Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 712

(two chapters in one)

As soon as the three left the shroud of the rune array, a red light came down from the entrance above and shone on the ground.

The red light is extremely hot and bound by Rune energy, just like a strong laser beam.


When the light beam fell on the ground, the irradiated ground shook, began to melt, became liquid, and then turned into black gas.


The melting ground also makes bursts of noise, because there is Rune energy across it, which sounds very dull.

This is obviously the sound made when the rune energy lines on the ground are destroyed.

Seeing such a situation, heifujun was afraid for a while and thought that if he didn\'t leave in time, he would be burned to slag by the red light at this time.

The range of red light is bound by Rune energy, most of the heat is accumulated together, and the temperature is higher and higher. The red light is like a drill bit, constantly falling.

This Rune array system is obviously set up by the rune master. It seems that the rune master wants to use heat to burn a deep cave out of the ground.

This design is really wonderful.

First, let the air flow rotate rapidly to generate heat, and then collect the heat and transfer it downward. At the bottom, a rune array of besieging energy is set up to gather the heat together and prevent it from spreading.

In this way, as long as the air flow above keeps rotating, heat will be generated continuously and the temperature will be higher and higher.

Thinking of this, Yang Tian judged that there must be something under the ground. When building this Rune array system, the master must melt the things below into a hole.

Yang Tian felt that the temperature produced by this Rune array system was higher than that of the inflammatory array.

Although this Rune array system is powerful, it also has the limit to bear. When the temperature is high to a certain extent, the heat causes the change of Rune energy. Standing outside the rune array, Yang Tian can also feel the burning energy.

When the three slowly retreated, suddenly, the air flow above finally stopped rotating.

In the space surrounded by Rune energy, the black smoke dispersed slowly, and a large pit with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared.

"Let\'s go in and have a look!"

Yang Tian looked up at the top, saw that the air flow stopped rotating, and smiled at heifujun.

Go in and have a look?

Black Fu Jun was still worried about the situation just now. Yang Tian said that. Black Fu Jun took a deep look at Yang Tian and nodded.

After entering the center of the rune array again, Yang Tian immediately formed a shield with spiritual strength to protect himself, Huie Miaomiao and heifujun.

Although the air flow above no longer rotates, the red light disappears, and there is still a high temperature of more than 1000 degrees. If not the heat can be emitted from above, I\'m afraid the temperature will be higher.

Yang Tian came to the edge of the pit and looked down.

The cave under his feet was dark and could not see to the end. Yang Tian took out a blue stone from the storage bracelet and threw it into the cave.

After a second, I heard the sound of bluestone falling to the ground. Yang Tian judged that the cave was about 400 meters deep

"There must be something down here, and I don\'t know what it is..." looking at the big hole burned out, black Fu Jun frowned and muttered.

With that, he looked up, turned his head and said to Yang Tian, "this place is too strange. We\'d better leave."

It\'s not difficult for Yang Tian to leave here. When the sky light comes down above, it\'s an exit. You can do it by breaking several layers of Rune array above.

But if you leave at this time, many questions will not be answered, and if you don\'t kill the Fuzhu this time, there may be no chance in the future.

Yang Tian wants to go down to the cave to have a look if he is not sure when the array will start again.

"Buzz ~"

When you think of it, the rune array starts again,

The three men once again out of the range covered by the rune array energy.

Sure enough, as Yang Tian expected, the rapidly rotating air flow produced a high temperature again, and a red light shone into the cave hundreds of meters deep.

Through the start and stop of the rune array, Yang Tian estimated that the duration after the rune array was started was about half an hour.

After stopping, it will cool down for the same time.

Yang Tian sat on the ground and planned to wait until the rune array drilled deep enough to expose the things under the ground.

The things that can be favored by the Lord are definitely not ordinary products.

"Yang Tian, I\'m curious. How did you come to this world?"

After Yang Tian sat down, black Fu Jun also sat down, and then looked at Yang Tian\'s face and asked faintly.

Yang Tian said with a smile, "I\'ve been in that sealed space for so long. I already knew the drawings of the weikong ship. After you left, I copied one."

In fact, black Fu Jun had guessed. He asked so just to cause a topic. Yang Tian said so without any surprise on his face. As soon as Yang Tian\'s voice fell, Hei Fujun said, "this world is not what we think."

"What do you mean?"

Hei Fujun\'s remark aroused Yang Tian\'s great interest.

In fact, what is the world like? After coming to this world, Yang Tian only has a general impression in his mind.

Black Fujun took out a rune, drew two concentric circles on the ground, then pointed to the circle in the center and said to Yang Tian, "this is the world we are now in, and the outside is the cosmic world we used to live in. In fact, the structure of the middle world is the simplest, and the outside world..."

At this point, black Fu Jun frowned and stopped.

"What\'s the matter?" Yang Tian asked.

Hei Fujun said, "the outer circle of the universe should be a double space. It contains countless small universe worlds. We come out of these small universe worlds."

"How did you know?"

Black Fu Jun finished, Yang Tian asked curiously.

Hei Fujun said, "this is a guess of the goddess. She also said that some of these small cosmic worlds outside are naturally generated and constant \'broken bubble space\', some are the energy world created by practitioners, and there is the storage space."

Hei Fujun draws two concentric circles, but in fact, two different cosmic spaces are three-dimensional spheres.

In other words, in fact, both external space and internal space are connected through spatial energy.

This also explains why storage tools in the original world can also be used in this world.

"Are you sure?"

When Hei Fujun finished, Yang Tian asked.

They both spoke in the language of the world, and Huie Miaomiao naturally heard it clearly. As a native of the world, hui\'e\'s wonderful ideas are somewhat difficult to understand.

Facing Yang Tian\'s problem, heifujun sank and said, "it\'s just a guess! But I think this guess is close to the truth."

Yang Tian said with a smile, "I\'m afraid you say the world is fake. We all live in a virtual world!"

No wonder Yang Tian thinks so, because he has seen the virtual world of the mechanical family.

Black Fu Jun said with a smile, "of course not. This is a real world. In fact, it\'s very different. In the virtual world, you can\'t use runes."

Yang Tian agrees with this.

"How did he Luoyang get to our original world when he left this person?"

Yang Tian asked again.

Yang Tian believes that heifujun is a close confidant of Xichen. He should know something about it.

Xichen youyou should be the second time to come to this world. He must have received more information in this regard than Yang Tian.

Hei Fujun did not disappoint Yang Tian, saying: "He Luoyang Li is just an ordinary practitioner in this world, and his realm is just the peak realm of the fantasy world. You may not know that the space barrier to the external world is not always closed. According to my speculation, there are space channels on the edge of this continent or in the sea of stars, and the opening time is very short. If someone meets him You can get in and out through the space channel. When we come, the position of the space channel should be moving all the time. Therefore, your position in the world is different from ours. "

Then there is another problem.

Yang Tian asked again, "how did he Luoyang leave to bring the goddess to this world?"

Hei Fujun said, "I haven\'t thought about this problem. However, if the passage of time in the world is different from that outside, this may happen. After I go back, I must ask the goddess for advice."

Yang Tianxin thought that if this were true, the time he spent in the world must have been very short. But when he went back, he found that the world had passed a long time.

Thinking of this question, Yang Tian couldn\'t help but wonder if many years have passed since the original world. Then, the big sacrifices in the superstar temple may come soon.

This idea makes Yang Tian happy.

Seeing a smile on Yang Tian\'s face, Hei Fujun said, "there is another thing you may not know. That is, the world is much more stable than our original universe."

With that, black Fujun drew a circle in the air with a Fubi pen, and a blue bubble came out from the tip of the Fubi pen.

After the bubble broke away from the nib, it exploded with a \'pop\'.

Although Hei Fujun\'s statements seemed very true, Yang Tian couldn\'t fully believe them. He thought that he might understand these secrets only after he reached the realm of the gods.


Qin Fei has been in this world called divine tomb for some time. She didn\'t expect that there would be a large area with beautiful environment in this gray world.

This is a happy land opened up by the defeated gods in this world with powerful power and rune array.

Compared with the divine realm, the gods of this world are more like human beings than indifferent gods.

This "paradise" is square and round, about 1000 kilometers in diameter, and a huge tree grows in the center.

In this happy land, there are millions of Protoss. It is this huge tree that can survive.

This tree looks similar to the banyan tree growing on the earth. It occupies most of the space of the paradise. On the tree, there is a green fruit like eggplant.

When Qin Fei was a goddess, she heard of the world tree and thought that most of this giant tree was the world tree.

Although there is enough food, the protoss living here are not so comfortable. The task of the goddess spirit is to guard the giant tree, because insects will be born on the giant tree.

This kind of insect is milky white. It is called "spirit beetle". It looks like a baby silkworm. The adult is about one meter long. It feeds on the sap of giant trees. It is delicious when roasted.

Spirit beetles are constantly produced on giant trees. If their number is not controlled, giant trees will soon be sucked dry by them and die.

This kind of work is very easy, because spirit beetles have no attack power. They can kill them by inserting a metal drill into their heads, but they move faster.

After Qin Fei was sent here, she was responsible for guarding a branch of the giant tree within the specified time.

On a branch of the giant tree with a diameter of several meters, Qin Fei saw a spirit beetle climbing quickly and stabbing the black metal in her hand at her feet.

This is a bug that missed the net. With a snort, Qin Fei just inserted the black drill rod in her hand into her head.

After pulling the black metal rod out of its head, it fell down and was caught by a 12-year-old girl.

If you can\'t finish eating the killed spirit beetles, they will be dried, ground into powder and boiled with water. It\'s also a delicious insect porridge.

The giant tree was very big. At the same time, tens of thousands of women and children were busy on it, and the spirit fell down like raindrops.

Qin Fei\'s life was very easy compared with that when she was a divine servant in the divine domain.

"Xiao Fei, Xiao Fei..."

Qin Fei was concentrating on patrolling in his area when he heard someone calling himself below. Listening to the voice, he seemed a little eager.

Qin Fei looked down and saw a middle-aged woman waving to her. When she saw Qin Fei, she said loudly, "black star is seriously injured. I want to see you."

Qin Fei was surprised when she heard that black star was injured. She saw white wings on her back, which made her look like an angel.

As soon as she spread her wings, Qin Fei flew down the tree.

Black star was one of the two people who found and brought Qin Fei here. He accepted Qin Fei as an adoptive daughter.

Women\'s work is easy, but men are different. Outside the paradise, there are a large number of "dead spirits".

If you don\'t kill the dead, they will gather more and more, and finally threaten the paradise.

Black star is a soldier who often goes out to hunt the dead. When Qin Fei came here, black star has been injured twice.

After flying fast for less than five minutes, Qin Fei came to the "hospital" specially for treating the wounded.

Black star has just been sent, covered with blood, lying on a simple stone bed, has been unconscious.

When Qin Fei came, he saw a medical worker shaking his head at a scarred middle-aged man. Obviously, the black star is hopeless.

The scarred middle-aged man was a soldier who went out with black star. When he heard that black star was hopeless, he couldn\'t help sighing sadly.

Even the protoss will die