Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 713

Perhaps feeling Qin Fei\'s arrival, black star suddenly opened his eyes.

"Ah Fu..."

Qin Fei shouted and stepped forward quickly.

Black Star smiled and said, "Feifei, a father can\'t take care of you and can\'t see the boy you said..."

"Ah Fu ~"

Black star just said this, a scream, a 12-year-old boy ran over.

This is heixing\'s son, whose name is Chiyuan.

As soon as Chiyuan came, black star\'s wife and three concubines also came quickly.

Black star\'s wife is called Lvyou. She is dissatisfied with Qin Fei. When she arrives, she pushes Qin Fei away, eyes red and cries.

For a time, it was full of women crying.

"Oh ~"

Black Star smiled, closed his eyes, and the breath of life from his body became weaker and weaker.

In this happy land, although the level is not as strict as that in the divine realm, the status of women is lower than that of men.

Because men have to go out to fight, the mortality rate is very high, resulting in an obvious imbalance between men and women. At the same time, the fertility rate of protoss is also very low. A woman can only have two or three children in her life. In order to increase the population, it is strictly stipulated that when a woman becomes an adult, she must find a man to marry

Qin Fei is obviously an adult woman. If black star dies and no one protects her, Qin Fei will be forced to marry.

This is obviously unacceptable to Qin Fei.

When Qin Fei came here, many people proposed marriage to black star, because Qin Fei was born very beautiful, but he was rejected by black star.

Black star knows that Qin Fei is waiting for a man named Yang Tian.

The sound of crying lasted less than five minutes and gradually decreased. Heixing\'s wife and several concubines wiped away their tears.

Waiting for their fate is to remarry. The one who can inherit heixing\'s property is Chiyuan, heixing\'s son.

Perhaps they are used to death. The protoss here will not be sad for long.

"No! A father won\'t die!"

Black star\'s wife Lvyou dried her tears and was about to open her mouth to arrange the burial of black star, Qin Fei suddenly said.

The teammate who came back with black star was named Xiwei. He shook his head reluctantly. People can\'t come back from death, and so can God.

Although they claim to be Protoss, they all know that they are only higher beings than humans.

In the divine realm, there may be resurrection, but not here, because this is the divine tomb world. At this time, the breath of life had completely disappeared from the black star\'s body.

Next, black star\'s body will be buried under the giant tree and become the nourishment of the giant tree. It\'s good that black star can return to paradise alive

After Xiwei shook his head, he turned around and wanted to leave. But as soon as he took a step, he stopped.

Because he felt a strong breath of life behind him. This breath of life is full of vitality, which is not weaker than giant trees.

Xiwei turned fiercely and saw a pair of white wings spread behind Qin Fei. A red mole appeared between her eyebrows, emitting a sacred and inviolable smell all over her body.

The divine personality of the protoss trapped in this world has long been hidden. After several generations, few people can inspire the divine personality.

Qin Fei\'s appearance at this time is the scene that will appear when the divine personality wakes up.

Xiwei opened his eyes and was stunned. With a plop, he knelt in front of Qin Fei.

Several medical workers around, including heixing\'s wife and concubine and heixing\'s son Chiyuan, saw Xiwei kneeling down and prostrate to Qin Fei. They immediately reacted and knelt down to Qin Fei.

Qin Fei ignored these people. At this time, her attention was completely on black star.

In the eyes of people like Xiwei, the black star is dead, but in Qin Fei\'s eyes, there is a special energy gathering in the Yintang of the black star.

This energy is the consciousness of the black star.

After the physical body dies, it can no longer carry consciousness. After a while, the consciousness of the black star will dissipate.

Qin Fei didn\'t want black star to die. She slowly stretched out her white jade like left hand and covered black star\'s forehead.

Special energy is sent out from Qin Fei\'s hand hall and into the body of black star.

At this time, you can see Qin Fei\'s left palm, faintly emitting a green halo.

In the process of treating black star, the breath of life emitted from Qin Fei\'s body became stronger.

Seeing this situation, Xiwei suddenly remembered the description of life energy by the elders of the family.

The energy Qin Fei uses at this time is obviously life energy.

With the nourishment of life energy, the dead breath in the body of the just dead black star began to dissipate. A moment later, there was a breath of life in the body.

Black star is alive!

Black star is a powerful warrior in the family. He has plenty of energy in his body. The reason for his death is that he was invaded by the power of the dead in the process of fighting with the dead.

The power of the dead spirit, which is opposite to the life energy, is called the dead Qi. As long as the dead Qi in the black star is removed, the black star will soon heal with its powerful flesh body.

Life energy and death Qi are mutually exclusive. In this happy land, like Qin Fei, people who can drive away death Qi did not exist long ago.

Seeing that Qin Fei could drive away the dead breath, Xiwei was so excited that his body trembled and tears flowed out.

For many years, they finally have the hope of rising!


"Cluck, cluck..."

A dense cackle sounded, which sounded like the sound of countless insects with hard legs crawling on the ground.

Yang Tian and Hei Fujun immediately stood up and looked in the direction of the voice.

This space is very big, because the light is dim and there is no end to see. After coming here, I haven\'t explored it well.

In their feeling, there must be danger here. The rune Lord will never let people destroy here.

Sure enough, danger came.

What appeared in Yang Tian\'s eyes was a rune mechanical beast shaped like a spider. One was the size of a grinding plate, dark as ink, emitting cold metallic luster.

The appearance of this Rune mechanical beast is very similar to the rune mechanical beast Yang Tian saw in the weikong ship in the seal space.

This black Rune mechanical beast is obviously much more powerful than the rune mechanical beast in the weikong ship, which can be seen from their shell.

These Rune mechanical beasts are actually made of metal refined from star stone.

The numerous Rune mechanical beasts rushed over like a tide and soon surrounded Yang Tian and them.

Because the light is dim, it is impossible to estimate how many mechanical beasts fall to the bottom.

Three people and one dragon are ready to fight at any time.

Suddenly, the mechanical beast separated, and a mechanical beast twice as big as other mechanical beasts climbed out slowly.