Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 709

"Muyi, I will kill you!"

The Fuzhu trapped by the strange program was extremely angry. His consciousness came to lamulan\'s body again and threatened Yang Tiandao coldly.

Lord Fu was about to succeed, but he was destroyed by Yang Tian. If it were Yang Tian, he would be very angry.

Facing the threat from the master, Yang Tian clenched his fist and remained unmoved. Since they all started, he had to kill the master and couldn\'t let him out alive!


As soon as Fu Zhu\'s voice fell, a burst of explosion suddenly sounded in the cave space.

This is the sound of an invisible Rune energy line breaking.

After cutting off the energy between the external energy and the rune, the huge energy stagnates, and the invisible Rune energy line can no longer bear the transmitted energy.

"Ah... Peng..."

Lamulan, controlled by the rune master, raised his head and roared reluctantly. His body suddenly burst into a blood mist.

Due to the bondage of strange programs, this blood mist curled around the blue sphere, making it a veritable "blood fetus".

After Lamu Blue\'s body burst, the crack on the blue sphere shell became smaller and smaller, and soon disappeared and returned to its original shape.

At the same time, without the supply of external energy, it is no longer suspended in the air and falls downward.

"Boom ~"

Before the ball landed, it suddenly burst and made a loud noise.

In this explosion, powerful energy was released, and countless small \'particles\' controlled by strange programs were dispersed in the explosion.

Although the explosion was powerful, it could not destroy the rune energy. Soon, these small "particles" gathered again and returned to Yang Tian under the control of strange programs.

At this time, the strange program has completed the first step.

It is reasonable to say that the strange program was created by the Fuzhu. Yang Tian is also worried that the strange program will not do its best to deal with the Fuzhu.

However, it seems that the strange program has no "feeling" for the owner.

Yang Tian understood with a little thought that although today\'s strange program is a part of the previous Rune program, it does not retain the sense of loyalty to the rune Lord.

It is said that under the command of the Fuzhu, the strange program destroyed itself, but in fact, it is estimated that no one knows except the Fuzhu.

If it weren\'t for the urgency of time, Yang Tian didn\'t want to delay any more. He wanted to make it clear.

Next, we will kill the Fuzhu. It is estimated that it will become an unsolvable mystery.

After the blue sphere burst open, a 17-year-old boy, * * * * jumped out of the cave, moved and ran outside the cave.

KuMan was always alert to the blue sphere. When the blue sphere burst, she was ready to take action. As soon as she saw the * * * * teenager escape, she moved and immediately caught up with him.

At this point, if the master doesn\'t come from the "blood fetus", he will be "suffocated" in it.

At this time, the rune comes out like a premature baby. Although it has strong energy, it can\'t control the energy in the body in a short time.

His only choice is to run away, run away, and then find a place to hide and recuperate his body

At that time, no one in this continent will be his opponent unless the gods appear.

Due to Yang Tian\'s destruction, Fuzhu\'s plan was not perfect.

Even so, now this body is much better than before. Originally, his longevity has arrived. Through a long sleep, it is tantamount to prolonging his life

There is more than one way out of this huge cave.

The master of the talisman was old and treacherous. In order to prevent accidents, he was ready to retreat. When the master\'s figure rushed into a humble cave with a diameter of less than three meters, KuMan followed up, but hit the rune energy at the hole, and was bounced back with a sound of "Peng".

KuMan, who was stopped by the defensive talisman array at the mouth of the cave, knew that he didn\'t catch up with the Lord at this time and let the Lord escape. Soon, he would become the great enemy of the temple.

Although she consumed most of her energy, she was bounced away by the rune energy. After that, she bit her teeth and rushed towards the hole again.

At this time, the withered man seemed to be very arrogant, as if he wanted to break through the defensive Rune array with brute force.

"Peng... Peng... Peng..."

Her body collides with the rune energy and makes a continuous fluffy sound.

After each bounce back and another impact, KuMan found that the rune energy to stop her was weaker.

"Peng ~"

When Yang Tian, Hui Ermiao and Hei Fujun arrived, there was a loud noise and the rune array at the entrance of the cave was finally broken by KuMan.

KuMan just glanced at Yang Tian and them behind him, and immediately rushed into the cave.

Yang Tian stopped at the entrance of the cave.

The black Fujun followed KuMan and rushed into the cave.

"Shall we follow?" hui\'e Miaomiao glanced at the unfathomable cave and asked Yang Tiandao.

"Xiao Long, go and have a look." Yang Tian turned his head and said to Xiao Qinglong on his shoulder.

Xiaoqinglong nodded, bounced from Yang Tian\'s shoulder, turned into a cyan light, and entered the cave.


Yang Tian said, took Huie Miaomiao\'s hand, followed little green dragon, and rushed into the cave.


As soon as Yang Tian and Huie Miaomiao entered the cave, the cave began to shake strongly, and behind them came messy Rune energy fluctuations.

This underground space is protected by an invisible natural Rune array. KuMan, lamulan and twelve Lamu elders did not destroy the cave before. Now the blue sphere has been destroyed, the natural Rune array has been destroyed, and the rune energy is messy. This place has also lost the protection of the natural Rune array.

Yang Tian and Hui e Miaomiao began to drop a lot of rubble in the cave in the process of moving forward quickly. It seems that they will collapse soon.

Yang Tian and Hui e Miaomiao immediately accelerated their speed.

At this time, if Yang Tian is outside, you can see that the towering Lamu mountain begins to shake and tilt slowly to one side.

Lamu mountain is very famous in this continent and is always concerned. Its changes spread towards the whole continent faster than the speed of light.

Although KuMan hasn\'t had time to report the situation here to the temple, the three temples and nearby families all sent people to come at the first time.

Lamu mountain shook more and more. Finally, it couldn\'t hold on and fell to one side.

"Boom ~"

Lamu mountain, which has stood for an unknown number of years, broke from the middle, and the huge mountain hit the ground with a loud noise.

Yang Tian and his team were located at a depth of kilometers below the Lamu mountain. When half of the Lamu mountain hit the ground, the caves collapsed one after another.

Yang Tian and Hui e Miaomiao just saw a blue light in front of them, and a huge stone fell in front of them, blocking their way.

This blue light seems to be the light emitted by the transmission array.