Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 710


The road ahead was just blocked. With a loud noise, the messy boulders in front of him exploded. Then, the huge dragon head appeared.

It turned out that Xiaoqinglong broke the gravel and opened the blocked channel.

When Xiaoqinglong shrinks back, Yang Tian and Huie Miaomiao immediately follow up.

They walked less than 100 meters and came to the place with blue light.

Sure enough, it is a transmission array.

Most of the underground caves have collapsed, but the cave where the transmission Rune array is located is very strong because of the protection of Rune power.

The little green dragon changed back to the mini green dragon, returned to Yang Tian\'s shoulder, and told Yang Tian that KuMan and heifujun had just left through this transmission array.

Without hesitation, Yang Tian took Huie Miaomiao to the transmission array.


After the collapse of Lamu mountain, the ground at the bottom of the mountain was still shaking. Centered on Lamu mountain, the ground around hundreds of miles slowly protruded.

It looks like a giant beast is about to break through the earth.

Half of Lamu mountain kept rising. In less than half an hour, it had recovered its original height, or even higher. From a distance, it was like a broken sword sticking out of the earth.

The practitioners who arrived here quietly looked at the magnificent scene in front of them.

Such topographic changes have not occurred on this continent for a long time.

"Boom ~"

Suddenly there was a loud noise.

The protruding Lamu mountain suddenly subsided and formed a large hole hundreds of miles around.

"Buzz ~"

They were about to go and explore, when suddenly a buzzing sound came from the cave. Then there was the sound of the wind.

The strong attraction came from the cave. A large number of mountains, rocks and trees around the cave were rolled in, like a vortex falling into the water, rotating rapidly in the air and falling towards the depths of the cave.

When the practitioners close to the cave saw this situation, they were shocked and retreated quickly.

"Boom, boom..."

The air flow from the cave became stronger and stronger, the entrance became smoother and wider, and spread around at a very fast speed.

This terrible scene makes people think that if the cave is allowed to expand indefinitely, the whole continent may be destroyed.

When many practitioners were frightened, the cave began to change again.

The air velocity in the cave began to slow down and finally stopped after less than an hour.

When the air flow stopped, what appeared in the eyes of everyone was a large hole in the shape of a horn.

The brave practitioner carefully came to the edge of the cave and looked down, but his eyes widened.

The airflow generated in the cave before scraped the wall of the cave very smooth. Several kilometers below, there were layers of... Lice crystals.

The lice crystal ore produced in the mine is granular, and there are slight differences in color due to different density.

The lice crystal mine below is large, glittering and shining, and looks very beautiful.

Purple lice crystal veins extend down from thousands of meters to the end of sight.

As the saying goes, people die for money and birds die for food. Greed can overcome fear. Even if a large number of practitioners jump and slide down the cave wall.

"Hahaha... It\'s really lice crystal, a lot of lice crystal!"

The first practitioner who slipped into the lice crystal deposit inserted a knife into the cave wall, stopped, looked at the purple lice crystal deposit in front of him, and smiled happily.

Everyone did not expect that there was such a large lice crystal mine at the bottom of Lamu mountain.

Lamu mountain is the center of the natural Rune array. It is not surprising that it can produce rich lice crystal ore.

The first group of people who slipped to the lice crystal deposit took out their weapons and began to dig on the lice crystal deposit.

For a moment, there was a constant clang.

Seeing such a situation, the practitioners standing at the entrance of the cave finally couldn\'t help but slide down along the wall of the cave.

Hundreds of kilometers of caves can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.

Most people are crazy, but a few people seem very calm. They don\'t move even when they see someone put large pieces of lice crystals into storage tools.

"Buzz ~"

Less than half an hour before the air flow stopped, suddenly a buzzing sound sounded again at the bottom of the cave.

Then the strong air flow appeared again.

The practitioners who were digging lice crystal mine had no time to react, so they were rolled up by the air flow and fell into the bottom of the cave.

The whine of the air completely covered up the scream.

The sudden air flow swept away at least tens of thousands of people.

After about half an hour, the air flow in the cave stopped again.

With the last lesson, no one dared to go on.

At this time, the people of the three temples seized the opportunity to surround the cave and forbid anyone to go down again.

The reason for the three temples is that the cave suddenly appears very dangerous. No one is allowed to step in until it is clear.

This high sounding reason is naturally unconvincing. Everyone knows that the three temples must covet the lice crystal in the cave. Almost all the benefits of the whole continent have been occupied by the three temples.

Even so, we all dare to be angry but dare not speak, and we dare not oppose it with practical actions.


When the blue light in front of them disappeared, Yang Tian and they had come to a place where the light was dim and the edge could not be seen.

If not for the faint blue light projected from the top of the head, this space must be out of reach.

"Yang Tian..."

Yang Tian took Huie Miaomiao\'s hand and was looking around. Suddenly, the voice of heifu Jun sounded nearby.

Then, a bright light appeared in the direction of the sound.

Holding a luminous triangular object in his hand, heifu Jun walked quickly towards Yang Tian.

Hearing that heifujun called himself "Yang Tian", Yang Tian was worried.

If these two words are heard by KuMan, it will be in big trouble.

Before KuMan appeared, he doubted Yang Tian\'s identity. If he heard heifujun\'s call to Yang Tian at this time, even if KuMan was stupid, he knew that she had been cheated by Yang Tian\'s appearance.

Fortunately, only the black Fujun appeared, and there was no trace of KuMan.

"What about Lord Fu and KuMan?" Yang Tian asked faintly when Mr. Black Fu came to him.

Black Fu Jun shook his head: "I haven\'t seen them since I came here. It\'s strange here. Just look at the ground."

Yang Tian and Hui e looked at their feet at the same time.

It turned out that the ground was full of red stripes, just like tree roots, very messy. At first glance, it is like this, but if you look closely, you will find that these stripes seem to have a certain regularity.

Black Fu Jun squatted down, stroked the red stripe with his hand and said, "if I\'m right, these things are the energy lines of the natural Fu array."