Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 711

Hearing what Hei Fujun said, Yang Tian squatted down and looked curiously at the red stripes on the ground.

Yang Tiangang stretched out his hand and wanted to touch the rune energy line. He heard a "pa" sound, and heifujun\'s hand was bounced away.

Then, the red line lit up, emitting a red light like blood.

Black Fu Jun gritted his teeth and rubbed his wrist, looking very uncomfortable.

Yang Tian carefully looked at the place where the black Fu Jun had just touched and found that this guy\'s hand was itching. He actually cut off a layer of transparent shell on the surface of the black line.

These red lines are like electric wires conducting electric energy. Black Fujun cuts off the outer layer of insulator and is\' electrified \'.

As soon as the red line is bright, the space will be bright.

Although there was enough light, the place where Yang Tian\'s eyesight was still dark and could not see the end.

However, the situation above the head can be vaguely seen.

Originally, this is also a naturally formed cave, with the top about 100 meters high from the ground.

Unlike the ground, the lines at the top are blue.

When the red lines on the ground lit up, countless blue lines on the top of the cave also lit up.

As soon as these energy lines were bright, Yang Tian felt a strong Rune energy.

Compared with the man-made Rune array, the rune energy generated by this naturally formed Rune array is more complex. Yang Tian feels more than ten types of Rune energy.

The brightness of the rune energy line continued to increase, and in the end, the three had to close their eyes slightly.

When the rune energy line lit up to a certain extent, the sound of "boom" sounded again, and the huge cave that could not see the edge shook again.

All of them are practitioners. They have a keen sense and can clearly feel that they are rising.

At this time, it is the time for Lamu mountain to rise.

Yang Tian, where they are now, is at the bottom of Lamu mountain.

The rising speed was not very fast. It lasted about half an hour and finally stopped.

"Boom ~"

Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

The cave began to shake and fell down quickly.

In the process of cave landing, the light of Rune energy line began to weaken slowly, and finally stopped after a few minutes.

Just then, a faint white light was projected from above.

The three looked up and were surprised to find that a large hole was opened at the top of the cave. The light white light was projected from the hole.

Obviously, this light is natural light.

Seeing the light shining from the outside, Huie Miaomiao breathed a sigh. Since KuMan appeared, she has always reminded her to lose her courage. Now, can she finally go out?

Unexpectedly, at this time, black Fu Jun murmured, "we can\'t get out. We\'ve long been trapped here."

Yang Tian nodded and said, "I feel that the natural Rune array has been actively changed by the rune."

As soon as Yang Tian\'s voice fell, the rune energy line lit up again.

At the same time, the light of the upper hole was dark, and the sand and stones around the hole were suddenly rolled up, making a loud noise.

I may not feel anything when I hear such a sound outside, but Yang Tian and they are in a semi enclosed space.

As soon as the sound rang, the three people felt dizzy and swollen, and felt the sound stronger and stronger.

Obviously, this voice has great destructive power. Yang Tian hurriedly invoked the spiritual strength from the original circles, and protected himself and the two people of Hui Yi Miao Miao and black Fu Jun.

With the protection of spiritual energy, strange and powerful sound waves can no longer cause damage to the three people.

The rotating air flow above the cave is rotating faster and faster, making a whistling wind. Strangely, the change of the air flow above does not affect the air flow at the * * part of the cave, just like an energy layer isolating the inside and outside.

What Yang Tian doesn\'t know is that a huge pit with an opening of hundreds of kilometers has been formed outside, and the place where he is now is tens of thousands of meters away from the ground.

After the destructive sound wave disappeared, heifujun took out the "compass" from the storage bracelet to find out the rune energy.

Looking at the rapid rotation of the pointer on the compass, Hei Fujun reluctantly shook his head and immediately put the precision tool into the storage space.

The rune energy here is too messy. The black Rune king is helpless.

Yang Tian closed his eyes and carefully felt the rune energy around him.

In his mind, a vague picture was formed. They were enveloped by a rune energy with a diameter of about 100 meters.

This Rune energy is extremely chaotic. It is composed of thousands of Rune energy lines of different colors, just like a huge colored cocoon, trapping Yang Tian and them here.

Black Rune Jun came here before Yang Tian. It was this Rune energy that prevented him from leaving.

The Fuzhu and KuMan, who arrived here first, probably left before the rune array started.

Yang Tian just felt the energy of the surrounding runes, opened his eyes and looked up with a frown.

Black Fu Jun suddenly sprang up and hit a punch upward. The powerful fist power hit and went up, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea. There was no response at all.

The rapid friction between air flow and objects will also produce heat. Soon, Yang Tian and his colleagues noticed that the temperature in this space was rising rapidly, and it rose to more than 100 degrees in less than five minutes. It was difficult for ordinary people to survive at this temperature.

A bad feeling appeared in the hearts of the three.

Huie Miaomiao doesn\'t understand the rune array. He\'s just worried that this is a killing array.

The general structure of the rune array appeared in the minds of Yang Tian and Hei Fujun at the same time.

If the rotating air flow above generates heat, it will conduct the heat down and be trapped by the rune array, high temperature will be formed in the local area

Can\'t wait any longer!

To get out, you have to rely on strange programs.

The strange program attached to Yang Tian has long been calculating the surrounding Rune energy.

After being able to control countless\' small particles\', strange programs have a special body and stronger computing power.

After Yang Tian had the idea of leaving here immediately, the strange program immediately appeared and flew to Yang Tian\'s left. Countless small particles formed the shape of a drill bit and flew very fast.

Black Fu Jun was worried. He was relieved to see Yang Tian moving.

The temperature rises rapidly, and the rocks rubbed by the air flow gradually turn red. If you wait any longer, maybe they will be roasted alive here.

Before Yang Tian\'s arrival, black Fujun touched the rune energy layer surrounding them. After a simple look, he knew that he could not crack it.

Yang Tian and Hui e Miaomiao followed the strange program and walked forward quickly, and black Fu Jun immediately followed.

"Poof ~"

A dull noise.

The rune energy that surrounded Yang Tian and them was chiseled a big hole by a strange program. The three men seized the chance of a short break in the hole and rushed out.