in this world. There are golden dragon, green dragon, white dragon

Little green dragon looked down at the world like a God and was surprised to find that this world was actually the world in the Dragon Star domain.

All dragons have their own breath of life.

Although he had no practice experience, little Qinglong was "confused" and promoted to the realm of understanding life.